
Spider-Verse: The Superior Velocity (AU)

[ The Flash x Spiderman (MCU) Fanfic ] Barry Parker, a young cheerful boy living with his loving parents until one faithful day... Disaster struck!! His mother, Nora Parker died and his father, Henry Parker was blamed for her death. With no parents there for him, he was left all alone with no relatives wanting him when two family members from his father's side, Uncle Ben and Aunt May decided to take care of him. And this was where his story started... Bitten by a radioactive spider, gaining superhuman strengths and other abilities. But he wasn't just any normal Spiderman... He was a Spiderman who could move fast like a flash... no, he was the Superior Velocity. A/N: The story is slow-paced, so be warned. =============================== Disclaimer: All characters and the cover do not belong to me, they belong to their respective creators. And to warn the readers, I have very little knowledge of Marvel comics and whatnot. Everything I know comes from the Movies (MCU). So, I apologize in advance if there are mistakes regarding the plot and characters. ===============================

ChronosXx · Filme
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20 Chs

Chapter 16: Date

At the Parker's Apartment...

Barry sifted through his closet, searching for any semblance of formal or appropriate attire for his upcoming date. Meanwhile, Aunt May hovered behind him, offering a steady stream of opinions and suggestions regarding his wardrobe choices.

"That's too bland"

"What about this?"

"Not bad but try this instead"

The pair engaged in a lively discussion, swiftly swapping out various clothing combinations as Barry continuously changed outfits for Aunt May's discerning appraisal. 

They meticulously assessed each ensemble, striving to find the perfect matching clothes for his date.

As Barry and Aunt May were engrossed in their fashion deliberations, Uncle Ben entered the room, cradling a vintage watch in his hands as he made his way over to Barry, eventually standing before him with the timepiece held out.


Barry's confusion was evident as he glanced at Uncle Ben's unexpected presence, while Aunt May, in contrast, seemed unperturbed as if anticipating his arrival. 

She merely stood silently, her expression passive, attentively waiting to observe the interaction between Barry and Uncle Ben.

"I've been wanting to give this to you, Barry"


Barry accepted the vintage watch from Uncle Ben's outstretched hand, his initial confusion giving way to appreciation as he scrutinized the timepiece. 

After a few moments of examination, he looked up at Uncle Ben, a questioning expression lingering in his gaze, silently prompting an explanation for the unexpected gift.

"That watch was from your grandfather who got it from his father..."


"It has been passed down from generation to generation and now, it's yours"

Feeling a surge of warmth in his heart, Barry gently clasped the watch, a gesture of gratitude for the thoughtful gift from Uncle Ben. 

With a sense of sentimentality, he resolved to wear the watch for his date, cherishing both its aesthetic appeal and the sentimental value it held.

"I'll cherish it well"


[1 hour later...]

Outside Caitlin's home, Barry stood motionless, his nerves palpable as he anxiously tapped his feet against the ground, anticipation building with each passing moment as he awaited her arrival.

'This is nervewracking'

Barry began to fidget, fussing over his appearance by straightening his clothing and smoothing down his hair, anxious about the possibility of appearing disheveled or unkempt in Caitlin's presence.

After a few moments of jittery anticipation, Barry managed to calm his nerves, taking deep breaths to ease the tension. 

Just as he began to relax, the door swung open, revealing the person he had been anxiously waiting for as Caitlin finally emerged from her home.


Barry's eyes lit up as Caitlin stepped out in a casual yet elegant white dress, complemented by a stylish white jacket slung effortlessly over her shoulder. 

And with each graceful step in her heels, she made her way toward him, exuding an air of effortless charm and sophistication.

"Hey, Barry"


Caitlin smiled warmly and waved her hand, greeting Barry as she approached him, but he remained rooted to the spot, utterly dumbfounded by her beauty as his gaze fixed on her in a dazed astonishment.


Worriedly, Caitlin called out Barry's name as her gaze fixed on him like a concerned sentinel. 

And Barry, resembling a steadfast rock, shortly emerged from his dazed state upon hearing her voice, promptly clearing his throat as he regained his composure. With a flash of a smile directed at her, he signaled his return to alertness.

"You look beautiful"

"Thank you"

Upon receiving his compliment, a faint blush tinted Caitlin's cheeks, and she shyly averted her gaze, her movements delicate as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. A mixture of embarrassment and happiness swirled within her, grateful for the praise yet bashful under its spotlight.


With a smile gracing his lips, Barry extended his hand toward Caitlin, a silent request for hers. Timidly, she acquiesced, placing her hand in his, their fingers intertwining as they shared a tender moment, connected in a gentle embrace of their joined hands.

After that, their journey continued as they hailed a taxi, embarking on an adventure throughout the vibrant streets of Queens. 

They explored an array of locales, from cozy cafes to serene parks, lively arcades to spirited karaoke bars, and exhilarating amusement parks. Amidst their escapades, they shared laughter and excitement, their bond growing stronger with each shared experience. 

Their day reached its peak as they soared through the twists and turns of a rollercoaster, embracing the thrill of the moment and creating memories to cherish forever.

Overall, the two had an enjoyable moment together...

As their day together drew to a close, Barry and Caitlin opted to wind down by visiting a museum, seeking solace in the quiet contemplation of art and history amidst the whirlwind of excitement they had experienced. 

Embracing the opportunity to slow down the pace and savor the remaining moments of their date, they strolled hand in hand through the exhibits, allowing the serene ambiance of the museum to envelop them in a sense of calm and reflection.

"So, why this museum specifically?"

As Caitlin stood engrossed in scrutinizing an exhibit, her chin supported by her hand in a pose of contemplation, Barry, with a curious glint in his eyes, directed a question her way. 

And sensing his gaze, Caitlin pivoted her attention towards him, her curious eyes meeting his with an air of anticipation.

"We... my family used to come here in the past with Cisco and..."

"Ronnie, right?"


Barry's gaze lingered on Caitlin, a hint of hesitation flickering in his eyes as he observed her. 

Despite her attempts to avert her eyes, Caitlin couldn't fully conceal the tinge of sadness that lingered within them as Barry contemplated before deciding to voice out a suggestion.

"Wanna talk about?"

Caitlin remained silent in response, her reluctance to delve into her past palpable in the air between them. 

Sensing her hesitation, Barry respected her boundaries and chose not to press the matter further, and with a gentle understanding in his eyes, he accepted her silence, silently offering his support and presence 


In the tranquil ambiance of the museum, Barry and Caitlin continued their silent stroll, allowing the exhibits to speak volumes in place of their words. 

Just as the silence seemed to settle comfortably between them, Barry broke it with the soft resonance of his voice, punctuating the stillness with a gentle interruption.

"My father was arrested for killing my mother"


Caitlin flinched in surprise, her attention abruptly drawn to Barry as he spoke, his revelation catching her off guard. With a mixture of confusion and curiosity, she turned her head to gaze at him, her eyes searching his expression for any hint of the gravity behind his words. 

Meanwhile, Barry remained seemingly unperturbed, his focus fixed on the exhibits as if his revelation was merely a passing thought.

In reality, Barry's decision to share a glimpse of his past was intentional. 

He understood the importance of building trust in their relationship, recognizing that vulnerability begets vulnerability. By revealing a part of himself to Caitlin, he hoped to foster a deeper connection rooted in mutual trust and understanding.

"And I'm the only one who knows or believes that he was framed. So for years, I have been trying to prove my father's innocence"


"Well, so far... I seem to be failing, haha"

Barry let out a bitter chuckle and shrugged his shoulders, attempting to appear nonchalant as he sought to diffuse the awkward tension he had unintentionally stirred. 


On the other hand, Caitlin's frustration manifested in the subtle gesture of her biting her lower lip with her expression reflecting hesitance as she clenched her fist in a moment of inner turmoil. 

However, with a gradual release of tension, she relaxed her hand and began to open her mouth, signaling her readiness to address the emotions stirring within her.

"Me, Cisco, and Ronnie used to live in Manhattan..." 


"But after the Chitauri army invaded, we moved in Queens"

Barry's eyes widened slightly in surprise upon learning that Caitlin and Cisco used to reside in Manhattan, a revelation that caught him off guard as it was the first time he had encountered this piece of information, and the unexpected disclosure piqued his curiosity.

The realization that even Cisco had kept this information from him gave Barry a pause. 

He couldn't help but wonder about the reasons behind the omission, sensing that there might be more to the story than met the eye. 

And choosing to withhold judgment, Barry opted to remain silent, deciding to listen attentively and allow Caitlin the space to share her perspective in her own time.

'Manhattan, Ronnie, Chitauri...'

However, after Barry mulled over the revelation and reflected on the puzzle pieces that had come to light, a realization dawned on him. 

Suddenly, the scattered fragments of information began to coalesce, forming a coherent picture in his mind. 

With each revelation, the pieces of the puzzle fell into place, painting a clearer picture of the situation. 

Barry's mind instantly raced as he connected the dots, piecing together the hidden truths and uncovering the deeper meaning behind Caitlin and Cisco's past.

'So, that's how it is'

With a sense of anticipation, Barry maintained his silence as his gaze fixed on Caitlin, waiting for her next words. 

In the stillness of the moment, he could already sense the direction her thoughts were taking, his intuition guiding him toward what she was about to reveal. 

As Caitlin gathered her thoughts and finally spoke, Barry's silent anticipation was met with confirmation as she unveiled the very revelation he had already intuited.

"Ronnie died when the Chitauri army invaded"


"He tried to save us but..."

Caitlin closed her eyes, overwhelmed by a tidal wave of sadness and anger coursing through her heart, feeling tears prickling at the corners of her eyes but amid her turmoil, a gentle hand suddenly reached out, tenderly patting her head.

She glanced beside her to find Barry's hand resting gently on her head, his fingers delicately brushing through her hair and a warm smile graced his lips as he met her gaze with eyes full of understanding and compassion. 

In that fleeting moment, Caitlin felt a shift within her as the weight of her sadness and anger slowly melted away in the presence of Barry's reassuring smile. 

It was as if his expression of empathy and care had the power to quell the storm raging within her, replacing it with a sense of comfort and reassurance.

Fortunately, the museum was relatively quiet, sparing Barry and Caitlin from the discomfort and the awkwardness of being scrutinized by a crowd of onlookers.

"We were about to be killed by them when Ronnie decided to sacrifice himself and lure the Chitauri soldiers away..."


"Because of him, we were able to get away but Ronnie... he was killed"

With Caitlin's emotions gradually subsiding, she began to open up to Barry, sharing fragments of her past in a voice tinged with vulnerability. His hand remained a steady source of comfort, gently caressing hers in a soothing rhythm, silently encouraging her to continue.

As she spoke, Barry listened attentively, offering a reassuring presence and a compassionate ear, providing a safe space for Caitlin to unburden herself and find solace in sharing her story.

"The police only found his body after the battle ended but the moment we saw him, we couldn't even recognize him anymore"


"His entire body was burnt and there were holes riddled all over..."


"I remembered passing out and after that... I cried"

Caitlin's hands clenched into fists briefly, a silent gesture of her internal turmoil before she relaxed them, surrendering to a moment of vulnerability as she leaned her head against Barry's chest, seeking solace in his presence and he couldn't help but jerk in surprise at the sudden move. 

However, realizing her need for comfort, he quickly eased into the embrace, allowing Caitlin to find solace in his steady heartbeat and supportive presence.

For a full minute, a serene silence enveloped Barry and Caitlin, their shared moment imbued with a sense of tranquility and understanding as Barry's hand remained gently resting on her head, offering a comforting touch, while Caitlin basked in the warmth of his presence, finding solace in the quiet companionship they shared.

"Shall we go? There are still other exhibits we haven't seen"

Barry's warm smile remained and gently withdrew his hand from Caitlin's head as he did so, he sensed a subtle shift in her demeanor and couldn't shake the feeling that he had caught a fleeting expression of dissatisfaction on her face for a brief moment. 

However, as quickly as it appeared, the frown vanished, replaced by Caitlin's usual passive expression which made Barry confused, thinking he had seen wrong.

'Weird... it must have been my imagination'

Sup... I'm back from the exam and it was exhausting.

ChronosXxcreators' thoughts