
Chapter 125

After spending a long time talking with Aunt May, the Ultimate Spider-Man left her house.

He needed to go home to see Mary Jane.

Before his "death," he and Mary Jane had already settled down.

Aunt May told him that after her "death," Mary Jane had been very sad and melancholic for a long time.

So, despite her reluctance, Aunt May asked him to hurry home and see Mary Jane.

After the Ultimate Spider-Man left, Miles and Aaron Davis also departed.

As for Mark and Gwen, Aunt May was very happy that they had come to see her.

Since Mark and Gwen didn't have a place to stay in this world, they ended up staying at Aunt May's house.

That night, Mark noticed certain changes in his body.

A web of destiny silently appeared in his mind realm.

This was an ability he naturally gained from the power of destiny after saving the Ultimate Spider-Man.

This giant web connected Mark closely with all the different Spider-People. However, it was distinctly different from the "Web of Life and Destiny" controlled by the Weaver.

The two were possibly unrelated, at least from Mark's perspective. Mark realized that, in this so-called "Web of Destiny," there were only a few "spiders" at the moment.

And their positions were distinct and easy to identify.

At the very center was a huge black dot representing himself, and it was also the core of this web of destiny.

Radiating out from this core were twelve rather thick strands, each with the effect of extending infinitely outward.

Between every two thick strands, there were several thinner threads, forming a web-like structure of spider nodes.

A small portion of these spider nodes already had something present.

For example, on the three nodes of the thick strand extending upward were Tobey Spider, Andrew Spider, and Spider-Tom.

As for the adult Andrew Spider and the Evil Andrew Spider, perhaps because they were parallel-world counterparts of Andrew Spider, they were placed on two fate nodes closer to Andrew Spider. However, it was evident that the fate nodes for adult Andrew Spider and the Evil Andrew Spider were smaller than Andrew Spider's.

On the thick strand extending to the left, the closest node to Mark represented Spider-Gwen's destiny.

Further out, there were nodes representing Miles and the Ultimate Spider.

Unfortunately, he did not see nodes for the Spider-Noir, Penny, Spider-Ham, or Middle-aged Peter Spider-Man, all of whom he had come into contact with.

Clearly, he had not altered their destinies and had not allowed them to escape their original fates, so they did not appear on his web of destiny.

He could sense that he could now contact them through this web of destiny, and the "spiders" on this web of destiny could also contact him in a specific manner.

At the same time, this web of destiny made him realize some new things:

Entering the anime dimension meant that he was very likely to encounter the Inheritors Family

Because the Inheritors hunting range extended throughout the entire anime and comic dimension!

In other words, unless Mark escaped back to the movie dimension, he could encounter these people.

When he received this feedback from the power of destiny, for a moment, Mark indeed felt fear!

Members of the Inheritors' family each possessed terrifying powers.

The only thing that could counter them was nuclear radiation.

But nuclear radiation was not something ordinary people, not even Mark, could control.

His quantumization couldn't achieve radioactive effects.

However, he didn't run away.

In fact, ever since he learned that his ability came from the Weaver's gift, he understood his responsibility from the beginning. Every Spider-Man should have their own responsibility.

For most Spider-Men, their responsibility was within their neighborhoods, maintaining peace and safety within the community, nothing more.

But there were a few Spider-Men with greater responsibilities, so great that they were responsible for safeguarding the Earth or even the entire universe's peace, like the Spider-Man who joined the Fantastic Four, the Spider-Man who became the Beyonder Spider-Man, and the Spider-Man who got the Enigma Force.

His responsibility was to rescue those Spider-Men, whose destinies had already been contaminated by the Inheritors, from the Web of Life and Destiny and help them through the crisis!

To lead them through the crisis!

The Inheritors' hunting operation had been ongoing for centuries!

There were countless Spider-Men from various universes who had died at their hands!

And there were many more people who had been killed alongside those Spider-Men!

They were the closest people to each world's Spider-Man, willing to sacrifice their lives and fight for him when he faced dire adversity!

To protect their friends, to protect the Spider-Men, to protect the friends of Spider-Men!

This was the responsibility and mission bestowed upon him by the Web of Destiny, alongside the power it granted him.

"With great power comes great responsibility."

In reality, he couldn't escape.

Of course, he could continue hiding in the movie dimension, waiting for Peter B. Parker and the main universe Peter Parker to come forward and lead the Spider-Men to defeat the Inheritors.

But that was a comic, a "possibility."

What if they failed?

They had gathered so many Spider-Powers, but what if they still failed?

Then who would lead the next action against the Inheritors?

Who could guarantee that after sacrificing the "wives," "others," and "descendants" and eliminating all the Spider-Men in the anime dimension and comic dimension, the Inheritors wouldn't find a way to enter the movie dimension?

Rather than passively waiting for doom, it was better to take the initiative!

Mark didn't plan to stay here for long.

The next day, after having a conversation with the Ultimate Spider-Man, he left a mark on him. Through this mark, they could communicate across time and space.

Then, he left a unique mark on Miles.

These marks were taken from his Web of Destiny, representing a part of their respective nodes.

He left these marks because Peter B. Parker and the British Spider-Man would discover the Inheritors' family's actions at about the same time. Inheritors' family members would appear in the Ultimate Universe.

In the original timeline, Miles fought alone and was almost killed. It wasn't until others arrived that they saved him.

But this time, there were three strong individuals: Ultimate Spider-Man, Prowler, and Miles. If they could call Mark as soon as they spotted a member of the Inheritors' family, they might have a chance against these foes. And even if they couldn't win, escaping was an option.

Afterward, Mark borrowed Ultimate Spider-Man's device to upgrade Miles' suit. Miles preferred a soft and smooth style to the metal look Mark had. Ultimate Spider-Man, being a great inventor, quickly designed a new suit that met Miles' preferences, made of superior materials and added intelligent assistance and new abilities.

Both Miles and Mark were quite satisfied with the result. In fact, Ultimate Spider-Man and Miles were very interested in Mark's time-traveling abilities. However, Mark's description of the Inheritors' family raised their concern.

So, Ultimate Spider-Man decided to focus on training Miles' combat abilities. Simultaneously, he would try to develop a handheld nuclear radiation device based on Mark's description of the Inheritors' weaknesses. Mark recommended looking into Dr. Octavius's miniature artificial sun for reference. However, Dr. Octavius's device was focused on energy production, while they needed something that emphasized the effects of nuclear radiation. Mark admitted that research wasn't his strong suit, so he knew where he stood. His role was clear: travel to more Spider-Man worlds and bring more Spider-Men into his Web of Destiny.

This would not only strengthen his own abilities but also allow him to quickly gather more Spider-Men during major battles.

As Mark was preparing to leave, an unexpected guest appeared before them.

It was Madame Octavius, Olivia Liv Octavius!

Although her special active metal allowed her to sense Mark's return to this world, it lacked pinpoint precision.

So, she had to search bit by bit.

Unfortunately, when she went to Aunt May's house in the morning, Mark had just left to meet with Ultimate Spider-Man and Miles.

So, she came up empty-handed.

Only when she reached Peter Parker's home did she finally find Mark.

"Hey, Liv, long time no see. What's up?" Mark greeted her with a wave.

Madame Octavius was momentarily stunned but quickly became somewhat annoyed. She said, "You ask me if I have something? You come back and don't even come to see me? Have you forgotten what you did to me? How could you forget?!!"

The frustration of searching all night overwhelmed her in an instant.

Mark: ????

Gwen: ????

Ultimate Spider-Man and Miles: ????

"Lady, you can eat your meals however you like, but be careful with your words! My girlfriend is right here!" Mark couldn't sit still anymore as he felt Gwen's dangerous aura.

Gwen coldly looked at him but remained silent, making Mark even more uncomfortable.

Mark quickly explained, "Gwen, please don't misunderstand. I really have nothing with her. When I left this world initially, she secretly found me and gave me a tube of nanometal particles, wanting me to take her out of this world."

At this point, Gwen chuckled and laughed so hard that her shoulders were trembling. "Haha, I believe you, of course. You could never be interested in such a scruffy, older woman."

Madame Octavius was infuriated, saying, "Who are you calling scruffy? I just had my hair done last month!" She pulled out a hair tie and tied her hair up while several mechanical tentacles slowly extended, showing their sharpness. "Who are you calling old woman?"

She took slow steps closer to Gwen, and just as Mark was about to intervene, Gwen stopped him.

"I want to see if I can defeat her with my own power," Gwen pressed her wrist, and the Spider suit quickly materialized, covering her whole body. The transformation was swift.

"Is that so? I remember a few months ago; I beat you pretty bad!" Madame Octavius stared coldly at Spider-Gwen, clearly eager to have a rematch.

Her plan was simple. She had previously demonstrated her scientific abilities and was now showing her combat prowess, hoping that Mark would recognize her usefulness. This way, Mark would take her with him and allow her to study her coveted "parallel universes."

"Fine, if you insist on fighting," Mark sighed and opened a portal. "Let's go to a place where no one else is."

After obtaining the "Web of Fate," Mark's mental power and control over temporal forces had significantly increased. He now felt that the range of his portals could cover half of the Earth.

This skill piqued Madame Octavius's interest once again. She inquired, "Space technology? Magic?" Her curiosity for Mark deepened.

The group, including Mark, Gwen, and Madame Octavius, entered the portal and appeared on the other side.

They found themselves in a forest located thousands of kilometers away from New York City. Although it wasn't a pristine jungle, it had tall trees and was largely untouched by human activity.

Mark chose this place as the battlefield to accommodate Spider-Gwen. The effectiveness of Spider-Man's fights on flat ground and those with obstacles was significantly different. Since they couldn't choose a crowded urban environment, they opted for the forest.

Without a word, Spider-Gwen and Madame Octavius exchanged a quick glance and simultaneously started their moves.

Spider-Gwen shot a strand of webbing at a nearby tree and flew upwards, seeking to secure aerial advantage.

Madame Octavius, on the other hand, displayed a more violent approach. Two mechanical tentacles behind her extended, gripping two trees beside her.

These trees snapped at the base and were stripped of branches by her tentacles, leaving only trunks.

With a swift motion, two slightly modified tree trunks were hurled like giant spears towards Spider-Gwen, who was concealed high above.

Spider-Gwen immediately adjusted the trajectory of one of her web strands with her other hand, then used a large web to ensnare one of the "giant spears."

"Returning this to you!" Spider-Gwen spun around the tree, using the rotational force to change the direction of the giant spear, sending it back down toward Madame Octavius.

One of Madame Octavius's mechanical tentacles extended suddenly, breaking the giant spear, and then she casually tossed it aside. Her figure leaped high into the air, utilizing two other mechanical tentacles for propulsion.

"Seems like you're not only old and ugly but also lacking in intelligence," Spider-Gwen taunted Madame Octavius. Simultaneously, a massive spider web appeared overhead, completely enveloping Madame Octavius!


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