
Spider-man: Spiderverse to Marvel Universe

Milo, who was bitten by a Spider poison, died in his sleep as he ignored the pain as he thought it was not harmful to his body. At the same time, on the other part of the parallel universe, a man just woke up after a good night's sleep after being bedridden because a spider bite realizes that something is wrong with his body especially his mind. Follow Milo to his unexpected reincarnation. I'm just installing the photoshopped, so I don't have a book cover yet. So can you wait for now thank you. Ok guys since no one is willing to be a proofreader I started to grind again and reworked all the chapters and use some help from software that helps in this kind of situation.

kardodalisay · Filme
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6 Chs

Second Day at School while meeting GWANDA

"Technically the explosion doesn't have much damage as I thought. Maybe because it's my power or I'm strong enough to withstand the recoil," Milo then stoop up from this frenzy.

Milo then cleaned the room as he remembered his childhood life or Miles in this situation.

He's thinking of a lot of scenarios, if this is just a dream maybe, or He's technically dead. Perhaps he is in hell.

After a long time (Like 20 minutes maybe), he accepted this new life. He loves watching the Spider-Man Series. Both comics and movies, Milo, jump to the bed and lay down and think deeply.

"Ok Miles was already bitten when I got reincarnated here, so probably I'm already in Brooklyn Vision Academy" Milo then looked around again and just realized he is not probably the only one who lives here.

Milo then remembered that in the movie, Miles has a roommate, who he rarely talks to until the end of the film.

"I think he is a programmer like me, so we might get along" Milo then sat and opened his laptop.

He looks for news about Spiderman and any new about other heroes.

"Is this Marvel Cinematic Universe or just Spiderverse that I watched?" Milo found out that Spiderman here is still alive and well.

Milo then thought of the movie. While thinking, someone got inside of the room and look at Miles, then just lay down in his bed, started reading comic books.

"Ok today I will probably have a lot of problems regarding this body," Milo thought of Mile embarrassing start when he gains this power.

As both Miles and Milo didn't have superpowers before the events that happened, they don't have prior experience. Both of them are amateurs when it comes to this type of thing.

"It is still 30 minutes before school starts. I should straighten myself about this kind of thinks as fast as I should!" Milo then focused on himself.

He felt his mind power is so strong, not only Miles is a genius and was enhanced by the spider bite.

His mind was only fused with Milo, who is experienced and Smarter than averaged people.

So Milo doesn't know if which is Milo and Mile as both of them are the same thing. It is not like

your typical reincarnation in which you take over a body.

The next thing about is, I have grown taller.

"I feel like I've experienced puberty three times," Milo said out loud.

Both him and his roommate we're shocked. Milo slapped his forehead and ran to the bathroom to wash his face, then ran back to change clothes. Milo looked at his roommate and thought of what he should say.

"Hey bro! I'm gonna go now" Milo then saw his roommate nod, then he left.

"Bad first Impressions, but I got to get it together. We should talk later," Milo then jogged towards the gate of the school and started walking by the entrance.

"Damn, this is annoying. Why is my voice in my head just got louder than before. I thought I already had it covered" Milo then looked at his shoes and realized that it was untied.

Milo felt conflicted about tying it. A part himself saying that the logical solution is by linking it like an average person, the other one thought it was a good thing to change some new stuff. It took a lot of calculation until he concluded that he tied one of the shoes as the other one was left alone.

He stood up and was shocked to see a girl in blonde hair and uniform. Both Miles and Milo thought of different things. She looks beautiful, and she resembles Kate.

Kate has the looks of Gwen Stacy and Kate in my past life. Milo freaked out as he didn't expect such a thing. Milo then walked back and stumbled by the stairs.

Gwen looked at him and asked.

"Why are you so sweaty?" Gwen asked.

"It's ... it's a PUBERTY thing!"

"Damn it why did I say that?" Milo thought that he is already a grown-up man. He is thinking, why is he so nervous in front of a girl.

"You're kind new here right? I just got here so we have something in common" Milo looked at her again and felt awkward.

"I'm Milooooooo, I mean I'm Miles. Mile Morales at your service" Milo then smiled awkwardly.

"I'm GweaaaaaaaaaanDa."

"Your name is Gwanda? (While I know it's Gwen. What I want to know if you are Kate or what)" Milo felt mesmerized that she resembles her a lot.

Gwen kept on talking, finding the reasons to justify her name as Gwanda.

"She really looks like Kate, but not the Kate that I knew" Milo then remembered something in his head.

"DO THE SHOULDER TEST! DO THE SHOULDER TEST! Do it!" Milo can't stop his mind as he wanted to know something.

Milo then slowly raised his hand like a giant monster in Slow motion and touched Gwen's shoulder.

"Haayy! (Hey)" Milo said in a deep voice.

Gwen was shocked at first and just let it go by saying.

"Ok then, so see you around," Gwen the smiled.

"See you!" Milo then thought.

"Fudge! I forgot about this part!" He tried to raised his hand and was still caught by the hair of Gwen, or we can say I grabbed it.

"Hey, can you let go pleased?" Gwen asked.

"Ok!" Milo tried to remove it asked calmly as possible.

KSSSSSHHTTT! Sound of hair being removed from his hand.

"owww! owww!" Gwen felt hurt.

"It didn't work, damn it's ok just relax Milo" well, you can say it didn't work at all.

"Maybe it's that damn Puberty thing again," both Milo and Gwen replied.

"It's not puberty at all!"

"Ok just relax!" While walking in circles, drawing the attention of the students around them.

"I have a plan, and it might work. In a count of three, I'll pull it out as fast as I could! Milo then started counting.

"1! 2! ugghhhh."

"No don't do that!" Gwen flips Milo while he was counting.

They finally ran to the clinic and were forcefully removed by a Hair clipper.

"Nice to meet you! Do you know anyone by the name of Kate?" Milo asked while feeling remorseful about the hair.

"Yes and No," Gwen looked for a mirror and said.

"Total Pleasure" and walked out of the clinic. Looked at Milo by the end of the door and smiled, and left.

Milo also left and looked down, thinking of what other people's opinions differ after what happened.

"Can they hear my thoughts?" Milo then just ignored and bump by someone again.

"Why is this thing always happening to me?" Milo looked up and found out it was the guard.

"I know you snuck out last night! Morales," the guard said.

Milo then thought about a reason to say and was tongue-tied at the moment.

"I'm not Morales!" the guard then looked at my eye. Milo felt nervous and just ran.

Milo ran and looked for the nearest door that is opened and not guarded by some students who are looking at him weirdly.

Milo finally found a room and found out that it is the office of the guard in which he is the head of security. Milo tried to ran and found out that his hand is sticking to the door.

"Damn it why is this happening to me right now? I thought I got it covered for the whole day.

My whole simulation is useless due to Gwen looking like Kate in my past life" The guard knock on the door while shouting.

"Morales open the door!" Milo was shocked that he flipped and removed his backpack, and his polo and T-shirt is covering his face. He can't even control his powers because of anxiety in which he shouldn't have.

He touched the laptop, and a song played, and it was a Christmas song by Spider-Man.

Outside of the door, the guard looks around and dance.

"The buddy has a nice voice," they shouted again.

"Stop sticking for a minute damn it!" Milo ran through the walls and was unexpectedly stumble outside of the window. While being topless, Milo opened his eyes and was shocked.

"Keep sticking Milo!" Milo tried to balance himself. Walked out to the other side of the building and was met by a flock of Pigeons.

"Fudge they will stick to my hands" Milo tried to hide his hands as much as he can. But to no avail, some birds still find a way to touch his hand like a magnet.

"Milo kept on walking topless while being covered by pigeons" A lot of people took a picture but cannot recognize who is Milo as it was high enough and was being blocked by pigeons.

While walking away, Gwen was in the transparent hallway and found Miles and already found out that he is Miles because of her acute senses.

"Ok," Gwen smirked while touching his other side of the head, which has a handprint of no hair.

Milo passed by some classroom, but some people didn't even get a glimpsed of him due to his speed and other factors that affect his abstraction.

AN: Maybe he both lucky and Unlucky.

Milo then found his room and got inside and change his clothes. As he was to got outside the door, he hears a furious knocking.

"Miles open the door!" The guard is already waiting outside.

Mile then looked for a fires escape but to no avail. Milo then looked outside of the window and thought if he could jump or crawl by the wall.

"Ok I can do this I'm a Spiderman" Milo tried to run and jump but stopped as he was scared.

Who would jump high enough that someone could die at this height?

Milo then just opened the door and listened to the guards scolding and ask for leave as he plans to go to his parents.

The guard forgave him as he was a child.

While walking, Mile realized something.

"Today is the day that Spiderman will die, I have to save him" Milo then ran towards the graffiti he painted with his uncle Aaron last night. He contemplated if he would be called his dad. And which he didn't as he won't want him to know that he has powers. After running for 30 minutes.

He saw a dark tunnel. Milo then walked inside slowly but surely, looking for the spider and listening to vibration as this is the clue to finding Spiderman.

Hey! I guys, I felt Energetic, so I reached more than 1k chapters that I wanted, So guys enjoy the novel and support me and PM me or just comment, and I'll reply if we could walk together in this hobby if you want to help that is.

I need the ff:

1. Proofreader

2. Marvel Fanatic

kardodalisaycreators' thoughts