
Chapter 6

Jason's Pov

As we walked into the school I couldn't stop myself from asking Zoey about what I had just witnessed. I know it's none of my business if she kisses Zach or anyone else for that matter but I just couldn't help it.

"Um Zoey." I say in a cautious yet firm tone.

"Yes Jay?” She asks with a smile on her face. Her smile could light up the dark and I'll be honest it almost made me forget what I was going to say but I had to pull myself together.

"What's up with you and Zach?” I ask, finally getting the question out.

"What do you mean?". She asks with a confused look on her face.

"Are you guys dating?" I blurt out, hardly able to hold it in any longer.

"Who is dating?" Jen asks as she walks up to us and gives Zoey a hug.

"Oh Jen it's nothing, but I love your shirt how come you've never worn it before." Zoey asks, trying to change the topic.

"Cause it was a tad too big for me but since I couldn't decide on what to wear, I just said I should wear it. Now who is dating that I don't know about". Jen asks as she looks between Zoey and I waiting for answers. “Ew don't tell me you guys are dating.” She says as she pulls a disgusted look on her face which earns an eye roll from me and a quick head shake from Zoey clarifying that we aren't together.

“It's not us.” I responded although deep down I wished it was.

"When Zoey arrived at school I saw her and Zach kissing so I want her to confirm if they are a couple or not?" I say growing hoping she says no.

"Oh my gosh I can't believe you guys kissed. When? Where? How? I need all the details" Jen said in an excited tone and I couldn't help but feel annoyed.

"Well it happened last night when I went to his room after I called yo...".

Immediately I heard what she said, I had to cut her short.

"You went to his room last night for what?" I ask as my voice had already risen from its original tone.

"Yes, finally you took my advice, so what happened when you went to his room? Did any physical activities take place?" Jen asks as she winked and wiggles her eyebrows suggestively at Zoey and I swear I could see Zoey blush when she mentioned physical activities.

"Don't tell me you gave up your virginity to your elder brother's friend". I spit out angrily trying to stop my heart from melting at the words.

“Wait, did you?" Jen asked as she jumped up and down excitedly.

"God no you guys we just did something else and that's all, we did not have sex although to be honest, I really wanted to." Zoey said as she blushed heavily that even a blind man could see how red she currently had become.

"I can't believe this Zoey." Jen said still excited about what Zoey was saying. "You finally like a guy like really like a guy cause I seriously have never seen you this way.” Jen said as she gave Zoey a hug. “I'm so happy for you.” She squealed as she released Zoey from the hug.

"Jen why the fuck are you condoning this, like why the fuck would you be congratulating her and being happy about her doing something like that." I say in a disgusted tone

"You're only jealous that Zoey likes Zach and is willing to go all the way with him, besides you are literally blowing things wayyyy outta proportion". Jen says as she opens her arms wide when saying wayyyy.

"Zoey you know how much I care about you hence I'd definitely be worried about you." I said, trying to calm myself down. "How are you sure he likes you back and how are you sure that he's not using you and once he gets what he wants he won't leave you sad, broken and dejected?" I ask as I try to explain things to her rationally. Yes, I'll admit that I was jealous, why wouldn't I be when I loved her with all my heart, but I still cared about her feelings so I don't want anyone to hurt her. No matter what, I only care about her happiness.

"You don't need to worry about Zozo, she's a big girl and she can take care of herself right?" Jen said as she put her arms around Zoey's stomach.

"Ok fine I'll stop but only if she answers a question."

"And what would that be?" Jen asks, her arms still wrapped around Zoey's stomach

"Did he ask you to be his girlfriend? Or did he say you were in a relationship of some sort?" I asked, and immediately I said that I could see the smile and happiness on her face fade away. "You don't need to answer the question, your facial expressions already gave it all away." I say as I walk away from them feeling hurt by the way her face had dropped.

Zoey's P.O.V

"Did he ask you to be his girlfriend?" As Jason said that I realized he didn't. "Or did he say you were in a relationship of some sort?” And from those sentences my heart shattered into pieces, I was so excited by what had happened between us that I didn't take time to think and process what was going on or what was happening between the two of us hence I couldn't help it when my face turned sour and got drained of what former emotions it had left on it. "You don't need to answer the question, your facial expressions already gave it all away". Jason said as he walked away.

"Zoey what's up with you don't take what Jason said to heart ok you know he's just being mad because he has a crush on you and is trying to ruin what you have with Zach so just forget what he said and turn that frown upside down." Jen said as she tried to use her fingers to fix my mouth into a smile, but I just couldn't smile. I could only think about what Jason just said. Was he right about Zach playing me? As I was thinking my phone started to vibrate and It brought me back from my thoughts so I decided to see who was calling and seeing as it was an unknown number I picked up the call cautiously.

Unknown number

Zoey: Hello. Who is this?

Unknown number: Guess

Zoey: I am not in the mood for childish games. Who is this?

Unknown number: Do you miss me that much that you are so sour being away from me. I guess I should have given you sweeter pancakes.

Immediately I heard that I knew who it was.

Zoey: Zach

I say, my expression changing from mad to sad.

Unknown number: Yes baby. What's wrong? Why do you sound sad?

He said with what sounded like a worried tone.

Zoey: Zach

Unknown number: Yes Zoey

Zoey: What are we?

I ask skeptically.

Unknown number: I am confused Zoey. What do you mean?

Zoey: Like are we in a relationship or are we just going with the motion?

I ask, trying to get his answer.

Unknown number: Well Zoey you are someone really special to me although we just met, feel a connection between us. Let's not mention how much I love kissing you. Also I went down on you last night, so yeah If you don't count that as more than just going with the flow then I don't know what else you want me to do to prove that I like you. Why are you asking though, did something happen?

Zoey: Oh nothing I just wanted to confirm something.

Unknown number: Oh ok baby so I'll pick you up by 4:00?

Zoey: Yes I can't wait to see you. Bye.

I say as my smile returns back to my face. Jen could see the smile so she couldn't help but be impatient. 'What's happening?' Jen mouthed, so I held up my hand trying to tell her that I'll tell her once I'm done with the call.

Unknown number: Bye Zoey.

Zach said as he cut the call.

Immediately the call drops, I rush to save his number.

"Zoey. What happened?" Jen said growing really impatient.

"He said that we aren't going with the flow so I took it as him saying that we are together." I say happily and Jen was equally as happy that we both started to scream and jump in the middle of the hallway.

"You see I told you that Jason was wrong." Jen said, as she slightly taps my shoulder.

"Yeah you were right". I say still smiling.

"Aren't I always." She replies with a slight chuckle. "Now come on, let's get our books so we can be prepared before it's time for class." She said as she put her hands round my shoulder as we began to head towards our lockers. All I could think of was Zach, I was too excited I couldn't wait for school to end so I could see him.