
Spend Quality Time 24/7 Days With North Mumbai Escorts Hub

Contemporary Romance
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The once-strong alliance between Sunagakure and Konohagakure is now broken in the aftermath of the cruel consequences of the Konoha Collapse Plan. Sunagakure is in disarray due to the death of their Kazekage and a shadow of betrayal hanging over them. The urgent need for a new leader intensifies as they fight to restore and win back trust. In the middle of the disarray, an unpopular proposal is offered. From the confines of a jail cell, a person known only as the "Heavenly Demon," bound in darkness and chains, appears. This mysterious person, formerly found guilty of trying to kill the previous Kazekage, is now a possible contender for the position of leader. Though there is resistance and doubt from many places, a small group in Sunagakure find confidence in this unusual candidate. They think that nobody can lead them through these difficult moments and bring honour back to their village except someone with such incredible power and determination. The Hidden Sand Village finds itself at a turning point as tensions build and allegiances are put to the test. Will they choose to embrace the darkness among them or will they look for reconciliation and create a fresh route that leads to harmony and prosperity? The fate of the Sand Village is in jeopardy as they set out on a quest of self-discovery and atonement amid political intrigue, personal grudges, and the ominous menace of outside forces. _________________________________ Hello everyone. This is my original fanfic. Show some support in the comments and if there is anything that needs correction or something just tell me. Thanks in advance.

AdolfK_Weissman · Anime und Comics
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The Game I Play

I stand in a black void unable to feel anything. "Do you want to play a game?", a blue luminescent box asks. I grin. Of course, why would I let go of this opportunity to get out of this mundane life. Multiverses? Unlimited power? A cure to my depression? I'm in. Author Notes I got bored of reading most Gamer fics out there, so I am going to have a shot at my own. Most of the gamer elements of this story will be half derived from other fics (inspired from DarkWolfShiro, Crowbourne) along with a mix of my own ideas. A couple of other things I want to add: - This will be a jumpchain with the MC hopping across mainly anime worlds but also some TV worlds too. Do note that the MC will be spending a significant time in some of these worlds, so certain worlds might last for alot of chapters. - Unlike the other jumpchains the MCs harem will tag alongside him to the other worlds. - The first few chapters will be a bit technical introducing various aspects of the system, along with some grinding to become OP. However before you click away, this is to setup the MCs personality for the more 'emotional' part of the story later on. - The MC won't be a hobo-grinder and is just a tired 20 year old who wants to live life without any restraints like money, job, school etc. - We will be starting out in HOTD but there will be no romance, mainly just powering up. The HOTD arc will probably not be too long. - Feel free to suggest any harem members(No HOTD characters) in the reviews. I will create a poll for the most popular options. - I am not the best in art, so I would appreciate fan drawings. Well that's the end of that information dump. Enjoy my shameless power fantasy ! Stat and Skill Sheet: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/e/2PACX-1vT-vykKcltBMthVrYAYnpbvDpODc7nN9UQZxWv-_pjx_duaqcv6Jz8HsXtb5L0klKVuZ-_8fBg20IiZ/pub?pli=1

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