
Soulmate for you

A world were no one was willing to stay by my side suddenly a boy appeared in my dark life and fill it with colors. Boy:Hi! I'm Lucien Nice to meet you. You're an otaku If I'm not wrong, let's be friends. A friend which stayed by my side whenever I need him and a lover whom everyone would dream about. Can life be this beautiful? Lucien: Why are so shy it was just a kiss, I won't do anything without your permission but you can't stop me from kissing you ,Since you're my only remedy baby girl. But will my past let me stay with my love? Jack:Lias I want to apologize for the things I've done please forgive me and give me another chance. But who would have thought the past will be this disgusting that it will make you feel ashamed and make you lose your dignity. Jack: Lucien my bro! she has slept with me many times, break up with her she doesn't deserve you. What will she do ? And how many twists her life will take? Stay Tuned to learn more about the story.

Jasmin07 · Teenager
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15 Chs

Present: A Sweet Encounter

(She was running with books in one hand and bag on her shoulder gasping heavily

But when she turned around the corner she bumped into someone)

Lisa: Argh! My head,it hurts.

Boy:Are you alright miss?

(Reach out his hand and pull her up but suddenly Lisa loose the balance and hit her head with his chest,she can clearly hear his heartbeat which was fast,she immediately back off and apologize.)

Lisa: Sorry I didn't mean it

(,picks her books and left.)

Boy: Strange! My heart was beating fast. I guess I need to know you little princess.

(He smiled and looked at the way where she just vanished into the students)

Maria: Lisa dude you should be glad Sir hasn't come yet or else you would in big trouble

(Maria a new friend of Lisa since they have the same subjects and same interests in few things so they become close friends,both share their problems with each other and comfort each other. They are BFFs and soulmates as well

Maria Likes to flirt with her classmates while Lisa is quite shy person but when you get to know her she is quite wild and life living person.)

Lisa: Dude Don't even ask I met a very handsome guy on my way, I just bump into him and his voice was so beautiful. He looks like Takumi.

(Usui Takumi a character from the anime "Maid Sama.)

Maria: Stop watching too many animes you stupid girl and focus on your study and yeah this lecture is free.

(She told Lisa and start putting books in her bag)

Lisa:Wait! WHAT

(She shouted)

(because she rushed all the way here ,of course she wasn't expecting this type of news from her friend)

Maria:Clam down girl what are you up to look

whole class is looking at you

Lisa: Ignore them girl! Let's go to the Canteen and eat something sweet. I think the boy is my lucky charm

(She said it with sparkling eyes)

Maria: what should I do with you girl

(Both of them head straight to canteen when suddenly a boy stopped them)

Boy: Oh! Aren't you the one who bumped into me earlier!

Lisa: Yeah and I'm sorry for that now if you don't have anything else to say ,make way bro

Boy: Bro! I don't wanna be your bro

(He mumbled to himself)

Lisa: Did you said anything?

Boy:I just came here to apologise for the morning incident and yeah here's your ID card it fell down from your bag earlier

(He give her the ID card)

Lisa: Thank you so much if this thing would get lost I don't know what should I do

Boy: It's okay

Maria:Ahem! I'm here too and Lisa should we go to canteen or should we stay here to chat with this guy?

(Maria gets upset when Lisa gave attention to someone else, that's why even now she is very upset)

Boy: okay I will come with you guys as well I'm starving!

(He said that while looking at Lisa and made a puppy face.)

Lisa: okay you can come as well.

(Three of them went to the canteen and get their food and sit to the empty table)

Boy: So you love Ice cream?

Lisa: Yes sir ! I love Ice cream with chocolate flavor and you picked strawberry flavor I guess you only like this flavor.

Boy: Okay ladies I'm heading to the class I've something urgent to do! Bye take care and Here ,take this Ice cream as well , I don't like Ice cream that much you can have it as an token of gratitude see ya little princess

(He looked at her eyes and left immediately.)

to be continue...

(Thank you Lovely readers for giving you previous time to my novel. I hope you enjoy it. Feel free to share your precious thoughts with me through your comments. Have a greater Day)