What's after death? After our end? Follow Yeong-su's journey in the spiritual realm.
Do you believe in the universe laws? Do you believe in a Entity above us or in Reincarnation?
Once we die, all the secrets of our universe goes back to our soul and awake us for the time we spend there.
"The boy's soul opens his blue-green eyes.."
- Well, I am dead again.
Luckily this was my last reincarnation.
All souls are here waiting for their turn to be judged, some gets the chance to choose their next life and some like me are forced into something like destiny.
"A peach color angel calls for his soul"
-Please, come closer.
The boy get closer to the desk and the air closes behind him to let them have privacy.
- You... Died only at young ages and never did neither good or bad deeds you barely lived your lives at this point. With this I can only suggest either you give back your soul, restart the reincarnation circle or work with us..
The young boy contemplate his options with care.
"He looks up to the angel"
- May I know what happens once we give back our souls?
The Angel starts to get impatient.
-You'll know once you choose. Now make your choice before I do it for you!
Scared to restart a cycle the boy's shout.
- I'll work!
The Angel seems pleased.
- Fine, Good bye.
The soul transform into a stray of light and come backs to earth as a shooting star.
Slowly he open his eyes and realises he came back on earth while watching the sky, it his now dawn and fast enough he ears a girl yelling.
- Hey Gramps the kid woke up!
He looks around and see three people standing next to him and two persons a little afar.
The oldest who was sitting down gets up and starts speaking.
- The team is now complete let's start the explanation.
Everyone gets closer and stand in front of a Torii. The old men starts talking.
- My name is Neo and I'll be your mentor for the next century. I will teach you about the spiritual world and the different jobs. At the end depending on your abilities you'll be able to settle for a position in the field you like.
The bubbly girl cuts his speech.
- Yes it's presentation time! My name is Sarang!
She was a bronzed skin girl with a pink afro bun and crystal ignite eyes.
Next to her was standing a tall guy with a fawn skin and long wavy hair his eyes were as dark as a truffle.
- .. I'm Tayen.
His aura gives the feeling of a tree oak and doesn't look like a talkative guy.
Behind him a fair girl with short white hair presented herself.
- My name's Lily. I'll do my best through the future.
She bows while finishing her sentence and the last guy next to the mentor look at me and walk the opposite way. His shoulder lenght grayish purple hair, his black eyes and his behaviour makes him look like a douche.
The mentor have a thick beard and long black and white hair, a big scar on his jaw and a full body tattooed restart his speech.
- Well at least this is done. Now let me continue, we will start our journey as grim reaper. Each of you will have to send 100 souls through the end gates during this time you must convince them to pass the gate or they will become roaming ghosts on earth. You are not allowed to tell them about the spiritual world their awakening is behind those gates.
And with this we now all split to look for soul to harvest.
*1: A torii (Japanese: 鳥居, [to. ɾi. i]) is a traditional Japanese gate most commonly found at the entrance of or within a Shinto shrine, where it symbolically marks the transition from the mundane to the sacred.