
Soul Swallowing Goddess

Amaris Nacht, a high school girl, is thrust into a demonic dimension following the tragic demise of her parents. For two decades, humanity has battled these dark entities in secret, defending their home world against the relentless onslaught. Amaris's destiny takes a cruel turn as she finds herself trapped in a realm overrun by demons. Unprepared and vulnerable, she faces a relentless struggle for survival in this nightmarish domain with no apparent means of escape. In a stroke of luck, Amaris witnesses a fierce battle between two otherworldly beings, culminating in the emergence of a mysterious black ring. Driven by a fractured mind, she instinctively touches the ring, absorbing its essence into her own body. With new found powers that could change the course of fate, she’ll have to decide on what path she wants the world to take.

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16 Chs

Demon Fighting Arena

Amaris followed behind, and they came in front of a massive Chinese arena. It was big and was a square building. The arena was made of white bricks; the structure looming overhead. There were two massive dragons facing each other, with their heads clashing together. They were carved on the roof of the building.

Xylothar pointed to the building.

"This is the Demon Fighting Arena," he explained, his tone even. Amaris peered at the towering structure. Her curiosity piqued.

"Are we going in?" she asked, her eyes shining with anticipation. Xylothar nodded his head and gestured for her to follow him. They entered the fighting arena and were greeted by a sea of demons, the air buzzing with excitement.

Xylothar lead her to the front desk while explaining some things.

"These fighting arenas are usually made to make a profit and to let demons bet and place bets on fighters. Some demons also come here for entertainment, and others come here to fight and increase their ranks. There are nine arenas meant for different strengths. Normally it's arenas two to five being used. Also, life or death doesn't matter. You can kill if you wish, but if the person surrendered or is close to dying, the fight will end. And if you don't surrender, you will die." Xylothar said, his face stoic.

Amaris nodded her head, understanding Xylothar's words. Coming into this world, killing has become a norm for her now, and she's really desperate for some money.

The receptionist demon stationed at the counter possessed porcelain-like white skin, which glowed softly under the fluorescent lights of the room. Cascading down his back, his long brown hair exuded a faint, earthy aroma. His piercing red eyes flickered with a hint of mischief, captivating anyone who dared to meet his gaze. His long, slender ears gracefully pointed upwards, twitching in rhythm to the ambient sounds of the bustling lobby.

Clad in a vibrant green, sleeveless qipao, the silky fabric whispered with every move he made. As he extended his long, slender arms, the coolness of the air brushed against his skin. His tail, unusually lengthy, trailed behind him, its tip gently grazing the polished floor. Topped with a traditional Chinese hat, his head seemed to carry the weight of centuries of wisdom.

Despite his lean physique, his black pants and boots exuded an air of authority. The sound of his boots hitting the ground echoed softly, creating a subtle rhythm amidst the symphony of sounds in the room. At the end of his tail, a heart-shaped point added a touch of whimsy to his otherwise elegant appearance.

As the receptionist demon effortlessly juggled his duties, the surrounding air carried an enigmatic aura, a blend of ancient traditions and modern efficiency.

He saw Xylothar and Amaris approaching him, and he greeted them.

"Do you wish for a match?" the receptionist asked, his eyes darting from Amaris to Xylothar. Xylothar gestured to Amaris, and she stepped forward.

"I like to register." Amaris responded with confidence. The receptionist demon raised an eyebrow but accepted. He pulled out a book and asked for Amaris information.

"Name, rank, and race."

Amaris was about to respond, but Xylothar spoke.

"Her name is Amaris. She's a rank 16 vampire/spider mix." Xylothar replied for Amaris, his expression neutral. Amaris frowned, but didn't complain. The receptionist demon was confused, but nodded.

He wrote Amaris' name, rank, and race on a small piece of paper and pushed it towards Amaris.

"Is this correct?"

Amaris read over the paper and nodded. The receptionist demon took the paper and turned it around. He pulled out a stamp with a red dragon carved into it and pressed it onto the paper.

He then took out a bronze dragon token and tossed it to Amaris.

"This will be your fighting token. Bring this up to the front when you are ready for a fight and it will lead you to your fight arena. Each arena has its own number. The more you win, the stronger your opponent is. You'll know if you're fighting a stronger opponent because of your token. Tokens ranged from bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamond, emerald, and then obsidian. Each are from the lowest to strongest rank. Your token is bronze, so you are only allowed to fight against people with a bronze or below." The receptionist demon explained. Amaris nodded her head, her eyes shining with excitement.

Amaris left the desk with Xylothar behind her. The receptionist demon then took out a book that contained every single information about every demon in this Sanguine marketplace, which has around 4,000,000 demons. It also has information on Xylothar and Amaris.

He took the book and opened to the first page, which was a profile of Xylothar. Xylothar's appearance appeared in the book with a lot of information under his name.

Name: Xylothar

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Rank: 54

Race: Incubus

Wins: 324

Losses: 1

Win ratio: 323:1

"Now, why is he back? And with a vampire as well. Though she doesn't smell like one." The demon muttered and put away the book.

Amaris and Xylothar sat in the stands, their eyes fixed on the intense match unfolding below. The atmosphere crackled with electricity, the air heavy with anticipation. Amaris felt a surge of excitement she hadn't experienced in a long time, her heart pounding in her chest. The roaring crowd invigorated her, their cheers filling the stadium.

In the arena, two demons stood face to face, their expressions fierce, their gazes locked. The female demon had vibrant pink hair and piercing yellow eyes, her small horns curving delicately. The male demon, on the other hand, was massive, his face marked by a deep scar on the right side.

As the fight began, the demons moved with lightning speed, their bodies a blur of motion. Amaris watched in awe, her eyes darting around the arena, trying to take in every detail. Xylothar, however, remained composed, his cold and aloof gaze fixed on the unfolding battle.

The crowd erupted in cheers as the fight intensified; the combatants locked in a fierce struggle. Amaris studied their techniques, committing them to memory as she watched. Suddenly, a crackling energy surrounded the male demon, tendrils of lightning dancing around him. He raised his hands, summoning the lightning and causing it to float in the air. The electric aura took the form of a majestic tiger, its power clear.

With a loud shout, the male demon commanded the lightning tiger to attack. It surged through the ground, striking the female demon from underneath. The powerful attack left her paralyzed, but she quickly regained her composure. Taking a deep breath, she let out a shout, causing the wind to howl around her. A massive tornado materialised, rushing towards the male demon with incredible force.

Surprised, the male demon barely had time to react. The tornado slammed into him, sending him crashing to the ground with a tremendous impact. The earth trembled, leaving behind a massive crater as evidence of the fierce clash between the two.

"Damn, this bitch uses wind." The male demon spat as he got back up. Lighting crackled around him and he jumped up in the air. He clapped his hands together, and the lighting crackled between them.

He pointed his hand at the female demon, but before he could finish the attack, she had already closed in on him and kicked him in the gut with incredible force. He was sent flying and his attack was cancelled.

The female demon wasn't done and a green, shining sword made of wind appeared in her hands. The male demon looked up and saw the female demon coming towards him, her expression fierce.

"Humph," the demon snorted, and a tremendous burst of lightning came out of his body and raised his arm and spread out his hands to shoot lightning straight at the girl.

The girl didn't have any chance to react and was hit by the stream of lightning, making her body twitch as an immense wave of pain washed over her body.

He didn't stop them and kept realising massive amounts of lightning into her from his fingertips.

He had an evil expression as he watched her body spaz and slowly got cooked alive.

The girl tried to speak but was unable because of the mass amount of lightning entering her body.

The judge saw this and raised his hand and shouted.

"Winner is Xuco!" His voice echoed throughout the whole arena.

The crowd shouted and cheered. The demon Xuco's name sounded throughout the room.