
Soul Seer

“I was 6 when it all went down, Strange structures now known as pillars arose from the earth, five on each continent including Africa, a few days later 85% of humanity was wiped out.” Jan was an average student at the academy of Nota within the walls of one of the remaining strongholds in the apocalypse, till one day during a selection program Jan stumbled upon one of the legendary weapons! Now Jan must battle both his grades and the apocalypse that threatens their very existence, will he find the secrets and keep all those he loves safe?

Logzy · sci-fi
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

[This chapter will be mostly in third person perspective]

Jan wasn't sure what was happening, images started flashing in his head, images of blood and carnage and he kept hearing screams. more images flashed this time he saw the same blades that were in the tank. Gorier scenes passed by showing teeth covered with blood and bloodshot soulless eyes.

Jan wanted nothing more than for it all to stop. 'PLEASE STOP! NO MORE! NO! NO!' He tried to scream but no words came out only the flashing images and screams of suffering.

Until finally everything stopped, and the screams went away. Jan noticed he was in a void space in front of him were the dual blades. Jan watched the images of the blood and corpses still fresh. 'Why am I seeing these things!?' he asked. The swords touched each other and started to transform. Jans eyes widened as he saw a small creature with a dotted face and bat like nostrils. His body was skinny and covered in scars and tattoos. "A yun un' ey?" The creature said looking Jan up and down "Hehe, I called Spotter, I seer of blades" the creature said Jan watched dumbfounded not sure what was going on without waiting for Jans reply Spotter carried on "I not here to harm, only warn." He said clicking his tongue. "Blades corrupted, beware of mind twin!" the creature shouted Jan frowned 'What mind twin what do you mean by that?' He asked the creature simply nodded its head "I go now, bye bye" it said fading away Jan reached out only to grab the handles of the blades. Jan suddenly felt himself falling fast.

Opening his eyes Jan was greeted by a bright light. "Jan, can you hear me?" A voice called; Jan blinked twice groaning his entire body was intense pain. But he reluctantly replied "Yes" and tried to sit up as his sight adjusted to see the face of the doctor, the doctor put his hand on Jans chest "Easy now you nearly drowned" The doctor said. Jan listened and laid back down trying to recall what happened he went with Adam to district 1 to see the new artifacts then witnessed the researcher's argument, got caught then falling, 'and then I had that dream or nightmare?' Jan couldn't recall much besides the words "Beware of mind twin!" what did it mean by mind twin?

Jan suddenly rose "What of my friend?" He asked, the doctor clasped his hands and sat on the chair next to the bed "He is fine and is currently in custody, you boys caused quite a ruckus" he said, Jan sighed, he managed to get his friend out of harm's way.

The doctor watched the young boy with a strange expression before getting up I'll go notify your mother and sisters." He said heading for the door it was at this moment Jan started panicking. His mother was a low ranking official and will most definitely scold him harshly and his sister will most likely scold him too.

The door opened and Jan braced himself except he didn't receive the scolding like he thought he would instead he felt himself being embraced. He looked up to see his mother with tears at the corner of her eyes. Seeing those tears tore at Jan's chest "Ma ek's jammer" [trln: "Mom I'm sorry"] Jan said hugging his mother back.

His mother had long brown hair with light brown eyes and wore a button shirt with a Suit. Behind her stood three more girls, the tallest had black hair, a small nose, and dark brown eyes, the shorter one had the same hair color as their mother and Hazel eyes, the youngest and smallest had chubby cheeks short brown hair and hazel eyes. All three girls had worry in their eyes as they looked at Jan.

"You idiot making mom worry so much." The eldest sister Hailey said, she was 14 years old only just 2 years younger, the other sister Mary nodded "That's right you have no right to make us worry so much!" She scolded, Mary was 11 years old, the youngest only walked up to the bed and held Jan's finger. "They are right Jan what foolishness were you and Adam thinking?" Jans mother said pulling back holding his shoulders. Jan could only look away shamefully "We just wanted to see the artifacts" He said, his mother clicked her tongue and hugged him once more "But you could've gotten hurt or worse." She said tightening her grip.

Jan sighed, he didn't mean to cause worry, he then thought of the dream if that's what he can call it and decided that he should probably not mention it to them or else they might think he has brain damage. Then again Jan wasn't sure if there was anything wrong with him.

For some reason he felt light and realized his arm were slightly thicker not by much he still looked skinnier than most other boys but there was some notable increase in his bodies size 'What happened?' he asked in his head. He could only recall falling and the horrific dream. 'And what did that tokoloshe rip off mean by "Beware of mind twin", strange' Jan thought to himself.

Jans mother finally let go of Jan stepping back. The door opened and the doctor walked in with two other people one wore navy blue uniform with Gold lacing, there was also 4 protea badges with a falcons head above them showing the man was a high rank within the communities militant forces, the man had a large circular scar on the right side of his face as well a half torn ear, he also had what looked to be burn marking on his head that showed a sort of pink pigment on his darker skin.

The other person was the doctor, Amelia. She still wore her lab coat, and this time had a pair of glasses. She looked at least around her early twenties and was quite beautiful up close. Jans mother turned around and gasped like she just saw the reaper.

She stood between Jan and the two people. "He is just a boy, surely there is no need to conduct a heavy punishment?" She said looking at both guests. "Relax Miss Drakenfeld, were not here to punish your son, he may have trespassed however that is all he will most likely only face minor punishment same goes to his friend." Amelia said giving a small smile, Jans mom sighed with relief "However we are here for a different reason that we would like to discuss with your son alone but that can wait." She said, the man next to her clicked his tongue shaking his head.

Jans mom stood there thinking for a moment before replying "That is fine I need to get the girls something to eat, Jan we'll be back soon" she said grabbing Jans hand and giving it a tight squeeze before herding Jans sisters out the room, the doctor nodded before closing the door leaving Jan and the two guests alone.

Amelia was carrying a file in her side arm which was almost unnoticeable if it weren't for the yellow color on it "Jan this man next to me is the second general of the NPDF, you may address him as General Thabiso" she said, Jan sat up straighter and gave the general a salute. This man was basically Jans future superior.

The general lifted his hand his expression neutral, Jan put down his hand and leaned back down. "Right, and I am doctor Amelia I am the head researcher on the dual blades you and your friend saw." She said putting the file on Jans lap "I am here to let you know that you are now the wielder of those blades." She said with a hint of enthusiasm in her voice, but she kept her facial expression calm. Jan stared and the file for awhile trying to process what he just heard 'Wielder?' Jan started to feel like the world just got turned around. He looked up at Amelia and back at the file before opening it.

Inside the file was a picture of the blades and information at the bottom with large words saying, Top Secret the following content of the file put Jan in more of a daze as there was only one word written underneath the picture. Unknown. Jan looked back at Amelia with a confused expression. Amelia clapped her hands together with an apologetic smile. "As you can see, we have almost no information on the dual blades other than it seeming to be some sort of blood pact weapon. It seems to have increased your physical abilities like most artifacts, I'm sure you can feel the changes." She said taking the file back.

Jan felt like going back to sleep.

Blood pact weapon? How did he manage to get involved with those? But when he thought back to the dreams, he realized that it was likely the reason why he had those dreams but why did it feel more like torture to be a wielder?

Jan put his head in his hands. "Listen boy, you're now a wielder, this means that your currently now somewhat apart of the NPDF special unit." The general spoke his voice loud and intimidating. Jan looked at him with wide eyes "But I don't want to be a wielder and I still have the academy" He said, the general only shrugged "You can still attend the Academy but when a mission comes up, we WILL call you, and don't worry about the teachers we will give them notice" he said tilting his head to the side.

Amelia looked at the general with a worried face 'He is only a boy how can we involve him in dangerous missions?' She thought before shaking her head 'I don't have influence within the military'. Amelia walked towards the door "You'll be discharged tomorrow, I am currently now your doctor as well as the one who will be studying your new weapons, please head to the lab within your academy" she said before opening the door and exiting, the general followed behind closing the door.

Jan sat on his bed still trying to puzzle it all together. He still couldn't understand how he became an artifact wielder. He then shook his head; he will have to wait till tomorrow. Jan sent a silent prayer that he would not meet the general again, but he had his doubts. "I guess I'll just sleep for now and see what happens tomorrow." He said before closing his eyes, it took a while, but Jan finally drifted off to sleep.

Jan found himself standing on a cliff in a field of long grass. Opposite of Jan stood another boy who looked like him. "Hey." The boy said he wore a big black coat and long black pants; his hands were in his coat's pockets. Jan stepped back once "Who are you?" He asked, the other Jan shrugged "I guess you could call me Nero for now" The boy said smiling. Jan then noticed another boy who stood at the edge of the cliff also looking like him. Nero noticed pointed at the boy "You can call him Friks, were currently in a way your blades" Nero said looking back at Jan.

Jan nodded before looking around him there were multiple flowers and some fynbos here and there. "Why do you look like me and where are we?" Jan asked still looking around. "Well, a weapon needs to reflect its owner." Nero answered a smile on his face. "And we are in a sort of space within your head. And I must say your soul is pretty calm" Nero said looking around the cliff.

Jan tilted his head "My soul?" He asked, Nero then lifted his finger "That's right your soul! Other spirit weapons require blood or an oath to form a pact, but we require your soul energy." Nero explained widening his arms. Suddenly the boy who stood at the cliff side appeared next to Nero. "Soul strong blades strong" Friks said his face emotionless. Jan fell backwards at the unexpected appearance. Friks looked like him only Friks wore a similar coat, but it was grey in color and his face had almost little to no emotion.

Nero scratched the back of his head "Anyways were only here to impart one ability to you then get out of your "Dream world" otherwise we'd be overstaying and that would put a lot of pressure on your soul." Nero said approaching Jan.

Nero lifted his hand and placed it over Jans eyes "For now you can use this ability to look at other souls, it's not going to be easy to get used to them, but you'll have to adapt. Then also we need to absorb demon energy or as you humans call them "Ligards", which is a ridiculous name" Nero said. Jan felt even more confused but suddenly felt a sharp pain in his eyes. "A reason why you need to absorb the demon energy is cause that will allow your soul to increase to make it easier for you lets make a system like your previous worlds video games only were not that cheap only your rank and abilities will show." Nero said, a screen popping in front of Jan.

{Jan Drakenfeld}

{Rank: 10}

{Occupation: recruit}

{Title: none}

{Abilities: Soul eyes}

Jan blinked a few times and the screen disappeared. Nero clapped his hands "To view it just blink 3 times with the intention to see it. As for everything else well you'll have to rank up to rank 9 in order to see us again" Nero said before giving a half salute. Both Nero and Friks vanished, and the cliff slowly faded leaving Jan in the darkness.

Amelia walked down the corridor swiftly with the general right behind her "How do you expect me to explain to his mother that her boy will be taking part in your "Elite squads" that have a knack for getting its members killed." Amelia said not facing the general.

General Thabiso snorted "You know this community is constantly at risk." He replied with a flat tone. Amelia only nodded 'But does that really mean we need to involve a child in it?' She asked herself silently. Amelia and the Thabiso came through the reception area when a women intercepted them. "Miss Drakenfeld?" Amelia asked stopping before her.

Jans mother had a serious expression staring at Amelia in the eyes "You know I told you and your father there is no need to call me that, just call me Alizea" she said gesturing with her hands to a table by a cafe. Amelia looked at Thabiso who sighed deeply before walking ahead of both Amelia and Alizea, he then changed direction to a different table.

Amelia and Alizea both paid no attention to the generals' actions and walked on to the table and sat down "I want to know why you came here" Alizea wasn't asking, she was demanding, and Amelia felt her back go cold "You know I can't tell you that." She said keeping a straight face. Alizea stared at Amelia for what seemed like an eternity before putting her hands against her head "Amelia, I know your currently leading one of the new artifact research projects, I may not know all the details being a low ranking official, but I understand that some artifacts can be dangerous." She said her voice slightly cracked at the end.

Amelia sighed, she could somewhat understand Alizea's worries, she reached over and held Alizea's shoulder and gave it a squeeze "Alizea, you know that I wouldn't do anything to harm your son." Amelia said in a soft tone. Alizea wiped her face of the tears that had streamed down "Please Amelia, I could barely handle the fact that he had joined the academy so he could join the NPDF, my heart can't handle him getting hurt especially now." Alizea said, Amelia felt as if there was sandpaper rubbed on her tongue.

She couldn't tell her that her son was just signed to join the NPDF Special unit where casualties were more constant than most other units. Amelia could only close her eyes and give a silent prayer.

Amelia finally calmed down and sat there for a few moments in silence leaving the atmosphere awkward. "I'm sorry I know that you mean no harm to him, I won't ask any further but if please, I beg that you look after him." Alizea said grabbing Amelia's hand and looking into Amelia's eyes pleading with her own.

Amelia sighed then smiled "I will." She replied putting her other hand on top of Alizea's.

After their talk was done Amelia left the general following behind her and black SUV waited outside in the driveway where several armed guards stood in a formation around it. They saluted the general before opening the vehicles door allowing Amelia and the general to enter.

Inside the SUV sat a young boy who sat between two buffed soldiers. "Adam." Amelia said this time her voice was cold making Adam flinch. "Right now you have two choices." Amelia said lifting a finger, "One you could face punishment and be kicked out the academy and work on the walls by cleaning the outside or two.." She said putting up a second finger. "You can become a artifact user like your friend but you will transfer to our secret academy in district 4." She said staring at Adam.

Adam felt a shiver down his spine, working on the walls outside especially on clean up duty means he would be exposed to every danger with near to nothing on himself for self-defense, and he didn't like the fact he would be transferred to a "Secret academy" as a "artifact user".

Adam started shaking his leg. "What- What do you do at this secret academy?" he asked hesitantly. Amelia looked over at Thabiso who smiled "This academy is there train boys like you into protea shadows, youll be given a artifact that will help you, but it will be hellish training and even harder instructors." He said clasping his hands.

Adam shivered once more. "But why?" He asked. Amelia put the file down "Well, we will assign a single task to you." She said opening it. Adam looked down and saw the photo, he let out a sharp gasp as his eyes widened.

The photo was none other than his friend and savior. The one person he has known for a while at the academy. It was Jan.