
Prologue: Entering the World of soul Land (Grammar mistakes and such have been fixed mostly)


*sigh, "everything is boring", said the godking who sat on his glorious throne. His palace was located where no one could get to that also included many of the gods. lower-ranked gods weren't able to converse with him, let alone have the chance to see him. The godking slowly raises his hand and summons many orbs around him. These orbs weren't ordinary as each one of 13 summoned orbs all contained a universe inside it. "Now then let's which world should go explore in and have some fun" spoke the GK (GodKing). as he looked through the orbs he came across a certain universe which contained a world where people were able to cultivate into gods, though they were ordinary gods. these new people that rose to godhood were extremely weak compared to the others. And compared to the GK they were even worth this time as he was able to erase them with a single thought and glance. The world which he had come across was none other than the world of soul land. *sigh, "isn't this the world where those pesky mortals have the chance to cultivate to godhood? hmm let's see. ahh yes this world is perfect for me to transmigrate into" as he spoke those words, he sent out. mental signal to the second-highest ranked god who was below him, it was none other than his brother.

After a few seconds, we can see the doors of the throne room swing open, we see a mighty figure walk towards the GK, this individual was the GK's brother, he stood at an amazing height of 6 foot 5 inches, he had an amazingly well-proportioned body and his muscles were perfect not too big and not too small, his face was also incredibly handsome which normally made all the female goddess jealous and some even blush. he had white hair, as for his eyes. They were sharp and when staring into his eyes we could see that his iris was blood red while his pupil which were slits just like the ones that dragons had, his pupil were blue.

[MC's bother POV]

My name is Celestra, I am the second-highest ranked god only ranking below my brother was is the current GK. As I was walking through the hallway of my home I receive a mental signal from my brother which said "come quick Celestra, I have something which must convey to you and the gods before my departure" as the mental signal finishes I had the worst possible feeling, all though it's true that my brother as been around and been the GK since the beginning of everything he must've slowly been getting bored. 'which why wouldn't he, I mean all he does is sit in his throne room all day and overseas and makes sure that all the gods including me behave' as I was thinking this, I took out my sword from my holster and swung it down in a vertical way. Cutting through time and space its self creating a portal that leads to my brother's place. I set through the portal and see two giant doors in front of me, I reach both my hands out and push open the heavy doors. I walk towards the person sitting on the throne which was none other than my elder brother. All though he was sitting down while dawning his Armor on. Even though he wore his armor I could tell that brother was just as physically well as me, 'no he is far more superior than me by a huge gap' i thought will looking at my brother. I stood in front of him as he slowly got up from his throne and was now fully upright. just like me, my brother stood at 6 foot 6 inches and had hair that went down to his neck. His hair was also white just like mine, however, what made him stand out between the both of us was his eyes, his iris shone a golden color while his pupil which also was a slit-like a dragons eye was jet black which gave of the godly vibe of 'The one Above all'.

[MC's POV]

As I was walking towards my brother I said "I will be leaving soon. And I need to ask for a huge request from you brother?". Naturally this surprised my brother as I have never asked for a request from anyone let alone Celestra. "what type of request did you have in mind brother" spoke Celestra. and then i opened my mouth and said "i will be transmigrating my soul along with my memories to another body which i have created in the world of 'soul land', and i was wondering if you could watch over all the other gods as i go venture into a new world?" i could see my brother was surprised by my sudden request as his eyes widened and he shouted "YOU MUST BE CRAZY BROTHR, HOW CAN YOU WANT TO TRANSMIGRATE YOUR SOUL LIKE THAT". I looked at him with a sollum expression as this made him gain a tick mark on his forehead "Okay, okay you win brother fine i will look after the place while your gone". As he said those words i gained a smile on my face as went to huge my brother which surprised him as i haven't done so in quit some time. as i hugged him i say "Thank you brother Celestra". And then he spoke "Yeah yeah whatever now tell me, what exactly do you plan on doing there once you've transmigrate there?", i spoke by saying "i wish to fulfill and kill my bordem and maybe who knows you might become an uncle as well", as the words 'uncle' left my mouth i could see Celestra getting happy as he had already become a husband and also a father to his two adorable kids, which were twins. one boy and one girl. he was getting happy as the idea of him becoming an 'uncle' was the best. And then I hear him speak "so when do you plan on transmigrating brother", and I answer him straight away "I will leave now, I leave everything to you brother". He nodded at my answer as I got ready to transmigrate into the world of Soul Land where people can become spiritual masters and transcend into godhood. it was a truly interesting world. I turned around and sat onto my throne as I close my eyes and concentrate on getting my soul and memories into the recently created body in the mortal world of soul land. As a concentrate, my whole body becomes a ball of light disappearing while floating up towards the ceiling. whilst that was happening I could hearing my brother speak and say "May you always be safe and sound, make sure to not make a harem of many girls, or maybe you can. I'll leave that to you. and finally, have fun out there and become the strongest and reach the peak of that world, my brother...Brother Ragnar". as I fade that was the last sentence I heard from my dear brother.

[Third Person POV]

suddenly the forest was lit up by a descending ball of light and soon it was sucked into a body that was laying there next to the tree. this was none other than Ragnar, who was now syncing his soul and memories with the newly created body. as time passes we can see the boy slowly open his eyes as he says "Finally the process of syncing both my soul and memories to this body are complete." as the boy gets up we can see him move towards a river, as he bends over to see the reflection on the water.


As I was staring at the reflection which could be seen on the water, I was actually soaked to see it. 'T-That's what my face looks like now?' i thought. my new face was extremely well proportioned, eyes were sharp like swords as they looked like they could see through anything and everything be it human, beast, or even an object. my hair was still white and also went down to my neck. and my eyes were still golden and black but I no longer had the slit but an iris that a normal human had. I had the body of a six-year-old, but most impressively I stood at 4 foot 2 inches even though I was 6. But stopped thinking about that as I speak and mumble "let's see, I know the person who was meant to be the protagonist before I arrived in this world was Tang san. he joins Shrek at 12-13, and as of right now he should be only 6 just like me. maybe I can meet him earlier, I can travel to his village the 'Holy Spirit village'. now I need to make a new name, and also make a fake background, hmm ahh yeah I can just say that I was abandoned in the forest as a baby and since then I've grown up on my own. yes, this will do. I wonder what spirit I will get, I wonder if I will have twin spirits or not since I've sealed my origin powers so I can't use the extremely op powers of the Gk". I was thinking 'All though I have sealed away 99% of my powers I wonder if I'll be able to get full spirit power'. I start running at full speed to arrive at the village to be able to meet tang san earlier.

Now let the journey begin in this new world. I keep on running as I shout "beware world as the new strongest and the one who'll arrive at the peak of this cultivation world has arrived.


Hoped you guys reading enjoyed this prologue to the series. This is also my very first time writing so if guys have any feedback please do comment.

Again thank you guys for reading and see you in the next chapter.

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