
Soul Land: Living for along time

This is novel is also a mtl novel. *************** Chengying: "Why chasing me? I gave you the urgent syrup!" Little Scorpion: "Heavenly dream! Don't run! I must eat you!" Chengying: "A fool won't run! What is this special? Time!" This is the story of a stranger who has lived for a long time and is a funny teacher Douluo. Chengying: Who should start first? Is it Dugu Bo or Xueye the Great? Wow! When I was a child, the snake woman was so cute! What? Tang San's mother is about to be killed, fast ice emperor! Bring my Armstrong whirlpool to accelerate the jet Armstrong cannon! I will teach Wuhundian to be a man! What is the biggest advantage of being a soul beast? Of course I've seen you a long time ago!

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80 Chs


The moment Shao Shang looked at Chengying, he knew that he would definitely not be able to die, but in many cases, being alive is not necessarily a good thing. He is not a good thing at first, and naturally knows that there are ways to make life worse than death.

      Shao Shang, who was caught as a dead fish at the end of the world, looked at the huge square-like deck, opened his mouth, did not say a word, and gave him another chance to come back, even if he had a hundred ships under him. Come to provoke this damn monster.

      Cheng Ying led the Bingdi, jumped off the ship, and landed in front of him, looking down at him condescendingly, without saying a word.

      At this time, not speaking is more deterrent, because Chengying feels that once she speaks, she will not be majestic. The disciples behind are also deeply convinced, whispering to stand behind the teacher, making Chengying look even less imposing. .

      But even if he is not majestic, for the current Shao Shang, he is a big man who can decide his life and death. He hurriedly lay on the ground and begged for mercy: "My lord, please! Such a wise martial artist, as long as the little one lives, the little one will surely succumb to the death of the adult!"

      Of course, what he said was definitely not Taishan, but the meaning of Cheng Ying probably heard it, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch: "It's loyal to allegiance. It's your act. If you are captured someday, I will definitely give out all my information as soon as possible." The

      Ice Emperor also nodded in agreement: "Yes, there is a heavy smell of blood on his body. It's not a good person at first sight! And it's so stinking, let's kill it!"

      "Spare! The little one is absolutely loyal. As long as the adult gives an order, the little one can summon all the more than twenty ships back. It's all grown-up's private property!" Shao Shang saw that the big man opposite didn't trust him, and quickly lured him into profit.

      "You are talking about your twenty-odd fishing boats?" Cheng Ying stomped the deck under her feet and smiled and said, "Do you think I need your broken boats?"

      "This..." Shao Shang looked at him. Deck, also realized that his subordinates didn't care at all: "I...I also know the nests of other pirates nearby. I can take adults to confiscate their belongings!"

      Chengying's face remained unchanged with a smile: "Do you think I will be interested in your sour barrels of wine, or the women who have been boarded by a group of people? In your boats, I'm afraid they will all There is no one hundred gold soul coins!"

      Shao Shang heard the words, with a look of despair, he could not think of any reason for Cheng Ying to let him go, he may only have the last chance to speak, and gritted his teeth. "My lord, I also have a nautical chart on my body, which shows the many fierce beasts in the sea. I got it from an adventurer!"

      Cheng Ying said that instead of surprise, he frowned. It's a good thing, but looking at Shao Shang's appearance without a long body...Where is this picture hidden? It's a bit...

      As expected by Cheng Ying, Shao Shang managed to turn around and then single-handed Reached into the crotch, took a few touches, and then took out a crumpled piece of parchment with a peculiar smell...

      Chengying: "..."

      I know this is the result!

      Looking at the strange smell of parchment, Chengying quickly pulled the Ice Emperor back, and the corners of her mouth twitched to point to Shao Shang and said: "Open it yourself, don't bring it over! It's so big, the ghost knows you have it. I didn't rush to this thing!"

      Chengying's worries are not unreasonable. Pirates lack channels for venting at sea, so it's normal...  Hearing this, Shao Shang was not surprised but rejoiced. The big man was obviously interested in the chart. He quickly opened the chart and explained, "This is just a big octopus in the deep sea. The cultivation base is unknown. A single tentacle can Shatter my flagship.

      This is just the evil demon orca king, acting in groups, extremely dangerous, and this most powerful, the deep sea demon whale king, everyone he saw is dead, and he can only be blind. That eye passes through."

      Shao Shang was still there, while Chengying had already memorized the chart in his mind. His huge mental power was nowhere to be used, but the passive effects were still the same. Forgetting nature is standard, and it's not much worse than a high-definition digital camera. The most painful thing is that Chengying remembers the few hairs stuck on it...

      "Okay, now that the picture has been handed in, you have already It's useless, come here, drag on!" Chengying told the sailor.

      "My lord, no! No one can understand this chart except me! It's useless if you take it!" Shao Shang was still screaming.

      Cheng Ying stopped looking at him, and turned to Bingdi and said, "I'm going to trouble you again, get some fresh water to shake this guy up, otherwise I dare not let him stay on the boat!"

      Bingdi nodded in agreement. Compared to the sailors under Chengying, the pirates are indeed a bit unacceptable.

      Immediately as soon as I saw the ice emperor volley a little, the water vapor in the air quickly liquefied and solidified, forming a huge ice crystal and falling on the deck. Soon sailors pushed the ice away, and the water for drinking and cleaning was all That's how it came.

      It is also the ice emperor who opened the buff with unlimited water resources. Cheng Ying is so confident that his sailors should wash their faces and wash their faces, take a bath, and similar things, any ice-attribute soul master can easily do it, Ice Emperor It's just easier.

      While asking people to clean the stench Shao Shang, Cheng Ying also found a pen and paper in the cabin, and drew a new nautical chart. There were no scales or latitudes and longitudes. There were only symbols with unknown meaning. Fortunately, the soul beasts. The image is barely able to recognize fish or shrimp.

      "Xiaobing, see if there are any soul beasts you know in this picture. Let's find a way to standardize the chart. Even some ordinary soul beasts of one hundred thousand years old. Find a way to get around." Chengying handed the map to Bingdi.

      The Ice Emperor lay on the map, and his little hand clicked on the soul beasts on the sea one by one: "This octopus is too ugly. I haven't seen it. What is it? I have never seen it. The Demon Whale King of the Deep Sea has heard of it, and I have never seen it. Yes, I know this one! Sea Princess! His territory is in the ice sea near me."

      Cheng Ying heard this, and found the mermaid logo representing Sea Princess. According to the description of the ice emperor, draw the latitude and longitude lines on the map. Although Bingdi had only heard one or two, the map was not standard, but after several adjustments by Chengying, it was finally able to be seen.

      "So many sea spirit beasts should be less than a hundred thousand years old, right? Shall we deliberately pass through a few spirit beasts to gain territory and then grab them to taste the taste!" Bingdi swallowed, his expression eager to try.

      Cheng Ying: "..."

      Are you a soul beast? Is there no psychological burden for other soul beasts?