
Soul Land: Living for along time

This is novel is also a mtl novel. *************** Chengying: "Why chasing me? I gave you the urgent syrup!" Little Scorpion: "Heavenly dream! Don't run! I must eat you!" Chengying: "A fool won't run! What is this special? Time!" This is the story of a stranger who has lived for a long time and is a funny teacher Douluo. Chengying: Who should start first? Is it Dugu Bo or Xueye the Great? Wow! When I was a child, the snake woman was so cute! What? Tang San's mother is about to be killed, fast ice emperor! Bring my Armstrong whirlpool to accelerate the jet Armstrong cannon! I will teach Wuhundian to be a man! What is the biggest advantage of being a soul beast? Of course I've seen you a long time ago!

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80 Chs


Cheng Ying said that it is definitely for his benefit to let Dugu Bo educate Meng Shu. Now this year, he can solve the quadratic equation of one yuan and be regarded as a parabola. That is a high-level talent.

      The kind of advanced talent who can be a commander by throwing away the artillery battalion, of course...the only artillery battalion is in the hands of Chengying, and all artillerymen together are only two hundred and forty.


      "What? The teacher said that there are extracurricular activities today? Isn't that there will be no homework?" Meng Shu cheered when he heard Dugubo asking them to go out.

      Tang Chen also breathed a sigh of relief. After all, he hadn't finished the basic course set by Chengying. He would rather play for a whole day than face the scalp-numbing exercise book.

      However, he who knows the teacher better, but faintly felt that things were not that simple...

      On the way to the river, Chao Tianxiang looked at Meng Shu, who was happily like a husky, and did not understand.

      "Isn't it right to be happy to be able to learn such advanced knowledge? I envy you that it is too late to have such an erudite teacher. Why do you seem so resistant?" When Meng Shu attends classes every day, Chao Tianxiang will consciously avoid it, after all In this era, it is very private to teach things between master and apprentice.

      But from Meng Shu's few words, he could also hear the magic of the knowledge, and he couldn't help but yearn for Meng Shu to have such a knowledgeable teacher as Chengying.

      As for the frustration that Chengying gave her when he made a bet, she had long forgotten about it.

      "That's the basic knowledge you didn't learn. Now I am full of x=at? and 4ac-b?, open my mouth is hydrogen lithium sodium potassium rubidium cesium francium, and closed my mouth is twenty-four pairs of chromosomes... I am about to explode. Now! The brain is trembling. The teacher said that people think with their brains instead of their hearts. I believe it...because of the headache!" Meng Shu looked at Chaotianxiang at a loss.

      She found that she couldn't understand what Meng Shu was talking about. The knowledge taught by Chengying was as obscure as a product of another world.

      "If you want to learn, you can go to the teacher. I don't think the teacher will refuse to accept you as an apprentice. Maybe the teacher is waiting for you to apprentice." Tang Chen looked at Chao Tianxiang's tangled expression and kindly reminded him.

      "It's actually very simple. It's just that the guy is too stupid." Dugu Bo rarely said, teaching Meng Shu to make him realize that Tang Chen was so smart...

      Chaotianxiang: "..."

      Too much information made her completely unable to judge. There is no doubt that Chengying is very knowledgeable, but the knowledge seems terrifying, and it is hard to make up your mind on Meng Shu's face of mental pollution.

      "Are you hesitating to apprentice?" At this moment, Chengying's voice suddenly came from behind, shocking Chaotianxiang.

      "Indeed, Meng Shu said that what you teach is difficult and difficult to learn. Dugubo said it is very simple. I don't know if I have the ability to become your disciple."

      Cheng Ying touched his nose and felt that at this time It would be too       negligible

      if you didn't tell a story : "So, let me tell you a story for your teacher!"

"balabala~" Chengying took advantage of the situation and told the story of the pony crossing the river. Although the story is naive, the truth is clear. .

      "What do you mean..." Chao Tianxiang probably understood what Cheng Ying meant.

      "Don't be easily shaken by the words of others. Different people may have very different views on the same thing. If you don't try it yourself, you will never know whether you can walk the river in front of you."

  I can give you a chance to try, follow Meng Shu, learn from the most basic for a period of time before making a decision. "Speaking of which, Cheng Ying turned around to see the other three small only did not mind.

      After all, fairy tales, fourteen-year-old boys had no interest in a fairy tale, did not seriously only three small children.

      " Cough Cough, my story is not only for Chaotianxiang, but also for you. Now you tell me, what does the end of the world look like in your eyes? "The

      three little ones looked at each other, each of them had their own guesses, but Lenovo Chengying just told the story and couldn't help but give birth to an incredible guess.

      Tang Chen was the first to break the silence: "Teacher, you don't want to take us there in person. Take a look at the end of the world! "

      That's right!" This time we are going to the end of the world! "Bingdi's head suddenly came out from behind Chengying, frightened three little ones.

      "This trip we will go all the way to the west, down the river, and continue to move forward in the sea until we can no longer move forward. This is me. I will give you a quality development class. From then on, I believe you will always remember what it means to make experience first. "The

      three little ones looked at each other speechlessly. They really couldn't imagine that there was anything in this world that would be crazier than going to the end of the world to try. After this time, they will never forget in their lives. Practice is the only criterion for testing truth. This truth.

      "Let's go! Go and see our car on this voyage! "Said Chengying took the lead over the mound, and pointed to the huge boat on the riverside that has not yet been launched: "We are going to take him across the ocean and create a new record for human voyages." The

      three little ones only added Chaotianxiang and turned over. On the mound, seeing the 139-meter-long giant ship, and the 240 gunners and more than 500 sailors lined up on the riverside, all were shocked and speechless.

      Then I thought of Cheng. What Ying said to them before, couldn't help being proud, and subconsciously ignored the fact that all crew members except them were ordinary people.

      When Cheng Ying selects the crew, he also selects carefully. Compared with the voyage around the world in the great voyage era, his trip to sea is actually more like Zheng He's voyage to the West, which is purely an action to burn money to gain momentum.

      These crew members are the navy's basic board for the future. Not only are they physically strong, they also focus on the cultivation of cultural and ideological awareness. Not to mention poems and fus, common words must be recognized.

      Fortunately, Chengying had the pinyin assassin at hand. After a year of training and night school training at all costs, the 800-odd people already looked like full-time soldiers.

      Although they are still vulnerable to the soul master legion, this is a question of mentality. In terms of combat effectiveness, they rely on the big ship to beat out the same amount of soul master legion shit.

      As for mentality, after completing the voyage around the world, the mentality of this group of people will definitely change drastically. The kind of pride that Lao Tzu is not a soul master, but that Lao Tzu goes around the earth will reduce their fear of the soul master. The lowest, by then, they will be the strongest blade to smash the undefeated myth of the soul master!

      "All members board the ship! Ready to set off!" Chengying stood at the bow and ordered the sailors lined up below, the end of the world plan! Officially launched!