
Soul Land: Living for along time

This is novel is also a mtl novel. *************** Chengying: "Why chasing me? I gave you the urgent syrup!" Little Scorpion: "Heavenly dream! Don't run! I must eat you!" Chengying: "A fool won't run! What is this special? Time!" This is the story of a stranger who has lived for a long time and is a funny teacher Douluo. Chengying: Who should start first? Is it Dugu Bo or Xueye the Great? Wow! When I was a child, the snake woman was so cute! What? Tang San's mother is about to be killed, fast ice emperor! Bring my Armstrong whirlpool to accelerate the jet Armstrong cannon! I will teach Wuhundian to be a man! What is the biggest advantage of being a soul beast? Of course I've seen you a long time ago!

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80 Chs


  However, what was unexpected by Chengying was the reaction of the Ice Emperor. The Ice Emperor was not angry at his words, but his eyes were red with an aggrieved expression on his face.

      "After all, don't you just want to get rid of me! What's so great! Just the food! Do you really think I care about you? Get out of here! Don't let me see you again, you can tell me ten thousand years later. I will eat you wherever the Profound Ice Marrow is!"

      Dugu Bo, who saw this scene on the side, couldn't wait to dig his eyes, what is so... the relationship between the big brothers is a bit complicated! If you know too much, will you be killed?

      Cheng Ying was taken aback by Bingdi's words. Although he was not very familiar with the world, he could still hear such an obvious arrogant speech. She sighed helplessly and scolded a hundred times in her heart. A bitch.

      Reaching out and pressing on the top of Bingdi's head, he scrambled his blue-green double ponytails: "I didn't mean that. If you don't keep thinking about eating me, it's okay to get along for ten thousand years temporarily."

      Bingdi heard the words. Raising her head fiercely, she stared at Chengying straightly: "No regrets!"

      Chengying nodded.

      "Even if I want to eat you in 10,000 years, you can't go back!"

      "Uh..." Chengying thought for a while. The Tianmeng in the original work seemed to happen to be about to die at that time. If there is no accident, it would be dead, so I clicked Nodded: "At that time, even if you breached the contract, I couldn't resist."

      "That's good! My Ice Emperor swears to the sky that I will never eat you before the deadline, and you are not allowed to run away before this time!" Chengying's arm was in her arms, as if she was afraid that the other party would run away.

      Chengying sighed helplessly: "I'm cheap! Alright, don't cover your eyes, you will hear it when you hear it, and it won't really kill you."

      Chengying faced Dugu Bozhao who was covering his eyes. He beckoned to come over.

      Dugu Bo had no choice but to come over obediently, but he was secretly relieved. It shouldn't be such a hassle to kill and kill people, his life is always saved.

      "In this way, you go and write down all the poisons and tonics you know here. It's best to draw them all." Said Chengying pulled out the paper and homemade pencil from the backpack.

      I drew a herbal medicine with the simplest sketch, and explained to Dugu Bo what perspective is called, which immediately surprised him.

      If this kind of painting method had existed, it would not have been so difficult to pass on poison and medicine. As for the pictures of herbal medicine on the medical books...

      it is really hard to describe in a word. Anyway, normal people will definitely not recognize the painting. What is herbal medicine, what is poison... After

      sending Dugu Bo away, Bingdi pouted and asked: "Now you can tell me why I want to take him in! You promised me not to run away!"

      "Then you I'll tell you if you teach me to fly first." Chengying bargained.

      "Okay! You still want to run away!" The Bingdi pinched the soft flesh on Cheng Ying's waist, but it didn't hurt.

      "Is it true? It's mainly because I have never flew!" Chengying is absolutely sincere. I would like to ask a boy who never dreamed of flying in the sky when he was a child. Even when he grows up, he will sometimes fantasize about it. !

      "Okay! Seeing you are so stupid, you must not fly fast. Come here, I tell you to do this..." The Ice Emperor explained, teaching Cheng Ying how to fly.