
Soul Land: God of Samsara

Consumed by self-blame and despair, Ma Hongjun, the Phoenix God, performed a tenth attempt to rebirth to the past. With his succession, will he finally able to remake his mistakes, and see the one person he ever loved, again? Note: Soul Land completely belongs to Tang Jia San Shao.

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12 Chs

Chapter 8: The former Clear Sky Douluo

The joyous return of Hongjun lit a light of delight in the hearts of the Academy's people.

The staff and the students of the academy arrived one by one, welcoming Hongjun coming back from his 'walk".

What made the people inside of the academy confused was the mysterious caped man Hongjun brought also with him.

"Hongjun, could I ask who is that man beside you?" Flender cautiously asked.

As a seven-ringed Spirit Saint, his senses can clearly detect the nefarious aura oozing from the mysterious man.

It was terrifying.

"Do not be scared to the kind sir Master, you can call him Tang Chen" Hongjun replied smilingly.

Flender nodded with a bright expression but deep inside he was actually scared.

"If he was kind as you have said, just what in the name of the gods was that strong killing aura?!"

Unfortunately, Flender decided to just keep this thought for himself.

The others may have been frightened but a mysterious glint appeared in Yu Xiaogang, the Grandmaster.

"A-Are you the former Clear Sky Douluo?"

The mysterious man smiled inside his cape, as he removed it for them to see his features.

An oddly sharp aura exudes freely around Tang Chen, displaying his strong and mighty stature.

"It seems that even time cannot erase the prestige I earned on the outside world" Tang Chen laughingly replied.

The whole academy was astounded, not expecting the random man Hongjun brought was one of the beings in the continent, reaching the peak of the world.

"H—how" Yu Xiaogang was stuttering.

"It was said that you are long dead, how was that possible looking at you healthy and safe?" Flender continued what Xiaogang cannot say clearly.

Flender politely speaking, made a good impression on Tang Chen.

"It's a long story mister, maybe we can sip some wine while we talk about that" Tang Chen responded.

Hongjun noticing that the atmosphere became calm at last butted in "Sir Tang Chen, looking that you do not have a place anywhere possible to stay at, would you mind lodging in here?"

As a generational expert, Tang Chen already experienced countless obstacles and schemes. Hearing the obvious tone of Hongjun's speech did not make him mad or anything but put a smile on his face.

"You insidious brat, I really do not have anywhere to stay at, is there any vacant room in this place?" Tang Chen agreed.

The whole academy cheered, having a solid wall for them to lean on now.

Flender led all of the people to a hall for them to sit and relax.

After walking for some time around the academy, it struck Tang Chen a realization.

"Looking at you guys, it seems that this is academy" Tang Chen speculated, not expecting that a shabby place like this is actually a school.

Flender and the others were embarrassed as someone finally pointed out their run-down facilities.

"How many students does this academy enrolled currently?" Tang Chen asked about the academy's affairs.

There is nothing in the world that is completely free.

Even if he is a peak-level expert, he understood that he is not here to dilly-dally.

Knowing this indisputable fact, Tang Chen volunteered himself to be included in the Academy's system as a part of it.

Flender raised his hands lifting seven of his fingers.

"700?" Tang Chen asked.

Flender embarrassingly shook his head.

"70?" Tang Chen asked again.

Seeing no response from Flender made Tang Chen sigh.

"Really, 7 students, w*f?"

"Our academy does not compromise for quantity; we strive to obtain only the best of the best quality" Flender replied seriously.

It may be a ridiculous idea but Tang Chen considers it as something viable to happen.

An academy with hundreds of Titled Douluo…

Even a thousand is possible.

Just imagining this made Tang Chen feel jittery.

"If I join this academy, can I be the teacher of that brat?" Tang Chen pointed to Hongjun.

Flender was stunned, struggling to choose between his pride as a mentor or the development of his academy.

Seeing the tension building up between the two, Hongjun stood up for himself.

"Sir Tang Chen, there is no need to be like that, you two can be my teachers, isn't the problem now easily solved?" Hongjun cheekily commented.

"You brat" Tang Chen just sighed heavily.

Flender's eyes became moist, seeing the loyalty of Hongjun to his discipleship.

"Master Flender is both a father and a mentor figure for, I mean, you cannot forsake your father just because you wanted it you know?" Hongjun sincerely said.

The other students noticing that the atmosphere became calm again used this opportunity to introduce themselves.

Tang Chen was curious if the other students besides Hongjun can be called a "genius" in their own respective domains.

"Good morning, sir, I am Dai Mubai,12 years old, my martial soul is the White Tiger, and I am a level 30 Spirit Grandmaster"

"Is your morning good sir? I am Oscar the Scholar, 9 years old, my martial soul is a Sausage but you must not underestimate the power of sausages because I was born with innate full soul power, I am by now a level 20 Spirit Master"

"Greetings, my name is Tang San,8 years old, my martial soul is the Bluesilver Grass, I am a level 19 Spirit Scholar"

Tang Chen was astounded.

Hearing Tang San's surname made Tang Chen jump from his seat.

"Did you say, Tang, Tang San?" Tang Chen nervously asked.

Tang San was confused and thought "Are we really related to each other?"

Tang San is an intelligent person, he can clearly observe the panic from Tang Chen's expression. It seems that something really must be going on.

"Ah yes sir, my surname is Tang" Tang San replied politely.

The people inside the hall were looking at Tang Chen intently, realizing the outburst he just released.

Shrugging it with a cough as if nothing happened, Tang Chen asked something again to Tang San.

"What is your father's name?" Tang Chen was excited.

"Tang Hao, sir" Tang San replied politely.

Tang Chen suddenly laughed boisterously, making the room so confused.

Only Yu Xiaogang can actually decipher the meaning behind his laugh.

Happy Reading!!

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