
Soul Land: God of Samsara

Consumed by self-blame and despair, Ma Hongjun, the Phoenix God, performed a tenth attempt to rebirth to the past. With his succession, will he finally able to remake his mistakes, and see the one person he ever loved, again? Note: Soul Land completely belongs to Tang Jia San Shao.

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12 Chs

Chapter 5: Hongjun's Awakening

Life Gold is absolutely a peerless treasure of the world.

Wisp by wisp, the item was slowly devoured by Hongjun's body, until the life gold turned from the size of a fist, into a nail-sized one.

Tang San gave the life gold back to Flender, which made the latter confused.

"It is enough, his body's still absorbing the item" Tang San clarified.

Flender after all the stressful events released a deep sigh of relief.

"Tang San, when do you think will Hongjun be awake?" Flender asked curiously.

"Hypothetically, he will be up by the night but this is not a guarantee" Tang San replied frankly.

Flender nodded at this statement, completely convinced of Tang San's ability.

The sun went down quickly as the promised time arrived.

The people inside of Hongjun's room are excited, waiting for his recovery.

Hongjun's left index finger suddenly twitched.

After this involuntary reaction, his eyes opened and exuded a strange but bright sheen.

Gazing at his surroundings, a smile appeared on his face.

Hongjun's smile brought tears to Oscar and Mubai, as frustrations accumulated inside of them, bursted.

"Junior Hongjun, you are alive!" Oscar said as he hopped towards Hongjun.

Mubai also butted in "It's good that you are safe"

The bedroom became rowdy.

Flender forcefully stopped the commotion by uttering a fake cough.

"Hongjun, can you please tell us now on why the heck a lightning tried to strike you down?" Flender's eyes became serious.

Knowing that he cannot escape this interrogation, Hongjun revealed all of it.

"It was because I surpassed the limit of the world"

Flender and the others were confused, but Grandmaster Yu Xiaogang was utterly interested.

"What do you mean by that?" Yu Xiaogang asked.

Hongjun proceeded to his explanation.

"We all know that there are ten levels before breaking through the next stage"

"One of the theories you have as the famous Yu Xiaogang was that before a breakthrough, there is still capacity for more soul power in our body"

"I forcefully broke the limit and was successful, then a lightning fell from the sky"

Hongjun's insights were a piece of tremendous information, knowing that it was knowledge from the forbidden extremes of the world.

"What a wonderful situation!" Xiaogang was astounded.

"To think that the theories I have on my arsenal are superficial compared to this new domain of research" Grandmaster was having doubts about his theories.

Hongjun comforted Yu Xiaogang with some words.

"Sir, your theories truly are out of this world, but that only applies to ordinary geniuses out there" Hongjun commented.

"But we are the Shrek Devils of the Shrek Academy, THE MONSTERS OF THE GENERATION!"

Hongjun's high-spirited reaction ignited a fire in the others students of Shrek.

"Hongjun's right, with your talents it is completely possible to reach the Titled-Douluo level, but this is not the only thing you needed" Flender grasped the situation to lecture on the kids.


The other students smirked as their wills are challenged.

Grandmaster stopped this by signaling to sleep already.

"Yes, ascension is great but sleep is also essential"

Tang San, Mubai, Oscar, Rongrong, Zhuqing, and Xiao Wu went back to their respective cabins, as ordered by the Grandmaster.

The people left in the room were only Flender and Hongjun, as Xiaogang followed the other students.

"Then Hongjun, what will be your next plan?" Flender asked.

Flender knew inside of him that the student he picked is extraordinary.

Extraordinary geniuses always have their own opinions, and as a teacher and a father figure for Hongjun, he will do anything to help him.

"Master, I wanted to go into a place" Hongjun sighed.

Flender stayed silent, waiting for Hongjun's next words.

"Its a place called Slaughter City"

Hearing the horrifying name of the place, Flender's expression made a turn.

"Just what are you thinking!"

Hongjun defended himself "You have seen my abilities Master, is it not enough?"

Flender seeing the stubborn determination in Hongjun made him relent after a long tug of war.

"Then go you, idiot, don't come back crying you disobedient child" Flender fumed.

Looking at this sight, Hongjun completely understands what was on Flender's mind, but it was a crucial period of his cultivation.

"Master, I promise that I will come back safely, be safe too," Hongjun said his goodbye.

Hongjun escape through the window and was stopped suddenly by Flender.

Flender threw a necklace into Hongjun's hands and said "This necklace was a treasure I found when I was still a Soul King, it can resist a full-power attack from a Titled-Douluo two times, go back quickly"

Hongjun smiled at the sight of this as tears welled up in his eye sockets.

"Thank you, Master!"

The phoenix vanished through the night, encapsulated by the darkness on sight.


<Hongjun's POV>

Going to the Slaughter City is crucial to my plans, it will make my abilities more diverse if I obtained it more earlier than my past.

After obtaining a strong spirit, this absurd plan became viable for me.

Slaughter City prohibits the use of Soul Power, only Physical Strength are allowed in that place.

The concept of spirit power is not yet made before the previous eras, so it can be possible that spirit power can be used in that place.

As a spirit cultivator bordering the power of a Titled-Douluo, no one can rival me there in terms of power.

It took months for me to arrive on that place by foot, and the massive entrance of the city is currently in front of me.

Dense killing intent emanated from the gates, you can only imagine how strong will it be after I entered inside.

The gatekeeper stopped me from my tracks but it was completely useless, as I forcefully manipulated his memories.

With a forced entry to the Slaughter City, the start of my goals is now commencing.


If there is any error in the chapter, kindly remind me in the comments.

Thank you.