
Soul Extinction

Welcome to the world of Soul Extinction, A seemingly normal world, where there are legends of special, ancient powers thought to once exist long ago. Little do the residents of this world know, there a is a secret society filled with thousands of these power holders.

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What is my soul power?

I finally stood at the entrance to this room, waiting for the person ahead of me to get their powers. 'What if I get a low ranked power?' I kept thinking to myself, I wish these negative thoughts would go away, all I need is a rare ranked power to have a chance of escape.

"Enter now, please" the guard at the door said to me. I guess you could say I was excited but also scared to get my soul power.

I entered the room, there were machines dotted all around the room, probably there to observe my spirit.

"Please stand in the middle of the room and stand still so we can tell you what your soul power is" The man behind the glass window said.

I spent the next 10 minutes standing still and waiting to get my results.

Finally, "We have your results here sir." The man said, as a holographic screen appeared in front of me. The words "Mythical rank" appeared on the screen.