(The Cover and Story are in the "Early Stages", so this will be a "Template" of sorts for a possible future "Polished" version) Are you interested in the World that you currently live in? Do you love the way that the Animals live, and the way that the Atmosphere is slowly being tainted? Cool, then this might not be for you. This revolves around the Full Dive VR Game of "Sors Mea Online", or SMO. With the Advancements in Technology, Games have gone a Step Up in the world, and can now be experienced in 1st Person. SMO, however, was but a Step Higher than the rest. Made by One Person, who goes by the Nickname "LucXy" (Luck-z-y), the world has gone from Silence to an Uproar after they saw the advanced mechanics and AI in SMO. With over 30 Years in Development, it was finally released, with No Beta, No Alpha, and absolutely No Pay-to-Win Features involved. What was once thought to be a Lame game created by a Nobody Developer, was later all over the World. Nearly Every person on the Planet has heard of Sors Mea Online, and a bit over Half of the Earths Population played SMO. (By the way, the world of SMO is around 2x bigger that Earth) The words "Sors Mea" translate from Latin to "My Fate". So "My Fate" Online, was, in the Literal sense, "A Game where you can become Practically Anything." Farmer? Cultivation Skills Exist. Swordsman? Attack Skills Exist. Babysitter?! Buy some Land and build a Daycare or an Orphanage. When the acronym "NPC" is heard, you would usually think, Simple, Bland, and Repetitive. However, in this world, what some players only see as Lines of Code, many others see them as Nearly Human. With the Human-Like NPC's, the People of SMO live like normal. Farming, Building, Studying, Learning, Training, and even learning Skills or Magic. Like the Real World, the People of SMO can Feel Emotions, have Memories, Feel Pain and Delight, and even have Children, with both NPC or Player. Yup, players can raise a Virtual Family that feels too real to be fake. With the many types of Skills, Magics, Weapons, Items, and Creatures in this world, there are practically no such thing as having nothing to do. Craft, Train Skills, learn Magic, conquer Dungeons, or just Have a Shop, or Raise a Family, be an Adventurer and see new lands, fight Monsters, and be wary of the Unknown. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Now the Story of SMO will revolve around an 18 Year old Kid who discovers a FDVR Headset by Accident while he, like any Cliche, was running from some of his Bullies that have been with him since Kindergarten. Upon Logging In to a New Account, he sets a Username : LacX. (Lack-z) When he logs into the game, he is told to allocate 100 Stat Points, and choose 1 Unique Skill, and 3 Normal Skills, as well as a Weapon. Since he doesn't like to fight very much, he decided to just let his Speed do the work, and put every Stat Point into Agility. When he finally steps into the starting Town, he is Immediately hit with a Message : {Acquired New Skills} With these New Skills, he was Immediately shocked at how fast he can really move with 1000 Agility. As he Levels Up, he starts to get a bit into Smithing and Jewel Cutting. With his new found Skills and his rediculous Speed, he will attempt to climb to the Top of the Central Tower, also known as The World's Greed. What's in the Tower? I don't know. Who is the Developer of SMO? Maybe save some questions for Later. How OP of an MC are we talking about? Read it, and maybe you'll find out. Other than that, there will be many other attributes to the Story, like Heroines, some cool Equipment, a Child, and many more Aspects of SMO. {MC Character Sheet} [Name : Suuco Tsukuyomi] [Age : 18 B-Day : Oct. 1] [Gender : Male] [SMO User : LacX] [Unique Skill : Copy] [Stats] {Level : 1} {0/100 Exp} {Str :1} : Physical Damage {End : 1} : Defence {Agi :1001} : Overall Speed {Sta : 1} : Used for Active Skills {Mag : 1} : Spell Strength {Wis : 1} : Mana
Thus begins a not so normal day.
The Sun is bright.
The Birds are fluttering by.
And the unusual scene of Suuco being chased down the street by some Older Students shows that the Day is not quite "Normal".
"Get back here you brat!" Taki, the leader of the Group, yells as he has a wet stain on his Jacket.
"I said I'm Sorry, so stop chasing me!" Suuco yells back, clearly forgetting where he was running to.
Now, to understand what's happening, we should start a bit before this event.
Suuco, the Bullied, always had something to do.
Which was to laze around and avoid any potential "Threats".
However, this day just wasn't his luckiest.
He somehow ended up being a gofer to a small group that didn't exactly do everything in front of the eyes of others.
Now during one of his "Runs", Suuco ran to the Vending Machine and bought some Sodas.
When he brought them back, he was told to open the sodas, since they didn't want to open them themselves during their conversation.
As he opened the last one for Taki, he slipped on his shoelace, which was loose to begin with, and spilled the soda over Taki's new Jacket.
Before anybody could assess the situation, he bolted away, with both his wits, and barely his life.
As they continued to chase, Suuco realized a small alleyway that seemed small enough for just him to get through.
"Where do you think you're going?" Taki says, as he grabs onto the end of Suuco's Hoodie.
"I said I'm sorry, so could we just let this go?" he pleas, struggling to get away.
"Seriously? You ruin my sweater, and you want me to spare you? Dream bigger when I beat you to sleep." Taki threatens.
Before a punch could get in, Suuco slips out of his sweater and into the Alleyway.
'Well, there goes my Favorite Sweater.' he thought as he continues to run.
"The hell? Get him!" The group scatters.
Since they can't fit through the gap, they had to look for a different Alley.
With Suuco's Hoodie in hand, Taki clicks his tongue, and walks away from the small Alleyway.
As Suuco continues to run, he starts to slow to a stop, slowly realizing that he has no idea where he is, or where to continue running.
'Well, now what? ...Might as well keep walking until I find something familiar.' he thought, quietly walking and looking around.
At the corner of his eye, he spots a Box.
Curiosity hits him like a truck, despite the situation he's currently in.
Slowly, he walks towards the Box.
As he approaches the box, he can read the Label on the side, reading "FDVR".
Every other part of the box was either torn or faded out.
"Who would leave one of these here?" he says as he lifts the slightly heavy box.
He opens the box to find 3 things :
A Headset, a Cord for said Headset, and a Case, which looked like it was for a Game.
"Is this a Game Chip? And a Headset? Aren't these like, extremely expensive?"
Suuco puts the Case back into the box, and now had a decision.
'Take it with me, and be reported for theft, or leave it here, never knowing what game is even in that chip.'
After some thinking, he flips a coin that he found nearby.
'Heads, Take it. Tails, Leave it.'
With the flip of a coin, his Fate was decided.
. . .
After roaming around, he finds a Landmark that was near his house.
"Who knew a fountain would actually come in handy?" Suuco compliments the fountain, and throws the coin from the Alleyway into the Fountain.
Looking around, he spots nobody around and walks up to his front door, Heavy Box in tow.
As he walks into his front door, he is almost immediately given a headbutt to the chest.
"Ow. I'm home, Sis. So please, don't headbutt me."
As the little figure walks back a but, she stands there with a pout on her face.
"Your Late!" She yells, clearly annoyed at his tardiness.
"Sorry. I had some trouble getting here. But I'm here now, so no problem." Suuco tried pulling a fast one.
"No problem? But you were supposed to teach me how to bake Cupcakes!" The pouty little sister complains, getting ready to charge at a moments notice.
"Right, right. We could get started soon, just let me put my things away first. As a bonus, you can put the sprinkles on the Cupcakes when we're done, okay?"
"Really? Yay! Cupcakes with Sprinkles!" She bounces around like the little bull of energy she is. Yup, Bull, not Ball.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
I Guess introductions are in order.
The Queen of Headbutting anything even remotely living is Suuco's 8 year old Sister, Suzu.
When Suzu was at an age of 2 years old, both Suuco and Suzu lost their parents to a Car Crash. With some help from their Grandfather, they were able to keep their home, and they lived with him in that house until Suuco comes of age. Last year, however, their Grandfather died of old age. He lived to the age of 103 years old, a few weeks after Suuco turned 18. In their grandfathers Will, there was a large sum of money, enough for the both of them to live for a few years if used wisely.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
As the siblings start to get to work, Suuco went through his head on what game was in the Case.
'It could be anything, really. It could even be an unreleased game, or a Virus. I guess that will have to wait until later. For now, I teach Suzu to Bake.'
They spent about an hour and a half going through every step, waiting for the Cupcakes to bake, and finally having Suzu put too many sprinkles on every cupcake.
"Their Done! Now we can eat!" Suzu goes in for a cupcake, but Suuco swiftly snatches the batch before she can get one.
"Only after Dinner, and after you eat your Vegetables. All of them." With a serious look, Suuco glares at Suzu for her response.
"Really? But they don't taste good! Can I have one now and eat them later?" Negotiations are in order...
"If I give you one, the you'll eat double the Greens. Deal?"
Negotiations are in order...
With a displeased groan, she sits on the couch and waits until Dinner is ready.
After they eat, she is given the promised Cupcake, and goes to bed after washing her plate and watching a bit of TV.
In Suuco's Room, he takes the box out of his closet.
"Time to see what we're dealing with."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I'm Done with the 1st Chapter, so now I just need somebody to be interested. Or not, don't mind me.
I'll try to at least write One Chapter a Week since I feel like this will at least be a decent looking story.
If you see any spot that could use some improvement, please, don't hesitate to criticize me in the slightest.
I am only a Novice, and right now, I have a few other side projects for SMO, like a Visme Slide Project that will display all, if not Most of my Ideas for SMO, not as a Light Novel, but if I could make a game, then this would be it. Sadly, I have no Income since I don't have a Job yet, but we'll get there when we get there.
Anyways, thank you for reading, if you are reading my work anyways. I still need a lot of improving, but I could somehow make it work. Even if others will hate this, I will continue to make this because I kind of find some sort of self interest in my own work. Sometimes the Story in my Head and the Story in Words can become Extremely Different, but that's fine. This is mostly just a Rough Draft that I thought up on the spot, and feel like this story can go SOMEwhere.
Again, thanks for reading, and maybe I can make multiple chapters in a week, we'll see.
(On a Side Note, I am no Artist, so I can't draw any of the characters that I would like to draw, so there might not be any art of the characters for a while, and I mean a LONG while.)