
A superstar

I sit down on the wooden stage cross-legged while humming softly, just humming whatever notes happen to come to mind. I peer down at all the empty chairs. They weren't all that special, just plastic blue chairs you would find at a school assembly but my eyes were stuck to them like glue. I could imagine people sitting in those seats watching in amazement while I have a drumstick in each hand, hitting down on the face of the drum time after time with rhythm and a large grin. I would have band-mates strumming on their guitar or hitting high notes as they sang. The crowd would be loud with their cheering but we would be louder. The crowd would be clapping and singing along. The entire school would applaud at our talent. Only a few problems with that, the first would be that to have a band you need band members. See, It's not that I'm unpopular or anything but I'm not popular either. I stand up and walk to the drumset sitting on the stage and imagine what it would be like to be the drummer behind it. I take the headphones out of my pocket and put them on. I plug my headphones into my phone. I hold my phone in one hand and quickly put in the password, it opens and I quickly tap the app I need. I press on my favorite band while selecting shuffle then I slide my phone back into my pocket. I lay my head on the stage floor while putting my knees up and resting my palms face down on the ground beside me. I stare up at the stage lights, slipping into my thoughts. I imagine the stage lights bright and focused on me as I'm hit down on the drums. I'd look out over the crowd, all their eyes focused on me as I play.

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