
Chapter Twenty Four

* Nick *

"You need to do something Maleficus! The Bates are coming after tomorrow, my parents are still not here and Brad is not here either!"

I comb my hair with my trembling fingers as I walk back and forth in front of the old man sitting like it is the most normal thing he does. It's not my habit to be agitated or to worry about things regarding the Palace. First of all my father is the Alpha King and he takes charge of everything but now that he's not around I am forced to stand on his throne to decide. My brother is supposed to be the crowned prince! Damn, it!

"Your Majesty, Nick. Relax and calm down, have a sit, and drink something to free your mind of worry. They will not come before your parents. The Bates are good wolves and a family that exudes elegance with strong confidence in your father and you. Trust yourself."