
Song Beyond the Worlds

Caelestis Ewhal is the son of Shirou Emiya and Rin Tohsaka who was sent to runeterra to escape a cataclysmic event they couldn't be sure them or their world could be save. The asked the only person who could send him away and hopefully be safe from their inevitable end. Zelretch the Wizard Marshall or The Kaleidescope. He will do everything he can from simple spell casting to using any weapon in his arsenal to get back home to the person who raised and taught him that even a simple song can be what can bridge the gap between friend and foe or in this case be a bridge between worlds. >>>>> I'm a brand new author as you can probably tell, but I wanted to give it a try. I was heavily inspired by AStoryForOne so make sure you go and support them and their amazing work. I don't want it to be a copy of a story, but if there are any similarities it'll be as minimum as possible. Any constructive criticism would be much appreciated, but please go easy on me. My heart can only take so much. >>>>> Update Scedule: Doesn't exist I'll try to update once a week, but im still trying to get my bearings so don't hold your breath. >>>>> I do not claim ownership for any of the works or characters except my OC. Please make sure to support the authors who brought all these works to life.

TheAlize · Anime und Comics
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2 Chs

Prologue: It Was Just a Dream

*Using sign language/Telepathy*

"Regular conversation"

Caelestis POV

"Mom, why do you always play the e-etowel?" I asked as I ran up and sat on her lap. This is a question that I believed would help solve one of the greatest mystery in the WHOLE universe. At least for a 5 year old.

"*First of all, sweetie, that's not how you pronounce it. It's pronounced it well.*" Oh... well, what would you expect from a 5 year old anyway?

"*To answer your question, it's because it helps connect with people no matter who they are or where they're from. Music can connect you with someone who might be your neighbor, your friend, your enemy , or too someone you love.*" As she says that, she leans down and kisses my head.

As I think about her answer, I only have one thing to say that's as profound as any 5 year old can manage. "I don't get it." She's giggles at my innocent answer.

"*That's ok. I didn't get it either until I was older and played my etwahl for the first time for someone.*" she smiled at me with that same smile that could enchant even the gods themselves, but to me it meant so much more.

My mother's name is Sona. No last name, until she was adopted by the Buvelle noble family after her and the other orphaned children had to run away from Ionia because of the invasion from Noxus. The Buvelle family has been extremely kind to us and treat mom as their own daughter and me, their grandson. The family is known for their patronage of the musical arts, which is also a big reason they adopted mom.

"Mom, can you keep teaching me more about music? If I want to understand it like you, I need to practice a whole lot." Giggles *"Of course, my lovely Caen. Now, where did we leave - *"

"Sona!!" As soon as we heard a door open abruptly, we both jumped up startled. "What's wrong, grandma? Why did you open the door like you were being chased by those aunties in the shopping center?" I asked my grandmother. That earned me a light smack on the head from my mom. Worth it.

"We don't have time. We have to leave. Your father, he, he's gone." Both of us were frozen in shock. I might only be 5 years old, but I like to believe I'm pretty smart to understand what she meant. I looked up at my mom, and I saw her shed a tear.

This was the first time I saw her cry, and I did not like it. I immediately gave her a hug. We stayed like that for a couple of minutes until she stood up and asked the question, plaguing our minds.

"*How?*" it was quite for only a couple of seconds until she finally answered through her own sobbing. "He gave his life for his Highness Jarvin the 4th who was captured by Noxians." Noxians. Those war hunger psychos. All they want is war and to expand their own territory. At least, that's what I learned through some of my etiquette classes.

"Sona, I think it's time we leave Demacia." My grandmother said.

"*Why? Where would we even go? Our home is here, isn't it?*" I shook my head, agreeing with her as well. Where can we even go?

"Ionia. Maybe it's about time you learn more about yourself and let your magical talents flourish." She said that with all the seriousness a mother could. My mother was shocked, to say the least.

"*What about Cael? We know he has magic as well. He can't stay here. Maybe we can also learn about his origins as well.*"

My grandmother only smiled and continued saying. "Of course. I was also thinking about taking him with us. It's not safe here for anyone with magic."

"What about Aunt Kahina? Will she come with us as well?" Before I could ask anything else, my Aunt Kahina also walked in, not looking any better than my grandmother.

"I'm staying behind. Somebody needs to look after our house since, you know." My aunt is very pretty, but right now, she looks like she aged 5 years.

Though I'll never say that to her face. I like living thank you very much.

After being informed about our trip to Ionaia, we all packed what we could. Clothes, food, money, and some books so we don't get bored on the boat trip.

As we finished packing, we were already boarding the boat that would take us to Ionia.

As we overlooked Demacia, I could never get tired of how beautiful it is. The castle is sat on top of a mountain facing away from the water that is right beneath it. The town is right beneath it all constructed in some kind of white marble that made up, well, everything. It didn't look gaudy. It had just the right amount to compliment it with all the blue water surrounding it.

As we waved our goodbyes to my aunt, who was staying behind, we finally departed.

It's been several days since we left Demacia, and I can only say that boats are boring. As I was trying to look over the railing, my mother came up from behind me and picked me up so I could look over it.

"*It's pretty isn't?*" I can only nod at her question.

"There's only water out there, though. The novelty kind of left me." I said as I continued looking out into the ocean.

"*Now, where did you learn such a big word such as novelty?*" she giggled at my attempts at acting mature. "*But yes, it can be a little boring looking at only water for several days. So how about I play us a song that I'm currently working on?*" As she asked me, she already was tuning her etwahl to play me her song.

As she began playing her song, many passengers stopped what they were doing, only paying attention to my mother's song. It sounded like I was in the ocean quietly floating and listening to waves hit my body, the sun hitting my face at just the right temperature and the sound of yelling.

Wait, yelling? As I opened my eyes, I looked towards the water again, and I saw something that would haunt my dreams for a long time. There were boats. Not just any boats, they were boats from Noxus.

Everyone began screaming and trying to run into the boat, and as I was confused and scared, my mother grabbed me and followed the people to get into the boat, but we were a little slow because all I heard were the sounds of cannon balls and magic.

The boat was rocking from side to side from all of the waves hitting it.

All I saw and heard were people falling and screaming. Even my mom and I fell on the floor. Then I saw it all happen in what felt like in slow motion. A fireball going straight towards her.

I stopped breathing, and I stopped thinking. I was stunned, not knowing what to do. All I could do was watch. I needed to get up. I needed to run to her, but I couldn't.

I was too scared. To weak. Then, when I felt it was over, I heard words. Words I knew yet didn't understand, but I didn't ponder on them for very long because I knew I could save her. No, I will save her!