
Son of the Storm

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What is Son of the Storm

Lesen Sie den Roman Son of the Storm des Autors Martin_Lloren, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel....


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Void Entity Visits Other Worlds

Eternalism. A real philosophy that dictates that all entities, past, present, and future, exist. Let's say you were in a situation where your mother and father are each trapped in a room, separated from each other. You are put in front of two buttons. If you press the left one, your father is saved, and if you press the right, your mother is saved. However, you can only save one, and the other dies. Eternalism dictates that both options happened. There was a situation where you pressed the left button, and a situation where you pressed the right. That means, you pressed both buttons. All situations, actions, or casualties exist. All outcomes. Now imagine this. Situation A, is where I'm minding my own business, going about my day and in front of me, I see a child about to get run over. I don't do anything. I stand there and watch as the child dies in front of me, as they are ripped apart by a speeding car, that's brakes happened to fail that day. That the kid's body parts are splattered all over the street as I stood there and did nothing, as their body even splits in half from the force of the speeding car. Now in Situation B, the roles are reversed. I am the one being run over from having pushed the kid out of the way but with my momentum going forward and not fast enough, it is I that instead ends up hit by the car, with my innards splashing all over the street and me being split in half. Now, I find myself in what seems to be World War II, inside one of the many boats about to hit Normandy beach, with what seems to be D-Day.

JuriKier · Anime und Comics
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