
Fairy Dragon

As the gang exited the church, happy to have successfully save Asia, said person suddenly recalled a crucial fact that she forgot to address with everything that has happened.

"Something wrong Asia-chan?" Matsuda asked having noticed her internal dilemma. This caused everyone to stop and look at her.

"ummm, it-it's just while I am very thankful to e-everyone for saving me… what happens to me now? I-I have no where else to go." Asia looked down in sadness. It was true that she had nowhere to return to. The church exiled her for her deed of healing a devil accusing her of being a witch. There is no way she could return to them. That is how she ended up with Raynare and the fallen angels who found her. Everyone felt very bad for the poor nun, a few of them understanding how it feels to have no place to call home, no where to belong.

Before anybody could say anything, Rias stepped forward and placed her hand over Asia's shoulder, causing said person to look up. Rias could tell from her expression that she was holding back the tears that threatened to come out.

"If that is the case, then what would you say to becoming a part of my peerage, my family?" she asked Asia who lifted her head in surprise.

"eh… w-what?" Rias found her expression to be very cute but it did not deter her from stopping.

"Since you said you had no place left to go to, I would like to offer you a place in my family. You would get to hang out with Matsuda and Issei more often and would get to experience new things. I would have to ask Sona to transfer you to our school but I'm sure she will do it in exchange for a favour so that is not an issue. The choice is yours and you can take as much time as you need if you'd like. If you do not accept the offer, then I will take no offense. I'll even ask my brother to see if he could get in contact with heaven's leaders to help you out. If you do accept, then I can promise you that you will never be alone again." Rias finally finished and waited for her answer.

The last bit Rias said really resonated with Asia core because she was isolated all her life. After so many years of being isolated and her teachings. Due to her status as a holy maiden Asia had to withhold many desires during her childhood. Deep down, she wanted to be able to experience things other girls her age did. She wanted to be able to go to school and be able to make many friends. She wanted to eat out with friends and family. She wanted to go to the amusement parks. She wanted to be able to share pleasant and happy memories with cherished people however her duty to the church and the lord kept her from doing so and now Rias is offering her a chance to live out these experiences. She already considered herself blessed to have been able to befriend Matsuda and Issei and now she had the chance to fulfill her deepest desires she couldn't do in the past. Taken into account all these facts made her reply very obvious.

"If-if you would have me, then yes I would love to." She answered nodding to Rias who seemed absolutely happy at her answer. At this time, Issei stepped forward.

"Are you sure about this Asia? If you do become a devil, you would not be able to pray to God anymore." He asked with a worried tone mostly on her behalf. Despite being excommunicated from the church, she had always kept her faith with her and prayed to her lord practically every day that it has become a part of her. So, if she were to become a devil, she would have to abandon what is effectively a part of her being and Issei just wanted to make sure she was okay with it.

He received his answer in the form of a smile by Asia who looked straight at him.

"Yes, Issei-san, I'm sure. I truly appreciate your concern but… for as long as I can remember, I have been isolated in the church due to my duties as a holy maiden. I envied how so many people talked about how much fun they had playing sports, going to school and do all sorts of things. It-it-it is not as though I did not enjoy what I was doing. I felt blessed to be able to use the gift God gave me to heal so many people. However, a small part of me longed to be able to experience things outside the walls of the church and I believe this is my chance to do so. E-Even though I may never be able to pray to the lord again, his teachings will always remain with me in my heart and that is all I really need."

Seeing that it looked like she was determined to go through with this, Issei relented. All he wanted to make sure of was that she wanted this from the bottom of her heart and not from being forced with no options. However, it seemed to be the former so he was happy about that. Although none was happier than Rias judging by the big smile on her face.

"I see. In that case, allow to give you my gratitude for accepting my offer. I know it could not have been easy for you to give up the ability to pray which is why I will do everything in my power to make sure that your choice is one you will never regret. Let me be the first to welcome you to my peerage and my family." She extended her hand in greeting which Asia took.

"Thank you very much. Despite being Devils, I can tell that you are all very nice people so I am going to be in your care… so umm how do we do this?" she inquired Rias since she had no idea how the process worked.

"You don't need to worry. You can simply take a seat and I will take care of everything. It's actually a very simple and quick process" Rias explained.

"May I make one last prayer before we do this?" she asked Rias who simply nodded. She wasn't going to deny her this request.

"Of course, you can. Please go ahead and when you are finished, we can begin."

Asia folded her hands in prayer and closed her eyes as she prayed to her lord, thanking him for all that she had. Despite having a rough upbringing, she never blamed God for her misfortune and always turned to his teachings whenever she felt sad. If anything, it was only due to these series of unfortunate events that she was able to meet Issei and Matsuda, her first true friends and now she had the opportunity to live the normal life she always dreamed of having so she thanked the lord almighty for this blessing.

After finishing her prayer, she turned around and told Rias she was finished.

"I'm done."

"Very well, in that case, please take a seat anywhere and we will begin the process." Asia nodded and took a seat on a chair nearby.

"Will it hurt her?" Issei inquired, worried about possible harm to befall her. However, his worry was quelled when Rias shook her head.

"No, as I said, the process is simple and painless. I can assure you Issei. I would never do anything to harm her."

Issei nodded and backed down when Rias assured him. He trusted her. He then saw Rias take out what seemed to be the chessboard set that contains her remaining devil pieces.

Rias started contemplating which piece to use on Asia. Her knight piece would be useless since Asia wouldn't gain any benefits from the speed increase granted by the knight so her bishop and rook piece remained. She deliberated on whether or not to use the rook piece considering that Asia was part-dragon and would greatly benefit from the boost, however she quickly dismissed it due to Asia's personality. She wasn't much of a fighter but more of a healer due to her Twilight healing so she would best fulfill the Bishop's role which is to support the team from behind.

Having made her decision, she then took out her Bishop from her set and moved it towards Asia's chest.

"In the name of Rias Gremory, I order you, Asia Argento, to be reborn as my Bishop. Dedicate your life to me as my servant and family." She recited the incantation and soon, her Bishop piece started to glow causing Asia to close her eyes at the sudden brightness as the Bishop piece slowly entered her body causing Asia body to give off a glow. After the piece finished merging, the light died down indicating a successful conversion.

Rias breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that she had successfully managed to convert Asia. She had to admit that after her attempt with Issei had failed, her confidence is her abilities had somewhat waned to the point she feared she would not be able to reincarnate any dragon but it looks like her worries were put to rest.

"Is-Is it over?" asked Asia who opened one of her eyes wondering of the process was over.

"Yes, it is Asia-chan. You are now my bishop so once again; I would like to welcome you to my family." Rias said with a smile. Asia relaxed as she opened her eyes.

"Thank you, Rias-sama." Asia thanked her.

"Please, you don't need to call me sama, I may be your king but I would prefer if my cute little kouhais would address me more casually. Since you will soon be joining our school, I would like it if you would call me Buchou or Sempai as the other do." Rias said with a wave of her arm. Asia nodded.

"yes, Rias-buchou. Although I don't really feel any different." Asia said, examining herself to see if there were any changes to her being but found none. This caused Rias to let out a small chuckle

"Oh my, did you expect to grow horns and a tail? How adorable" Rias joked causing Asia to let out a small blush.

"While you don't get those… try focusing a bit of power on your back." Following Rias advice, Asia poured a bit of power of her back and then she heard something pop out making a "swoush" sound. She turned around to see two bat like wings coming out of her back. She started examining them in awe seemingly looking very excited. She then bolted towards Issei and Matsuda

"Issei-san, Matsuda-san, look, I-I-I have wings" she shouted in excitement at the two as she seemed to be bouncing up and down. Despite being a devil, she looked more like a little angel thought the two of them as they saw her acting all excited. Her bright expression was enough to put a smile on their faces.

"Yeah, you do. You look like an angel, Asia-chan" said Matsuda with a grin on his face causing a small blush to appear on Asia.

"T-T-Thank you Matsuda-san." She fidgeted, not used to having people compliment her so truthfully.

"Now, there is the issue of where Asia-chan will be living in." They were interrupted by Rias who raised the important issue of living quarters for Asia. Matsuda would have offered for her to stay at his place but he needed to ask permission first from his mother although he was pretty sure, she would be delighted to have her over at their place. She always did want to have a daughter to spoil. But, before he could say anything, Issei stepped forward.

"She can live with me and my family. My house has a spare room that she could use so we definitely have the space to accommodate her." He said as everyone turned his attention to him.

"Are you sure that's alright? Is your family going to be okay with that?" Rias asked Issei with a tinge of worry in her tone. Her worry was mostly for how his parents would react to Asia being a half dragon. She didn't know how dragon's treated hybrids but, in most cases, hybrids were despised amongst their kind. Her best friend was almost killed by her own relatives for being a half-fallen angel if she and Agrippa had not intervened at the right time. Her own bishop, a half vampire, was despised amongst his own race with extreme prejudice and was constantly abused, even by his own family and as much as she hated to admit this, even the devil society shunned halflings believing them to be a stain in their society as well as inferior to pure blooded devils. In fact, most of the extinct families aren't truly extinct since there exists half devils who are descendants of said households. One only had to look at her cousin Sairoarg's peerage to find such descendants. Unfortunately, they were still greatly despised due to their mixed heritage and did not have a place in the devil community. Heck, even reincarnated devils that were turned devils by the evil piece system, a system that was designed to prevent their kind from extinction, were looked down upon by high class devils. It was a very sad thing for Rias.

Anyways, the fact was that she was worried over the safety of her newly acquired bishop and wondered how his family would treat her, despite being a half breed.

"Of course, it's alright Rias. My family would gladly welcome her with open arms" he told her making her sigh in relief, alleviating any worries she may have had. It was then supported by her own queen who interjected.

"I can also vouch for them Rias. His parents are truly kind hearted people and I know that they will treat our little Asia as if they were their own. She will be well taken care of and extremely safe." With added confirmation from Akeno, Rias nodded and agreed to let Asia live with Issei.

"Very well, although we should probably ask the opinion of the person in question. Asia-chan, would you be okay with living with Issei-kun or would you prefer different accommodations?" Rias asked Asia waiting to give her the best possible accommodations although since she considered him a friend, she doubted she would reject it.

"I don't mind, but is-is it really okay?" she asked nervously to Issei who smiled at her reaction.

"Of course, it's okay Asia-chan. You are a dear friend and I know for a fact that my family will not mind you living with us." He said patting her head hoping to help her relax which seemed to work as her body seemed to stop fidgeting.

"Now that this has been settled, I believe it is time to go home. I will contact Sona to let her know what transpired here and see we will take care of all the damages." Rias said. Everyone nodded and prepared to leave. Issei was wondering how he would explain everything to his parents. He was sure that they would not mind his decision of having Asia live with them but he needed to give them an explanation.

Thinking of his parents suddenly reminded him of a conversation he had with his parents a while back and this was as good of a time as any to figure it out. He suddenly stopped and called out to her

"Asia." Hearing her name called out, she turned around to face Issei.

"Yes Issei-san, is everything alright?" She also stopped walking seeing him taking a stand. Everyone else did the same.

"Yes, everything is okay. I just remembered something and I wanted to ask you a question." Answered Issei.

"please go ahead. I will try to answer to the best of my abilities."

"Thank you. I was just wondering, if by any chance, you are aware of what kind of dragon you are?" Issei asked his question catching the attention of everyone else. It seems that with everything tat happened, they never got to ask her what type of dragon she was. Rias also was very interested in knowing this fact. Therefore, everyone turned their attention to Asia, anxiously awaiting her answer.

"I see! However, I'm sorry to say Issei-san that I have no idea why type of dragon I am. My caretaker had always warned me to never reveal to others my heritage. She was afraid because she knew that the church would not take well to a dragon amongst their midst. Unfortunately, I never got the chance to ask her what kind of dragon I was. She passed away shortly when I was 4 years old. Since then, I've been doing my best to ensure that no one figured out my identity just like I promised her." She explained to them. The last part stated in a sad tone, reminiscing about the nun who took care of her when she was but an infant.

"I see." Was all he could say seeing that this must have been a touchy subject given her downcast expression. So he tried to divert the subject.

"In that case, would you be interested in figuring out?" he asked her.

"Eh?" was all she could ask as she raised her head. Her sorrowful expression switching into one of confusion as she had no idea how it was possible.

"Is-is it even possible to know?" she inquired, receiving a nod from Issei.

"Of course, it is. All that is required is for me to take a look at your wings. Most dragons are easily identifiable by the color of their wings. For instance, a flame dragon would be red while a blizzard dragon would be light blue. During my training, my sensei taught me about all species of dragons and how to recognize them so by looking at your wings, I should be able to determine what kind of dragon you are which will definitely be beneficial." Issei explained. Asia seemed to want to ask something only to be stopped by Issei who raised his hand.

"And before you ask, the process is actually really simple. It's pretty similar to how you activated your devil wings. Simply focus on your back and will your wings to appear. Plus, it should be easier than manifesting your devil wings because you were born a dragon so even though you never developed your dragon abilities, it should come to you instinctually since you were born a dragon." Asia payed close attention to Issei's explanation. She could not deny that a part of her was interested in knowing what type of dragon she was. How could she not? It was a part of herself that she had to deny for as long as she could remember.

Part of the lord's teaching involved embracing one's self and accepting everything about oneself. How could she proclaim herself to be a devout following of the Lord's teaching if she did not embrace everything about herself. At the time, she had no choice out of fear of prejudice or exile but now Issei is giving her the opportunity to learn about her other half. To be able to fully embrace and accept herself just as her lord taught them. There was no way she could let such an opportunity slip through her grasp.

"Alright, I'll do my best." Issei nodded.

"Very well. So, like I previously said, just… focus a bit of power on your back in order to will your wings to come out." She followed his instructions and once more felt extra limbs coming out of her backs. She turned her head around to look at the new appendages that sprout from her back and was very surprised. Just like her devil wings, they appeared bat shaped although a bit bigger than her devil wings but what caught her eye was that her wings were a beautiful emerald color just like her eyes and she could not help but awe at her marvelous wings. In a way, it felt as though she were reunited with a former friend which isn't entirely wrong. There was also something else that intrigued her but before she could think about it, she heard various reactions from everyone else.

"Wow, Asia-chan, your wings look absolutely beautiful" Rias was the first to comment on her wings. Akeno nodded as to confirm as well.

"ara, indeed I have to agree with you Rias. They are very lovely. Didn't expect that from a dragon although since it's Asia, I believe it is a given."

"Oh My God, owww… I have to admit Asia-chan, you look absolutely divine and beautiful" complimented Matsuda.

"very pretty" Even the silent Koneko voiced out her thoughts and admitted that her wings were magnificent.

Asia, not used to having so many honest praises, started fidgeting and blushing at the same time.

"ehh… uhh T-Thanks." She muttered nervously.


All of them turned their attention towards Issei who was the source of the voice only to be caught in surprise. Issei's current facial expression was one of extreme shock. He even seemed to be a bit shaken. They honestly had never seen such a reaction out of him. The one most worried however was Akeno who stepped forward and grabbed his arm.

"Issei… Is everything alright?" she asked. Her tone clearly etched in worry.

Her touch seemed to have shaken him off of his reverie as he looked and noticed that everyone was worried about him. Taking a deep breath to calm himself, he returned his gaze back to Akeno and smiled

"I'm okay Akeno." he said, caressing her cheek to appease her nerves which seemed to work. He didn't mean to make her and the others worry but it just showed how much of a shock it was to him to learn about Asia's nature. He still couldn't believe it.

"Are you sure you are alright Issei-kun?" This time, it was Rias who posed the question.

"Yes, I am fine Rias. Sorry to have worried you." He answered her.

"Asia, you are a Fairy Dragon" he revealed her species to everyone although it seemed no one here had any clue what that was.

"A fairy Dragon! I've never heard of that type of Dragon before" said a confused Rias who couldn't seem to recall any mention of such a dragon during her studies.

Issei nodded.

"I am not surprised that you do not know. It's the reason I was so shocked at the beginning because Fairy dragon's were one of the species of dragons long thought extinct." He revealed making everyone gasp in shock.

"Extinct! You serious man?" inquired Matsuda who received a nod from Issei.

"Positive. Fairy dragons were renowned for their superior healing capabilities that surpassed even those of the phoenix tears. Just like the tears, they are capable of regenerating a person's injuries and health as well as reattaching a severed limb. However, unlike phoenix tears, Fairy dragons were capable of not only healing blood loss but also capable of restoring lost limbs which phoenix tears are not able to do. In addition, these abilities could be used repeatedly without limit compared to the phoenix tears which have a limited amount of supply due to the difficult procedure needed to create it. It was even speculated that the original fairy dragons could even be able to resurrect someone shortly after death. Unlike most dragon kind who were engines of destructions, they were masterful healers who enjoyed peace. Many revered their abilities but there were also many who felt threatened by such power. It was due to this unparalleled ability that caused them to be hunted down by various pantheons leading them to be one of the first species of dragons to be become extinct. It's a truly sad tale. From what my sensei told me, the last fairy dragon was killed over a century ago by a powerful evil dragon. The fact that Asia exists proves that the dragon must have had a child who must have remained hidden. This is astonishing news and the reason I was so surprised earlier. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that you were a fairy dragon Asia-chan. You even possess the Twilight healing sacred gear in you. Seems like fate. As happy as I am right now to learn of this, it does pose a small problem. I'm afraid of what could happen to Asia should this knowledge be spread which is why I need to ask you all a huge favor. Please, if at all possible, could you keep Asia's identity a secret from your superiors? You can tell them that she is half-dragon to satisfy their curiosity but please keep it a secret that she is the last remaining fairy dragon." He requested of them. His focus was mainly on Rias since he knew that as the king of the peerage as well as heir to the Gremory, she would be the one to notify them.

Seeing his gaze directed at her, she answered for her peerage.

"Hmm, if it will help keep your mind at ease then I don't really mind doing so. I understand that you are looking out for Asia's safety and I also will never allow any harm to come to her. Although, please trust me when I say that my brother and the other Maou's are really trustworthy and I know they would never bring her any harm regardless of who she is."

Issei, for his part, did not doubt her words. In fact, both Tannin and Barakiel both explained to him that the current Maou's were kind-hearted and respectable rulers so if they trusted them then he knew he could place his faith in them.




"I do not doubt the truth in your words Rias. There is no doubt in my mind that the maou's are truly respectable people worthy of my trust however, your council is another matter entirely. If all the talks I hear about them is true then their malicious pride would never allow someone of Asia's capabilities to exist should they learn of Asia's heritage. They would consider it a blow to their pride knowing that someone's healing ability surpasses their pheonix tears they are so proud of. They may try to use her for their own selfish purposes or even worst, let outside forces know of her existence to have them deal with her. In this case, I doubt the Maou's would be able to intervene without the risk of civil war between them. Even if he is your brother, do you really think he would risk the lives of thousands of your people for the life of a single being, especially considering you are still recuperating from your loses of the previous war? And even if he does, I doubt the other three would so willingly help even if it's for you. In addition, I don't want to sound rude but even you could not intervene in Asia's rescue for fear of reopening hostilities between the factions which could ultimately lead to another war. So, if even you couldn't act, then there is no way the devil kings will intervene and cause a civil war that may cost thousands of innocent life for an unknown dragon." Issei finished explaining. Rias seemed astounded by not only his wisdom but also what seemed to be a good understanding of their devil society. All the arguments he just made had valid points and there was no way for her to refute them. It was true that the council only cared about themselves and their so called pure-blood status. She knew first hand how far they were willing to go to preserve pure-bloods. Her unwanted marriage to Riser Pheonix is proof of that. Their pride blinded them to many things and they even treated reincarnated devils as filth. If they found out about Asia, then they might decide to experiment on her to see if they can harness her abilities for themselves without caring about her wishes. They were indeed true devils.

"That is why I believe you should hold back on revealing such knowledge in order to prevent such a scenario from occurring. You won't technically be lying since Asia is a dragon but you will simply not tell them what species she is." Her inner thoughts were interrupted once again by Issei who continued giving his opinion. It seemed he was finally done talking and now waited for an answer.

"I understand. If they ask me about her origins, I can simply say that she used to be a nun and was a half-dragon. They probably won't care much after that anyways." Rias replied with a nod of her head.

"Thank you very much Rias" he thanked her sincerely with a bow of his head.

"Don't worry about it. Like I said earlier, I would do everything in my power to keep my peerage safe. Anyways it seems everything is resolved so I think its about time we all go home. I will contact Sona and let her know of what transpired here as well as ask her to make the necessary paperwork for Asia to transfer to school. I'll see you all tomorrow in that case."

"Yes, Buchou" all but Asia replied. Everyone went their separate ways as Issei and Asia were making their way to Issei's place. Although one look at Asia and Issei could tell that she seemed tense based on the way her body seemed to be fidgeting a bit and how timid she seemed. He guessed that she may have been anxious about meeting his parents or something so he tried to calm her down

"You don't need to worry to much. I can promise you that my parents are kind and understanding people. Once I explain to them your situation, I have no doubt that they would let you live with us for as long as you need to."

"eh. Oh nonono" she answered rapidly waving her hands "I'm sure your parents are very nice people so I'm not worried about that. It's just that this is the first time I'm going to a friend's house so it's a new thing for me. Sorry if I caused some misunderstanding." She said before bowing in apology.

It took a while for Issei to recall how Asia had lived a sheltered life during her childhood, isolated from the world, due to her status as a "Holy maiden".

He giggled before answering her "It's no problem Asia" Eventually, they arrived at the front door of Issei's house.

"Well," Issei said to Asia, his face laced with a smile, "You ready?"

Asia swallowed nervously, then took a deep breath, evidently trying to steel her nerves and not fully succeeding. "I- I'm... I'm ready..." she said before Issei opened his front door.

"I'm home." He shouted sensing his parents were at home.

Asia followed right behind him as she scanned her surroundings. She was a bit surprised to find out that the house they lived in seemed normal. From all the legends surrounding dragons, she kind of pictured some luxurious castle filled to the brink with treasures collected over the years given how dragons were depicted to have a love for treasures. Instead, his home seemed to be a standard small home that has all the basic necessities.

"Oh Issei, welcome home." Asia turned her attention to the owner of said voice and she could not help but stare at awe at the beautiful women standing in front of her.

'Oh my God... ow, she's so beautiful' She couldn't help but be entranced by the person in front of her as she rubbed her headache due to having spoken the lord's name.

"Hello Mom" Issei greeted her causing Asia to go wide eyed at the person's identity.

'T-T-This is Issei's Mother!' She couldn't believe that the person in front of her was Issei's mother. Not only did she look so incredibly young but she was by far the most beautiful women she had ever laid eyes on. A perfect frame that every woman in the world would no doubt kill to possess. Both Rias and Akeno were both extremely beautiful women that would even make all models extremely jealous. Yet, their beauty seemed average when compared to the living Goddess in front of her.

Despite feeling awe at Issei's mother, some small part of her seemed to be absolutely terrified of her. It might be her innate dragon instincts inside of her that seemed to warn her that the being in front of her was not one to be trifled with. She is probably even stronger than Issei as hard as that is to believe. This is probably the first time she ever felt such fear. The only time she felt anything close to this was during her time at the church when his eminence Vasco Strada came to visit them. Despite his very friendly nature, he possessed a very imposing muscular frame and his very presence seemed to inspire both respect and fear. Some described him as the world's strongest man who stood alone as Humanities peek. Yet, she could somehow tell that even Vasco Strada paled in comparison to the dragoness in front of her and this scared her a lot. She never noticed that she unconsciously moved behind Issei the moment fear overcame her.

Ophis however noticed her motion and realized that Issei brought a guest home.

"Did you bring someone over?" she asked curiously trying to take a good look at the person who hid behind her son. It took a while for Issei to notice that Asia hid behind him like a scared little puppy. An action that he found extremely adorable. He patted her head causing her to look up at him and he smiled to let her know that it's alright.

"Yes, let me introduce you. Her name is Asia Argento." He said as he moved out of the way so his mother can take a closer look at her.

"Asia, this is my mother." He introduced her.

"It-it-it is a pleasure to meet you" Asia bowed nervously as she greeted Ophis. A gesture that Ophis found adorable as she looked at Asia with a smile.

"Same here. I take it this is the dragoness you were talking about earlier?" she inquired at Issei who nodded at her inquiry.

"Yes, she is the one. I wanted to ask you something. Is dad home yet? I would rather have both of you here so not to repeat things again afterwards" he asked looking around to see if his dad was here.

Ophis sighed.

"Yes, your father is in the garage toying with that hunk of junk he calls a vehicle. I really don't see the need for such a thing considering we can simply teleport anywhere we want."

"It's you who can't appreciate the wonders created by humans." They all turned towards the newly heard voice which turned out to be Great-red who came out of the garage when he felt his son arrive home. Luckily, before their little dispute could escalate, he noticed the little girl next to his son and decided to give his greetings.

"Well hello there little one. I'm Issei's father. It's a pleasure to meet you." He introduced himself.

"H-Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you as well. M-My name is Asia Argento" she introduced herself nervously.

"Ah, you must be the dragoness I kept hearing about from Issei." Great-red stated causing Asia to go wide eyed in surprise.

"You could tell I'm part dragon?" she said causing him to chuckle.

"I could tell due to your aura. It radiates the essence of both human and dragon so it wasn't to hard deduce it."

"Really? It took me a while to figure out she was a dragon." Replied Issei to his father's inquiry.

"Hahaha, don't worry kiddo. You'll learn it eventually." He said patting the back of his son.

"Anyways, let's all take a seat. I believe you wanted to talk to the both us." Issei nodded and they all made their way to the living room where they each took a seat. Issei and Asia sat near each other while Ophis and Great-red sat across from them. Issei then proceeded to explain the series of event that occurred with Asia. Asia also supplemented her version with a recollection of her past. However, the greatest surprise they received was when he revealed Asia's identity as a fairy dragon. Now that was a shocker.

"Seriously, of all kinds of dragon she could be, I never expected a fairy dragon. Last I heard, they went extinct a couple of hundreds of years ago. Tannin go nuts when he hears of this."

"Have you ever met one, dad?" Issei asked his father who rubbed his chin as he thought about any encounter.

"Well, I have met the primordial ancient fairy dragon once thousands of years ago but it was a very brief encounter since I minded my own business." Great red answered.

"So have I. In the past, I encountered a fairy dragon and asked it to join me but she refused on account of not wanting to spill unnecessary bloodshed" Ophis added in. Issei nodded as he continued his tale.

"After Rias-Buchou talked about living arrangements for Asia, I offered to have her live with us. Is that alright?" He finished retelling the story by asking his parents the most important question.

"Of course, we don't mind. She can stay here as long as she needs to." Great-red immediately answered without hesitation with Ophis agreeing with him. A few tears escaped from Asia's eyes as she bowed down in gratitude to them.

"Thank you very much for your kindness. I really appreciate it." She lifted her head and smiled at the two.

She was so adorable that Ophis got up from her seat and embraced her which startled her a she did not expect such a gesture.

"We are definitely keeping her" was all she said.

"We have a spare room so there is no issue. Still, for that old man's factions to have fallen so far as to excommunicate a nun whose only crime was to have healed someone in need even if he was a devil. What a joke!" Great-red was disgusted at the fact that Asia had to experience such sorrow all because of the fact that she could heal devils.

Asia, after separating herself from Ophis looked at Great-red with a gleam in her eye.

"Y-Y-You speak as if you met the lord. H-H-Have you met him?" the gleam suddenly quickly turned into awe at the fact that the men before her might have the God of the Bible. What a blessing that would be. Seeing her enthusiasm caused Great-red to let out a small giggle.

"Well, you could say that I've met him but that was very long ago; however, we aren't exactly on the friendliest of terms. He doesn't really like our kind due to the events that occurred on Eden. He just started spouting some random crap before attacking me all of a sudden." His statement caused Issei to nearly choke while Asia looked at him with extreme shock.

"You never told me that" Issei almost shouted at his father, unaware that such a thing took place. Yet, his father casually waved his arm.

"Don't worry about it. Barely made a scratch. Anyways, when he saw that his attacks weren't effective, he simply left and it's a good thing too since I was in the middle of coming up with a super amazing stunt to pull off." Great-red seemed caught in nostalgia at all the times he performed stunts in the Dimensional gap. He still does it but less frequently now.

"Y-Y-Y-You are stronger than t-t-the lord? You must be a very powerful dragon." Asia stuttered nervously and no one could blame her. To hear that he could shrug off the attacks of the most exalted being she ever knew was a real shocker to say the least.

"Hmm, oh it's true we haven't really told you who we are yet. You seem like a trustworthy person and if you are going to be living with us then it's only we tell you about us although I'll ask that you keep what we tell you a secret. Can you do that?" Asia nodded her head accepting his request.

"Very well. I am Great-red and the person beside me is Ophis." Great-red properly introduced himself and his wife waiting for Asia's response.

Asia simply tilted her head as if she had no idea who they were which was a crazy notion.

"umm, you do know who we are, correct?" Great-red asked just to be sure still not believing that she hasn't heard of them.

"ano… very powerful dragons?" she tilted her head. At her seemingly innocent response… Great started to laugh hysterically.

"BWAHAHAHA" He started slamming his hands on his feet as he could barely contain himself.

"How… How long has it been since I've met someone who hasn't even heard of us! You have definitely made my day, little one. We are definitely keeping her." Great-red said wiping of a stray tear that resulted from him laughing hysterically.

"Anyways both Ophis and I are what you would call dragon gods. Oh, I recall you used to work at a church correct. In that case, I am the Dragon of the Apocalypse recorded in the Book of Revelation. Ophis is the Ouroboros, the dragon god of Infinity. Does that answer your question?" This caused the reaction he expected from Asia.

"G-G-Gods, then that's Issei is.." She looked towards Issei who smiled and nodded at her.

"Yes, I am also a dragon god. Not sure about a title though. People keep giving me new ones every time."

Asia, for her part, seemed to be at a loss for words. They were dragon Gods which means that they could be considered royalty. Should she bow to them out of respect? She wanted to do that but seeing the motion Ophis interrupted her.

"You don't have to bow or anything. Dragons don't really care for formalities."

"Oh- I see. Sorry." Asia apologized.


They all heard the sound of stomach grumbling and it seemed to come from their guest who turned bright red in embarrassment causing them all to laugh out loud.

"Well, how about we continue this over dinner" Ophis suggested. Everyone nodded as they made their way to the table with Ophis going to the kitchen and pick up food. They all shared stories and before Asia knew it, she was comfortably talking without a hint of nervousness. She laughed at Great-red's antics, Issei's mishaps during training and Ophis reprimanding the both of them.

They soon heard the phone ringing.

"Don't worry, I'll get it." Issei got up from his seat and made his way to the living room where the phone resided.

He picked up the home.


"Oh, good evening Issei" He heard an all to familiar voice.

"Rias!" Indeed, the one who called him was none other than Rias Gremory even though he doesn't recall ever giving her his home number.

"While I don't mind you calling home so late, how did you come by this number. I don't recall giving you the number" he asked her.

"Oh, I got your number from Sona. The Student counsel has access to every personal file of all students in the academy and this was the number registered as your home phone number." She answered casually.

"I see. In any case, what's up?"

"I called you to let you know that I talked to Sona and got Asia enrolled in the academy. She starts school tomorrow and she will be in the same class as you and Matsuda. I figured she would feel more at ease with people she knew at least for her first year in school. By the way, how is she?" she asked wanting to know how her new bishop was doing causing Issei to smile.

"She is fine Rias. My parents loved her and had no issues letting her live with us. We are currently having dinner and Asia seems to be having a great time." Issei answered her.

"Oh, I see. Sorry for the interruption then." Rias apologized feeling bad for having interrupted his meal.

"It's not a problem. Thank you very much for the info and I will relay it to Asia as soon as possible." Issei didn't mind it and promised to let Asia know about school. He was sure she would be thrilled.

"Alright. Let me thank you once more for all that you have done. You have helped us deal with the fallen angels and even offered Asia a place to stay. I appreciate everything you've done so on behalf of Sona and myself, we thank you for the aid. Also, please give thanks to your parents for their hospitality for Asia." Rias thanked him.

"Of course. Good night Rias. See you tomorrow." Issei bid her a good night which Rias reciprocated.

"Have a good night as well Issei" Rias hung up shortly afterwards as Issei made his way back to the table. Everyone turned their attention to him.

"It's nothing. It was our club president, Rias Gremory. She called to let me know and to tell you Asia that she got you enrolled into our school and that you will start tomorrow." From her expression, he could tell that she was very excited about the prospect of going to school. An experience she could not participate in during her days at the church. He was happy for her. In any case, after he explained their discussion, they went right back to dinner.

All in all, it was a blast and eventually night came and it was time to go to bed. Mostly for Issei and Asia who had school the following day. Issei showed Asia to the guest quarters which was pretty much the room right next to his own and right across his parents. Although his parents very rarely sleep here preferring to sleep either in Tannin's territory or sometimes the dimensional gap.

"Alright Asia. Here is your room. If you ever need anything, my room is right next to yours so feel free to ask me anything you need." Issei told her.

"Thank you very much Issei-san." She thanked him with a small of bow of the head.

"Don't mention it. Have a good night Asia-chan." He wished her a good night, turning back towards his door. However before he could take a step, he felt his lower body being embraced. He looked back to see Asia had indeed embraced him. Her head tucked in his back.

"Thank you… for everything." He heard her say. He patted her head.

"It was my pleasure Asia. We are fellow kin even if you are only a halfling and I will always help out another member of my species. But, even if you weren't I would have still saved you because you are my friend. Also, you should also share your gratitude with Matsuda who was the first to charge forward to save you. He cares greatly for you and from what I could see, you also care a great deal for him" he winked a her making her cheeks flush bright red but he felt her nod her head confirming his thoughts.

"Anyways, I believe it's time for both of us to go to bed. We have to wake up early tomorrow so we do not arrive late at school. Wouldn't want you to arrive late on your first day in." he joked a little at the end making her giggle.

"alright, good night Issei-san" she bid him goodnight.

"Good night Asia" he replied as they both entered their room and, after changing went straight to bed.

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