
2 A mother’s worry

The emperor Hao Odeus, the person with the highest cultivation in this realm. He was born in a backwater place of the lowest of plane. Nevertheless, that did not stop him from dreaming of reaching the apex. And he did it! He slaughtered anyone who gets in his path from reaching where he stands now. Now, he is the person in the leading front of cultivation. He's paving way for the new generation to come.

This Hao, the same Hao, can be seen with fear plastered on his face. He then realize, his subjects were still here, it wasn't good for his image.

Hao Odeus immediately composed himself.. A calm look appeared on his once fear stricken face. He looked and inspected if anyone noticed it. It looks like no one saw it. They were all looking at his wife. He sighed with relief.

Th woman approached him in a confronting way. The group of Gods and officials parted like the red sea in order to gave way for this empress. All of the gods were eager to know what's coming next, only to be disappointed.

Hao replied calmly: "What's wrong my Zhirou ? What are you angry for? Don't you see we are in the middle of something. Ahh All of you are dismissed"

Zhirou stopped at a distance of five steps before Haochen as she stared straight at him with her pretty eyes. She waited for all the people to leave before she spoke: "NO!" Zhirou creased her brows then anxiously spoke: "Enel is missing! I haven't seen him for days. You must have something to do with this!"

At first, she thought that her son was just cultivating in his room, or was out in the forest at the back of the palace, cause that's what he normally do. After that, with the recent events happening, she decided to warn him to be extra careful. Zhirou also decided to inform him of the eldest prince's upcoming wedding. She then looked for him, but can't find him anywhere. Someone then informed her that before the third prince went missing, he had a talk with the emperor. Hao's probably behind this, she concluded.

Hao dropped a sweat and answered: "My wife... I think it's time for Enel to learn and experience the world"

"Experience the world! Last time Enel went outside he was..." Zhirou said with full of emotion but didn't manage to finish.

"You can't keep him locked up in the palace forever!!!" Shouted Hao.

Zhirou's eyes twitched and her brows frowned.

Hao seeing that, panicked and immediately explained.

"Ahh! My Zhirou, you know, one day, he'll sour on his own, and when that happens, all we can do is prepare him first so that he will be ready. And then... stand and just watch as he control his own destiny, just like what we did to our two older child." There was a faint trace of understanding in his voice when he said that.

He then added: "Also,Enel is super strong now! He won't let anyone bully him again, don't worry" there was a tone of assurance in that last statement.

Hao understands where the worries of his wife is coming from. When Enel was just 7 yrs of age, he went outside the palace out of extreme curiosity. He wandered through the city and that didn't turn out well because of Enel's look!

Enel's appearance can be considered out of this world, even to a God's standard. He even puts the God of Handsomeness to shame. Yes... there is a God that represents handsomeness. Perhaps because, there are literally hundreds of thousands of Gods out there that exist in the nine heavens. You can expect every title out there even the weird ones.

So, with his appearance, partnered with his unique divine aura that he radiates, which makes someone feel a super warm and pleasant sensation, there was a resulting uproar in the female population.

Lots of marriage request and proposals were sent to the Odeus family at that time.

The biggest sects and clans offered their best and brightest disciple, and families their prettiest daughters. All of this, at the pestering of the girls, with their own volition. The sects, clans, and families of course easily agreed! Who wouldn't? If their girl becomes a part of the Yun Family, it would be an instant rise to power!

No one will offend them ever again! And even if they thought of it, they will think ten times before putting it into action!

Some of the strongest and famous single female cultivators, even shamelessly offered their self. Even up to this day, marriage proposals and request still keeps coming. This was a big headache for the Empress who managed this kind of thing.

That's not the reason for Zhirou's worries though.

The main reason is because Enel was kidnapped by a strong female cultivator that practices the evil arts, not knowing that he was a son of heaven. If she knew, she wouldn't even have the thoughts of touching his hair!

At that time, Enel was super innocent, ignorant, and lacks common sense so he was easily trick. On Enel's defence though, he was holed up in the palace and was only taught cultivation.

The practitioner of the evil arts, then

used Enel as a partner for dual cultivation. When the Evil arts practitioner plucked him, her cultivation went from 9th step of God stage, to 1st step Empyrean God! All of that by absorbing only a tiny drop of his cultivation! His Qi was way to pure and divine! The Evil practitioner was probably ecstatic because she hit a goldmine. The evil practitioner then decided to use him to strengthen her sect's overall power. It turns out, that the one who kidnapped Enel, was a sect elder of a big sect.

She even used evil arts and experimented on him to find out why his Qi was way to pure, and why he radiates a divine aura.

When Hao and Zhirou found this out, they were extremely furious! At that time, the sky turned red and countless heavenly tribulation lightning were unleashed because of the emperor's rage.

The two couple personally moved. They went out to purge the sect with their two other son! Hao then ordered the divine soldiers to also purge those that has ties with the sect. As for the Evil female practitioner, let's just say she was put in a situation worse than death.

Hao also removed Enel's memories of the events, he deemed it would better that way. Due to all of this, Zhirou really doted on Enel.

Zhirou, now in a calmer tone, said to Hao: "But still! Didn't we agree that we will only let him out at the age of 18? He's still only 17" it seemed Hao's reassurance, somewhat help calmed her.

Hao replied: "I know, but Enel was the one who approached me and said he wanna go out and explore the world and the lower realms. Of course I didn't agree immediately. I sent him to the underworld first, so that he can have the necessary experience. The unforgiving underworld is the best place for that. Also, Old wu and the puppet that I gave him is accompanying him. I even gave him his own troops to keep. Hehe that way he can improve in leadership as well."

Zhirou's beautiful eyes twitched, face contorted, at the mention of the word underworld. But when she heard that Enel brought that puppet, she became calm again: "Alright, fine, if you say so! Still, I'll ask him to come home immediately. With the recent killings it's not safe out there." She then added after a pause: "Also, his eldest brother's sudden wedding is just around the corner, he can't miss it." Zhirou and Hao sighed, their hands on their face, at the topic of their eldest son's wedding


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