
Son of Gods (Doulou Dalu)

ALL CREDITS TO THE ORIGINAL CREATOR OF DOULOU DALU, ONLY MC IS MINE A boy is reincarnated in the dangerous world where only the strong prevail, but he has a powerfull bloodline and two strong parents, but this world is different, come and enjoy. Please support me for more chapter, i will apreciated please. thanks to the original author of the manhwa patreon.com/SimpleWriter1000

Yorath_Herons · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 7. Farewell



Its been two days since my second ring and know I am enjoying the time with my father, and I can see he was crying but he know is has to be this way, "Son remember to be careful", he say almost silently, "even If I am not your real dad you are my son", hearing that I smiled, "of Course Dad I know", I take a deep breath, "the truth is I know who are my parents", my father don't change expression, "my Mom is the Goddess of Life and my Dad is God of Destruction", I close my eyes, everything is silent, "I suspect something like that", he say and I look at him, "you were too beautiful and even I can feel that you were special, since you get here, all the Fruits and Vegetables even the life improve here and I had to be blind to not know is because of you, that's the reason I created the shrine of the goddess of life, because I suspect that", my father smiled, "thanks", then all arounds stop and feel something exit my mind and see the form of my father materialized in front of us.

"I am the God of Destruction Hui Mie and in the name of my Wife and myself we thank you", my father or the conscience of my father bow to him, "is ok I treat him as my son and is and honor to meet you Lord Hui Mie" my dad bow again, then he laugh, "you are a honest and righteous person we chose well jajajaja", I smiled at that, "well my wife give me something to you", he make appear a sphere in his hand and put it in the chess of my father, "this is the Blessing of life, this will make you immune to sickness and poison to a lesser degree and even give you more energy even if you reach 70 years old you will feel like someone in his 40", my dad bow again, "thank you're your Excellency", I go to him and bow too, "thank you dad", he smiled, "my job is done here, and be careful of the Rakshasa god", he enter my mind again, and return to normal, "so Dad", he came to me and hug me and return the hug too, "be careful out there ok Son and remember you will always had a home here", I smiled, "yes father"

After some good food and some more tears and talk, is the night and all are sleeping, even my dad, "sorry dad but Old San say is better to go now", I go out of through the window and see Suon waiting for me, both of us as a ring essence tool with spaces of 30 cubit meters of space, a gift from Old San, inside we had food and water, change of clothes and camping kits, "ready", I ask Suon, "yes little Teng Let´s go", I only nod, taking note of how he call me because I am already accustomed to it. Both of us walk in the lonely night



Old San Pov

"Good luck boys you will need it", Old Kai appear behind me and with Mei, "are you sure is the best", Mai ask me, "yes the Spirit Hall will send someone to investigate and is best if they get far away, but don´t worry the three of us give them some training and knowledge that we gain", I say smiling, "true I even train Little Suon to the bone, is a shame I only had a little of time but the basics are there all depends of him". I only nod watching how the silluetes of the boys disappear on the horizon.




"Hm that fell familiar", I say looking at a the horizon, "Hui Mie what is he doing here, I don´t think he want to left his throne", I ask myself, "hope you are not planning something", I continue flying anywhere the wind take me

END ????


Name: Huioog Teng

Gender: Male

Age: 6 Years

Spirit Power: 24 (Grand Spirit Master)

Martial Spirit 1: Sacred Spear of life and Destruction (700 ring, Swarm Spear - 2000 Ring, Crystal Sphere)

Martial Spirit 2: Wings of the Rainbow Fairy King

Bloodline: Creation, Life, Destruction

Cultivation Method: Creation and Life Core, Endless Core of Destruction

Cores: Creation, Life, Destruction


Now the adventure begin.

more chapter on my patreon, Link on the description

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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