
Son of Gods (Doulou Dalu)

ALL CREDITS TO THE ORIGINAL CREATOR OF DOULOU DALU, ONLY MC IS MINE A boy is reincarnated in the dangerous world where only the strong prevail, but he has a powerfull bloodline and two strong parents, but this world is different, come and enjoy. Please support me for more chapter, i will apreciated please. thanks to the original author of the manhwa patreon.com/SimpleWriter1000

Yorath_Herons · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 4. Serious Talk



I am sitting in front of Old San, and Suon to my right side, the ambient is very stressful, then we hear the door open and Father enter, "something wrong Old San", my father ask, "is important come sit and I explain", he make another chair appear, after my dad sit and Old San told him of the awakening ceremony my dad has the mouth hanging open, "I know you were special but not this much", he put a happy face, "hope your parents are happy", I only smiled at that because I know they are, "then I will explain this but before that I will tell you something", he take a deep breath, "there is a reason why I am living here, I was a member of the Spirit Hall", when he say that I was surprise, because I know during this time the Spirit Hall was not that strong and many of their futures Doulou are still Spirit Saint or Spirit Doulou, "I was a deacon of Spirit Hall but I retire, but I was never a fan of them, they can paint the Spirit Hall as a good place but is not". He take another deep breath, "the leader of the Spirit hall is The supreme Pontiff, but in reality the one managing all is the Spirit Hall Elder palace, lead by the one of the two Limit Doulou in the world, Quian Qian Daoliu, he rank 99", Suon and Jack take a deep breath, even me Is surprise because I forgot that during this time he was already strong, "the other Limit Doulou his name is Tang Chen from one of the Three great clans of Heaven Dou Empire, the Clear Sky Clan, most known as the users of the most powerful tool Spirit, the Clear Sky Hammer", he stop so we take the information.

"now the reason I am saying this, is because i don´t want them to know you had Full Innate Spirit Power 20, Especially the Spirit Hall, they will try to Recruit you and if you say no they will kill you to avoid future enemies", hearing that I know I was foolish, being strong and not having a someone to help you is bad, "for that reason I will talk with Ren Kian and Xie Mei, to train you and getting spirit rings", he say to us, "The spirit Hall has not a lot of power in the Empire but that will change", I look at Old San, "what did you see", I ask him, "some people of the high hierarchy buy slaves and used them, I look at one of my colleagues, because I was weak and he was a Spirit Doulou and more younger I can´t do something, even I knew if I put the complaint they will hide it, because they take chance the Spirit Hall is strong and the weak ones are oppressed", after he say that he put a sad face, and I knew about that but that change something when Bibi Dong become the Supreme Pontiff, "but the problem is that I don´t know if she born now, or is some more years before that", meanwhile I was thinking Jack say something, "then is best if he doesn´t go to a primary academy right", I look at him and the a Old San, "is the best, because the Spirit Hall has eyes everywhere, even If I am retire they know I live here and that is the reason I can make awakening ceremony, so I can give them more talented people", I Knew it, "the other two retire too, but because I was the Strong of the three then I was select as the leader, in other us are Spies", hearing that I was surprise, "damn I knew the Spirit Hall was Ruthless during this time but this more deep in shit that I thought, because if I know then Qian Xunji just become the Supreme Pontiff, because if am correct Tang Hao didn´t born yet, or both of them had the same age, or Xunji is Older, ahh, I don´t know, they never speak a lot of these times", meanwhile I was a having a panic attack, "what about me", Suon Ask and I look at him, "you can join but is best is not because I know you will not separate from Little Teng Right", he smiled, "of course I am loyal to him, has a friend and Bodyguard", he say prideful of that, Jack and Old San Smiled, the Old San put a straight face, "I will give some wrong info to the Spirit Hall, saying both of you had Spirit Power of 5 and after that I with the other two will take you to hunt for your Spirit Rings", hearing that I can stop showing a smiled. "Good now for now let´s return home, I need to some paperwork and talk with the other two". After he say that, all us return our respective homes, "if I am correct Suon Lives with his grandfather but he is too old and doesn´t had a lot of time to live, so I know he will live with us, and how I know is because I am feeling, this must be the blessing of my mother".

After I return home, my father told me to go my room, and he will make the lunch, I just do that, I reach my room and sit with my legs crossed and start meditating, "Mom, Dad are you there". I feel something taking me the I open my eyes and find myself in a white space and two silluetes of a man and Women, "hello Mom, Dad", I greet them, "hello my son, and before you say something we are your parents but not entirely, we are only a part of then that they left you in your mind, but we can communicated with them if we need something", I only nod, "Tang Wuling has the divine Conscience of Tang San so I understand", I look at them so I walk closer, "what can you help me", I ask to them, "our job is to guide you in your path of cultivation….now that we are talking about that", the form of my mom came close and put her index finger in my head, "this is my cultivation method", my dad do the same, "and this is mine, the cultivation method of your mom is the Creation and life Core, and mine is called, Endless core Destruction", hearing the names and reading the information I was surprise of this, "this is the only thing we can do, for now, when you start practicing we will guide you", my mom say, "and we will tell you which Spirit beast in compatible….now why don't you show your wings", hearing that and knowing why got, I concentrated in my second Martial Spirit and start to float and look behind me Seeing to huge butterfly wings in my back, having all the colors of the rainbow, "your first martial Spirit you know its name, and this wings are called", I interrupt him, "Wings of the Rainbow Fairy King", I say and both of my parents smiled, "correct my mom say", now return to the real world and start forming you two first Cores of creation and life, converting your qi and the one you absorb into creation and life qi, with the cultivation method of your mother, and when you do form the heart you can absorb your First Spirit Ring", I look at him interrogatively, "because with heart of Creation and Life that is its name, you can absorb a more powerful ring, after you absorb yours first Spirit Ring don´t add the second one yet, you cultivate the second method, of your father but this one is to convert some of your qi in Destruction qi, and created another core in your to the side of the your mother, but remember both cores must be in Heart of the Soul, so first you need to feel you own soul ok", my dad say, then I only nod, "I will guide you so go", my say one las time and I go out of the space and open my eyes in my room, "start feeling your soul and the qi around you", I hear the voice of my mother in my head, so hearing her say that I start to feel my soul, after some hours and almost getting the feeling someone touch the door and I open my eyes, and see my father in the door, "sorry I interrupt your meditation son, but is time for lunch", he say smiling I only nod.



Name: Huioog Teng

Gender: Male

Age: 6 Years

Spirit Power: 20 (Spirit master)

Martial Spirit 1: Sacred Spear of life and Destruction

Martial Spirit 2: Wings of the Rainbow Fairy King

Bloodline: Creation, Life, Destruction

Cultivation Method: Creation and Life Core, Endless Core of Destruction



the truth reveal of this world, yes is some decades before the main story, but i already had all planned, Suon will be something special hope you guess what is second martial spirit

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