
What happens when you go to school in a post apocalyptic world?

Just as the sun was coming over the mountains, the cries of a young boy echoed breaking the peaceful atmosphere on the streets below.

"Ow ow ow stop it!" Aaron pouted.

"Then get out of bed and come down for breakfast. Also don't forget you have school today." Aaron's eyes lit up as if they were the universe itself. 

Quickly Aaron left and started running down the street trying his best to avoid the massive crowds packed on the small streets. After narrowly avoiding an older man, he accidentally falls straight into the back of a boy, looking his age, he then proceeded to fall straight to the ground. As he was getting up he heard the boy gently say "Are you alright?" As he stretched his hand out. As the boy noticed the school wrist band on Aaron's wrist he immediately asked "Hey, are you on your way to school too?"

Aaron finally looking up saw the young boy and almost ran away screaming. The boy had half his face replaced with machinery and the machinery had many speckles on it looking as if they were tears. Yet, even though he looked like a monster there was a charm to his neatly groomed face and well kept physique that one simply couldn't ignore.

Aaron reluctantly took the boys hand and asked if the boy wanted to walk to school together. Which the boy responded "How about we run!" Aaron's eyes sparkled again as he took off running, racing against the cyborg.

By the time I got to the school ,which was out in the middle of nowhere, I saw him sitting there relaxed, along with my two closest friends. I had lost the race. "How did you win." I said.

"Simple, I have already awakened my ability." The cyborg responded

"But that's impossible, aren't you only supposed to awaken it when you start school?" Daimon interjected.

The cyborg looked rather annoyed, but simply said "I come from a rich family." That one statement said it all, he was of higher status, he isn't someone who needs to worry about trivial problems such as food or awakening crystals. There was a flash of anger in my eyes. Just as I was about to say something, a loud blaring alarm rang through the entire school yard signaling the start of school. The teachers got every student sorted into two very long lines waiting for the awakening ceremony. 

The awakening ceremony gives not only how much energy you currently have, but it also shows your attribute. Anyone can get in but they are sorted depending on how strong the element presents itself. Though there are exceptions such as original abilities, dual abilities, and rare abilities. Original abilities become rarer and rarer the more people come along. They include anything that has yet to be discovered. Dual abilities are actually not uncommon and are always powerful, but there is never the case of conflicting elements. Lastly, rare abilities are ones such as light, dark, and lightning.

The people with the most potential get into the newly made ace class. The ace class has high leveled warriors teaching the strongest students. The awakening stones are very unique in the way they work, and they become less and less necessary as there main function is to alter the DNA of a person to give them special abilities. Though it doesn't entirely alter the DNA as it just awakens people's natural abilities, or that's what we are told anyway. 

Me, the cyborg, and Daimon were together in the male line. After nearly two hours of waiting, the cyborg went first and the people almost died of shock. After the cyborg went in the room there was a huge explosion followed by two different colored lights. This meant he not only had a destructive power, but he also had duel elements. Next was daimon who equally shocked everyone as he had duel attributes as well. I sighed, knowing there was no way I could live up to that kind of show. Next was my turn.

I slowly entered a room with a table and a man with two blades, in the corner with his eyes closed. When he opened his eyes it looked almost like water itself. He provided to look at me then nonchalantly said, "Walk over to the table and put your hand on the crystal."

I hesitantly grabbed the crystal. I felt as if it was injecting me with a strange energy.

Suddenly everything went dark.


Daimon's POV

After I got my duel elements I thought there was no way that Aaron could beat me this time. I watched as Aaron dejectedly walked into the room with a massive smile on my face. A few moments later I see a blinding light as the walls around started melting and the place practically turned into a wasteland. The place that was once lifeless wasteland turned into a forest, then back to a wasteland again seemingly endlessly going through the cycle. Everyone watched in a panic at the god-like figure floating above them. My eyes almost popped out of my head as I saw Aaron holding the crystal, floating above everyone shrouded in a veil of light. Yet despite the blinding light it was clear he was covered in plant life. On closer look he wasn't actually floating, but being held up by vines. As I looked around a started to see children vanish, one after another. I looked up again and saw that the crystal had shattered and the light vanished. Slowly, his unconscious body was brought to the ground. As I ran over I felt someone grab me and pull me away.

When I was finally put down, I was way away from the wasteland with the other kids. And saw teachers dashing in and out, dropping kids off. You could only see them when they slowed down to put the kids down. Despite the fact Aaron beat me again, I was astonished by the amount of power he just unleashed. It was incredible, the power to completely change an ecosystem was immense but to do it so many times was practically impossible.

What is going to happen to him now? Are they going to interrogate him? Are the going to torture him? Are they going to kill him? My thoughts rampaged as I began to panic what about her, she'll kill me if anything happens to him. Whatever happens to him I can never leave his side, because she truly terrifies me.

Sorry I have been gone for awhile but I am back and ready to write!

Monika_flameheartcreators' thoughts
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