
Sometimes Love Isn't Enough

[WARNING MATURE CONTENT] For the first time in Nuelle's life, she experienced what you see in a movie. From the bullying to the unexpected love situations and the heartbreak and betrayal she still can't believe her once peaceful life is now full of drama. Nuelle kalio is a 17 almost 18-year-old girl that moved from her home country Nigeria to New Orleans with her family. She had a normal life with no drama but all that changed when she meets Jeremy Morgan. Jeremy Morgan is a troubled 19-year-old who is used to people being at his feet, what is he going to do when the new girl in school is not easily intimidated? Can they handle what life has in store for them? PS cover picture from Pinterest

Serendipity_Lee · Urban
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29 Chs



"Can I spend the night? I don't feel like going home tonight"  Jeremy asks

"No, what if my mom comes home early and sees you, I can't risk it" I refused

"Please" I will be gone before 6 AM please I promise she will not meet me here" he begs giving me the puppy eyes.

"Are you trying to be cute right now?"  I ask feeling amused  "How can a grown 19-year-old like you be giving puppy eyes"

"I know you find me to be very cute," he says as he pecks my cheek.

"Stop it," I say wiping off the spot his lips touched.

" Are you mad at me?" he asks with a playful smile on his face.

"Why will I be mad at you did you do anything wrong," I ask trying to sound nonchalant as possible.

" I'm sorry about earlier if I didn't stop when I did we wouldn't be having this kind of conversation"

"What kind of conversation will we be having then?" I ask

"Probably how to get you a plan B drug and take you to my house you will not want your mom to see you in the state you will be in because you will not be able to walk well for at least two days"

"Stop exaggerating you are

not big enough to cause that kind of damage" I say knowing it was an obvious lie Jeremy Junior is big but I can't say that don't want to boost his ego even more.

"We both know you are lying," he says laughing. "So can I stay with you I promise no touching just sleeping and cuddling," he says pleadingly.

"Ok let's go in don't park in front of my house," I say as I come down from his car waiting for him to park somewhere not close to my house.

"So what are you gonna sleep in," I ask as we get into my room "I don't have something big enough to be your size"

"Don't worry about that I will sleep in my boxers" he says. "What about you what are you going to sleep in I'd prefer you sleep in your panties but whatever you decide to sleep in is ok too," he says nonchalantly

"you whore go bathe," I say as I push him into the bathroom.

"I'm gonna order pizza with fried chicken," I say practically to myself.

Five minutes later Jeremy comes out of the bathroom with water dripping from his hair Fuck he's hot I'm trying not to sexualize his whole being but the sight before me is making it hard.

"You like," he asks wiggling his eyebrows jokingly

"You are so full of yourself," I say feigning disappointment. "I'm going to bathe, what I ordered will arrive soon pay for it," I tell him as I enter the bathroom by the time I came out he was on my bed eating a slice of pizza I never knew someone eating pizza can make you feel turned on.

"If you wait for me the world will come to an end right," I asked sarcastically as I lay next to him taking a slice of pizza for myself.

" I'm really tired," I say yawning as I eat

"what's made you so tired," Jeremy asks

"Are you seriously asking that"

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to tire you out, I can give you a body massage if you like," he says

"No I'm ok let's watch a movie," I say turning on the TV and switching to Netflix and putting on a Korean reality show

"I thought you said movie why are we watching a Korean show," he asks

"Are you questioning me?" I ask with a fake British accent.

"No, your Highness" he answers laughing

"Good now cuddle me," I say as I lay beside him and put his hand around me.

"Your scent is intoxicating I'm getting high from your scent," he says putting his nose at the crook of my neck

"I hope after doing that you're not gonna try to rip my clothes off," I ask

"I'm not an animal Elle, I've already told you we were just going to sleep and I'm a man of my word," he says bringing me closer to his body. "This is enough" he whispers into my ear

One hour later I hear soft snores from behind me, I too gradually fall asleep.