
Sometimes Love Isn't Enough

[WARNING MATURE CONTENT] For the first time in Nuelle's life, she experienced what you see in a movie. From the bullying to the unexpected love situations and the heartbreak and betrayal she still can't believe her once peaceful life is now full of drama. Nuelle kalio is a 17 almost 18-year-old girl that moved from her home country Nigeria to New Orleans with her family. She had a normal life with no drama but all that changed when she meets Jeremy Morgan. Jeremy Morgan is a troubled 19-year-old who is used to people being at his feet, what is he going to do when the new girl in school is not easily intimidated? Can they handle what life has in store for them? PS cover picture from Pinterest

Serendipity_Lee · Urban
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29 Chs


Ooh, shit"  I moan out in pain as my head aches badly if I ever become president I will ban alcohol.

"Aah," my head bangs more as I look around me,  where the hell am I the room looks so unfamiliar. 

I look around and see my phone on the stool beside the bed I was sleeping in and check the time it's 4:30 am. 

"Shit" I swear and hurriedly remove the blanket from my body only to see that I'm not wearing the clothes I wore to the party, Okay I'm officially confused what the hell happened to me and where are my clothes and shoe I ask myself.  There where nowhere around me.

The blanket shakes and I hear soft snores coming from the bed. Oh, My God did I sleep with someone, Ooh maybe it's Levi. I walk slowly to the bed and lift the blanket.

 This is not Levi. Levi is blonde, I'm looking at a brunet haired boy lying facedown on the bed. WTF happened last night, I suddenly remember seeing grayish blue eyes, the only  person I know with that eye color is no no it can't  be, "He wouldn't touch me right? he hates me and no matter how drunk I am I wouldn't let him touch me right?" I ask hoping someone will give answers to my questions. Is he the one on the bed?

"Khole don't leave me you promised to be with me"  cries the boy from the bed as he turns from his old position I can now see his face properly.  

No no this is not real it can't be I was with Jeremy I scream mentally. All the things that happened started to come back to me. How I begged him to touch me and cried like a baby, I'm never taking alcohol again I'm fucked, he is going to torment me with this.

As I look at his face I can see tears running down his eyes he is crying while calling out for Mrs. Khole. He looks really sad and restless, I will have felt pity for him if I had the time. 

I had to be home before my mom comes back home.

I gave up on looking for my clothes, I'm wearing an oversized polo and men's boxers.

I don't think I can look this boy in the eye again, he even changed my dress. I took my phone and rush outside I was still in the house where the party was held.

 I immediately dial Levi's Number he picks on the first ring

LEVI: NUELLE  where are you I have been  looking for you all night

ME:  I'm at the poolside, are you still around?  please come take me home

LEVI:  wait for me there I'm coming.

It didn't take up to a minute and I see Levi coming he has worry written all over his face.

What happened to your clothes he asks as he gets closer to me.

"Long story," I say as I stand up, "let's go please I will tell you on the way my mom will soon be home".

We leave without saying goodbye to anyone, although most people were either sleeping or doing God knows what.

"I'm so sorry about Sarah and her friend Levi apologized as we drive home. I never knew she would do something like that if I knew I wouldn't have put you in her care he says looking sad.

"It's ok nothing bad happened so I'm fine" I try to ease his guilt.

"How did you know about what Sarah and her friend did?"

"A friend who witnessed the whole thing told me I heard It was Jeremy that helped out," he says looking at me with an unknown expression.

"Ooh, really I can't remember" I lie.\

"Why will he even help me I say trying to avoid Levi's stare.

"So you don't remember what happened to your clothes," Levi asks

"Yes," I lie again.

"I think we should go to the hospital, what if you got raped he says looking worried

"What no!!"  don't worry I will know if I was raped I'm absolutely not raped," I say with a nervous smile "I'm good".

"Ok, I'm sorry for leaving you alone for so long. I'm sorry"  he apologizes.

"It's ok it wasn't all bad I had a little fun," I say remembering My encounter with Jeremy.

What is wrong with you Nuelle kalio " I mentally scold myself.

"I will come to pick you up for school on Monday," Levi says as we stop in front of my house.

"Ok, thanks for the ride," I say before going into the house.

I go straight to my room and lie on my bed, memories from the party flood my mind. 

That's one hell of a party I thought as I fall back to sleep.

*Later that day *

I'm having a bad day today.

With my head still banging, I haven't slept enough yet and here I am working. This is one of those days I wish I don't have a Job.

 "Aah," I groan as I have to bend down to pick up the clothes I need to sleep in.

"NUELLE"  I freeze as I turn around to see who called me.

"JEREMY ^^," I say with a high-pitched voice nervously.

" What can I help you with".

"I'm here to see you," he says, Fuck His voice, I think as my eyes fall to his lips, the image of me kissing him floods my head.

"Why is it so hot here," I say nervously as I fan myself.

"I heard you helped me yesterday, thanks," I say looking down pretending to not recall what happened at the party.

"You Heard?" he asks in disbelief.

"Yeah, Levi told me" I lie.

"Ooh so you don't remember what happened yesterday," he asks again.

"Yeah, I do not" I answer.

"Ok, I came to give you this," he says, giving me a paper bag containing my shoes and gown.

"Ooh Thanks, I didn't know you will come here I would have brought your clothes too," I say.

He chucks,  "how do you know it's my clothes if you don't remember what happened yesterday,"  he asks.

"I~~I just figured as you brought my clothes maybe the one I was wearing was yours" I stammer looking flushed.

We can go to the restroom and I can help you remember he whispers.

"No thanks, I rather not remember," I say looking away.

"Why," he asked, looking annoyed

"Why is he annoyed is he bipolar or something, "I just don't want to" I reply?

"Because it's me and not Levi," he says sounding angry.

"What are you talking about," I say confused.

"Text me I left you my number,"  he says.

"I didn't see it" I lie.

"I guess today is your lying day," he says sarcastically.

"I'm not lying," I say avoiding his eyes.

"Text me or you know what will happen," he says waving his phone as he walks out of the shop.