
The thoughtless father chapter Five

I came to in a room filled with Machines and people I didn't know it was so bright I couldn't see to well but when the light dined and my eyes figured out I could tell that it was Owen and I believe his mother hey I said with a raspy voice he looked up your up yes but pain and a lot rushed me i let out a grown and looked to my left hand I can't move It to well then agin it's in a full cast each one of my fingers wrapped in the fiberglass mix to heal but how well is still yet to be determined it hurts but I look to my right to only see a brace and I can freely move my fingers and hand but the swelling and discolored skin that lies underneath was awful and the cuts that ran along my back stung this hurt wasn't new but the look they gave me was a new feeling it filled me with a strange mix of Grief and anger it hurt me deep that they would go that far for me I don't know this person I didn't know his family yet they where here before my own parents before my blood my face was wet white is this my hands started to shake the movement needed to seal the anxiety that rushed over me this was stronger this was a full flesh panic attack no stop please flashed to every time I was almost hit with something when leaving the house to the hour spent telling me just how bad I was that I should have died along with my mother how my father doesn't care doesn't love me doesn't want me to every small mistake that I have ever made to the face my father gave me when I dimly told him of everything that she has done to me how she cuts me how I wasn't feed for one hole week how I passed out in class from my anxiety and the only answer He could give me was that's your own problem you need to figure it out on your own now leave I have work to do something in me snapped ok father i said and pushed myself up

Julie please stop your going to hurt yourself stop please I was snapped back by Owen shaking me and holding me down what happened that's what I want to know what the hell you started to pull out your IV and say things you were not here what happened if I didn't stop you they would have sedated you i looked behind him the nurse was there ready for just that and I know how you feel about needles your book her eyes went big how did you know well I saw the thing's you drew and I couldn't stop myself I saw your soft spots and what she did to you I couldn't stop myself I am sorry you're she starting but stopped looked around then continue the only one to know what I went through and my true feelings don't hurt me please she said with sad eyes never going to happened I hugged her thank you I she was cut off when a voice cut thought the silence where is my kid she is in so much trouble running up a bill like this and pulling me out of work who dose she think she is and on top of that getting her mother put in jail she was pale was I wrong no look at your hand you needed to be here you almost died from the loss of blood why would anyone say that about you there she is the voce said he pulled back the curtain and went to her get up you have taken up enough time and money from me he said in a snarl she went to move what are you doing if you get up now the Dr said from behind you could further hurt yourself and do worse sit down and don't move and you he got into the face of her though less father get out now or I will have someone take you out as you can see she can't move she lost 30% of her blood any more and she could have die and don't get me started on her smashed hand and broken ribs not even how does a kid even get this bad he went white I….I have no answer and he left

I was shaking hard now really shaking my own father I can't bring myself to say it to hold what he really thinks of me how can one person have so many people hate and hurt me am I really that bad a person that I don't deserve love and care I cry I let the strong emotions take over I let everything that has happened to me from the beating the hunger to the long days isolated away from all I cry I need to write out draw feel something in my hands so I can show what is going through my head how do I do that when she my poor hands the pain was there I could feel it there I new it to well for it to leave me I felt hands shake me again I pull myself back from my overflowing heart an mind I have something for you I know it's not much I know what it feels like to be overwhelmed and overflowing with emotions so here he handed me a blank book I got to work I drew out the flashing memories red just red i dew every think that happened to me from the Malt to the painful week I had how she broke everything even when she tied me down and wiped me over and over tell I passed out to the cold water she would wake me up with tell she slipped up and i broke my project over her head and ran this part was blue fear was taking over me I ran as fast as I could I got to the bus got on and purple was the next part courage I told everything to one person to the bus driver to not let her on the bus she will kill me to get me out of there but what really came out was blue she tried to take my art away she tried to kill my heart I was so scared an blood loss that black dotted my eyes and I couldn't get it clear i went out I don't know what happened next I can't remember he looked over my shoulder you woke up in the ambulance and begged us to save your art to move it to the save room we also he said a he drew in the book got to see the full extent of what had happened to you after you took your jack off then you passed out again then I got here pink was the next color the room was full and miss nicks was there and I flipped out because father I mixed the pink and blues together to get the mixed feelings I had a across then blue took over and I ran and and lost myself reds blues purple filled the pag showing how I was overwhelmed by everything,everyone then pink pulled me pulled hard I came back no one she helped me back made the pain go away and made sure no one could hurt me I was safe I put down the book the colors the words and gave Owin the biggest hug I could thank you from the bottom of my heart thank you what are friends for so my arts save yes it's all at the school and he pulled out the sketchbooks from his bag he opened it up to the giraffe how's are boy he's waiting for you can I see that his mom asked um sure I go to hand her the book but no hun the other one oh um why please I hand her the book and she looked though her eyes water she gets mad and the left the room

She picked up here phone honey she said I have something for you to help with miss Jules can you come here yes my love how is she doing better I think god her house it's not looking good for the poor thing she's going to have to go through a lot when she healed from the Corte to the many homes she might be put in a group home no she will be saying with me hun that's we I don't know she's going to need a lot of help and you're liens is up to date and I am always willing ok love you win she's coming home with us

When he got there and looked there the book he was very upset and yes most definitely this will help a lot can I take this I don't think she will mind but do bring her a new one I don't think that she can well work right with out one got it