
Chapter Three the Sene

<p>When we got there it was erily quiet the door was open and red stained here and there don't leave this car he said wait dad I handed him the key ok he said confused he went and checked the place out then others came and check the place ok come and get her things and her art room we need that as well I don't think we can right now it seem like that's where it happened there's things that I don't want you to see I don't care I made a promise to get all of her art and her things I will not back down from thats fine i got down from the car I got to the rooms door way miss Nicks was in a state of aw look at this the color the feeling she's never put that in her art before and this one done right before she left it's the only one with warm colors a door that was open the inside was beautiful but the door way looked worn gray blues where hidden with the blacks and the details she put into this she painted all night to finish it she picked it up to and read the back to the ones I love and who love me thank you <br/>God this girl can pull at your hart stings with her art I pack her art everything she had the books full of her feeling her Paine her sadness everything I cried for her because the more we looked the more we know that she was never loved never cared for and the monsters she drew could give me nightmares miss nicks I said with eyes full of tears how I don't know she said in a soft voice <br/><br/>the table then came into view the mess that was scattered about and the red paint ….no wait that's not paint it's blood and that tool was used to I needed to leave I finished packing her things everything she had she collected and made even the last pen was put into the cop car and taken to the art room only when the art was taken out of the car back and forth tell the cop car drove off and the door safety locked did it hit her that her favorite student was in the hospital and may never draw agin may never smile it hurt her deep far more then she thought it did to lose your hands and by no other then her mother what a sick person could do that to there own kid I could never a thought occurred could she help her could she do it I mean she's almost 18 it would be her choice but the pain I just don't know <br/><br/><br/>The place we went was not good from the red on the door to the smell of blood i new what happened to her but the sense said otherwise she was working on something and it was going to be beautiful I just new it but her mother forced her way in held her down after a good betting and then held her down as she tried to fight tried to run only her hand was i looked away from the desk I tried to not think of it she will get better I tried to think of how I held her on the bus shaking and crying and the shock on her face when she was save and to know that she could have been killed if not for her quick thinking an the glass vase, that was all over the floor she would have lost her right hand to that crazy lady I helped pack her things I was letting the remorse take over when I came to her book i new this to well but the pages she took them two at a time as if she didn't want me to see them I looked and to my surprise they where notes as to what had happened to her to what was hurting and the thoughts of am I good enough and I am strong enough what did I do and then the giraffe sketch the only one with Life drawn in it the happy feelings I could feel coming from it next to it in blue thunderstorms and cold just cold dated the day today written along with <br/><br/>she wrote cares and has a big hart I hope we can be friends I hope he doesn't think I'll of me for hiding things from him it's new to have a friend <br/><br/>What have I done to deserve this kind woman she was so sweat an strong I put it away and packed her school bag not much to it but her bag was old warn even that's got to be fixed and it will I will not let another person hurt her I just can't i handed the bag off to the cops and her put it in my dads car I think you should go and park her um clothes oh yes your right probably not a good idea for you to do that yeah I said with a smile with her things packed and ready to go we went and unpacked her art at school and her things at my house in the spare room my mother had set up when herring what happened she's staying here for now tell we find her fathers information she still in the hospital her hands will be fine her right is not to bad but she will have to keep it in a brace to heal but the other they have to cast everything tell it heals so she can move it for months she can leave when she eats something she had cuts and bruises and will have to be carful of how she moves broken ribs it's no wonder why though she under wait <br/>and her healings going to take longer then most would but she will live I cried god mom what is wrong with people I never new just how heartless people can be Jules didn't do anything she just wanted to live and enjoy her art was that so much to ask for oh honey it's ok she will be ok I don't know from what I have seen her mind and her self might not be ok she hid it so well and her way of reading was so slow I think she has other things going on and she can't get it right and no one is nice to her at school no but me and I don't understand I just don't </p>