
Solo Leveling: ReNix

Floating at an endless void in the valley of the dead, tears slowly floating away from her face. She had sacrificed her life for the life of millions of other in her country, it was her choice. A life with the man she both hated and loved at the same time, so that others could live. It was her choice, it was her that had made that choice, but she couldn't help regret her choice. Until, a chance appeared before her. A chance to rewrite the fate she couldn't have changed, all within a single word. "Would you take the chance?" ---- At first, I wanted a rewrite of my SLJTEO FF, but then I got this instead. I don't know how to express how much I planned for this that I even forgot about the origin book, LoL. Anyways, go straight dive in! Ah, finally! I had begun to create my own covers!

Nakamura_Shun · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

Snap back to reality

Yoo-hoo! It's now late December, and my birthday is approaching fast! I'd gladly play with magic in the meantime, January 1, I will soon be able to meet you!

Oh right, even though I laze around, my muscles have developed quite nicely, even mom has been wondering why. But I very well know the answer. My mana is automatically strengthening my body!

And since I found about that almost a year ago, I had been lazing around. But I have been exercising one very important muscle though! My immense mana pool.

Though it is very much potent and such, I have been learning more and more about the [Basic Magic] skill I had obtained. It was sure to say I fell in love with such applications to my daily life!

Magic had been my source of entertainment ever since I had started experimenting about it. I had researched and created spells myself, which had been added as subskills under my [Basic Magic] skill.

Ah, I might forget to say it later, so I'll say it now. I had created some spells which were called by the system as high-spells, and had successfully created a new skill, [Advanced Magic]!

Cool right? "Ah," I noticed mom was coming upstairs so I let go of the levitation spell and dropped softly on the ground. I looked towards the window to make it seem I was mesmerized by the snow and 1, 2, 3-

"Akari-chan~!" My mother entered the room and walked towards me. "Aw, you're not even paying attention to me, what are you so busy looking at~?" She asked as she traced my vision.

It was pointed at the window where snowflakes fell mesmerizingly. "Snow?" my mother asked herself as she gently picked me up, to which I just enjoyed the warmth she gave.

"Guaa…" I let out a satisfied grumble as mom, again, found it cute. So she whipped out her camera and took photos of me. "I'm going to regret not making a fuss right now in the future."

I thought as Mom brought me downstairs where father was on the couch. Watching what I assumed to be baseball? I don't know, I just ignored it, so I thoroughly don't know.

"Reo." My father greeted my mother as she just nodded at him. "The match still hasn't finished, I presume?" Mother asked. "Yes, they're still at it, which makes it more exciting."


A day passed! It was now December 25, the day of Christmas where I expect two gifts from my parents! Well, at least I expected to. "Akari-chan, we found out that you were interested in stuffed animals."

My parents presented me two wolf-like stuffed animals. One was with white fur, and the other was of black fur. "So we thought that giving these to you would make you happier."

Dad spoke as I sat there with my mouth open. I mean, yeah, I love stuffed animals, they give me some sort of comfort and security. And besides, the black one reminds me of someone…

I took the black and white one with both my hands as I let out happy giggles. My action brought smiles to my parents' faces as I giggled more. It was important that everyone was happy.

*Ding dong* Oh, and it seemed that someone came to visit us today at Christmas, I don't remember my parents talking about anyone giving us a visit. I don't remember, at least.

My mom went to welcome the visitor and it was… "Uncle?" I thought. Ah, I remember now, in my last life, my uncle had also visited us this year, I guess he's here to celebrate Christmas with us.

Dad greeted uncle as they exchanged hugs. Man, as far as I remember, uncle is a very affectionate person and is a great person to talk with. Everyone he met has a favorable opinion of him.

"Akari-chan! I'm your uncle." He approached me and spoke. I let out a happy noise to signify I liked him as he let out a gasp. "You're cute!" he spoke as he tried on more words with me.

"I think he fell for Akari." Mom spoke as she observed us. "I agree with every cell in my body." Dad, who was right next to her, replied in a joking voice. "Well I agree too!" I thought to myself.

Everyone falls before my charm! And behold, uncle had fallen for it! "Ah, right, here's my gift for you." My uncle gave me a… piece of candy? That was it? Um, I didn't know what to expect.

After all that, we ate dinner! Duh, it was starting to get late, and we had to eat. Um, what was dinner again? I forgot… there goes my bad habit again, what is the point of my 2,736,760 IQ!

And before you say anything, I properly divided and multiplied my stats to get my results you know! Oh wait, I'm wrong. Again!

What is the use of my oh so large IQ of 1,368,380 that I forget ***t so easily! I frowned as a I drank down milk, oh, yeah, I don't think I like eating whatever-Mom-called-it. Gotta rid of the taste you know?

I want to grow up fast and eat normal food! I crave for it, but I can't eat it… So long, the dream of eating luxurious food. I need to grow my body first. But meh, I'll just wait. Getting spoiled in exchange is worth it.

"Wha-?" I snapped out of my thoughts as mom lifted me up from my baby chair and went upstairs. "I think it's time for you to sleep, Akari-chan." Mom spoke as she opened the door to my room and entered.

She laid me on the small bed– and yes, I use a small bed now, and whispered me goodnight. She went downstairs again, "I should follow mom and just sleep…" I yawned as my consciousness flickered.


The next day morning, I found myself awake downstairs. "Gua?" I let out a confused grumble. "Ah, Nee-san! Akari-chan is awake!" I turn to my right and find my uncle on the couch with me.

It felt… uncomfortable. What was I wearing? I look down and saw that it was some fairy dress or some sort. "Gua?!" I exclaimed a surprised grumble as a camera flash occurred. "Guaa?!!"

Dad was there, in front of me, holding the ever-dreading camera in his hands. "Oh ***k." I thought to myself. I realized what was happening by now, they were taking embarrassing photos of me!

I… I can't take this anymore! I let out sniffles as my vision started to blur with tears. "Guaa…" I let out a grumble as the mood turned silent. "A-Akari-chan?" My uncle stuttered out.

"I think we should stop." Mom, who was holding the lights, spoke as she picked me up and cradled me. Dad was there, staring blankly into the air. Thinking about what caused me to cry.

Well, after all the drama was done. I realized that uncle was staying here until January 1, my birthday! We were currently eating lunch, ugh, the food, well, my food was the same thing I eat every day.

Mom handed me another spoon of food as I swallowed it, I don't know what it's made off, but according to mom it was good stuff. It tastes bad though. "Gua." I grumbled

My uncle chuckled at my grumbling as we kept eating. As always, dad was giving cringy dad jokes to liven up the atmosphere a bit more. And they did work, not giving us laughs or anything though.

"Hahhh…" What a wholesome atmosphere on display. "Gua!" I grumbled out in a happy sense as the three let out "Aw"s and such. I will work to keep this atmosphere. I let out a smile.


It was now January my birthday, and as the morning birds sang their songs, I had found myself in a silent contemplation. The topic was so deep that even it was my birthday, I had to be serious.

For so long of living, breathing, existing as a simple child. I had forgotten the fact. The reason I had to go back in time. The tide of time has got me so complacent to not even remember a single bit 'til now.

This was a matter of fact that would decide the fate of thousands, millions, billions of people across the globe. And I had to do something about it, even if my current body was that of a child.

Why was there ambient mana laying around when there wasn't even a source except me. The mana that I used for my experiments were AMBIENT, they didn't come from me.

This was such a problem as to why I hadn't remembered, why I hadn't realized yet. I had to wake up. I wasn't just some normal child that was extra intelligent fer her age and can wield mana to her will.

No, I was something much more. I was a person who regressed from the future. I was a person who decided I need to change the fate, the world so that many would survive.

I was a person who chose to rewrite my life. I was a person who took the chance held to me by a being now a part of me. I was that kind of person. Not some child that enjoys the spoil of life.

I have too many problems to even consider enjoying them. I had to do something about them. Currently, hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people are currently in danger.

Today, I had to wake up from my dreams and confront reality. I need to think about what I can do with my child body. I could very well do something with my current body, but I need more time to fully help the situation.

Firstly, I will start with the gate just a couple blocks away from our house, how do I get there? Easy enough a simple teleportation spell could do that. "Time for a snap back to reality, this is the year the dungeon gates started to spawn."


Aurea Rubrum here! Chapter three, here you go. Strwberrypie-nim isn't here today, off to do something else, sulking or something. I am here alone!

Besides that, that's all I have to say for now. Creation is hard you know, cheer me up! Also, if you like it, please add to library!