

With Jayden Williams out of the country, Emily Styles went for a sleepover and the popular Alexander Blake just had to be there. what will happen if Emily starts getting the attention of her secret crush? will cheating come in,or will her self control remain untouched? If you are looking for a hot, funny and interesting high school romance or teen fiction, you are at the right place.

davidson_chinyere · Teenager
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9 Chs



   As we were done with arranging our things, we had our bath then I changed into a sweatpant and sweatshirt and still left my hair tied up in a ponytail.

      I decided to go to the kitchen to get drinking water but the sight I met was unexpected.

I was shocked to see Alexander leaning on the counter with his eyes fixed on his phone.

Let's get this over with,he won't even notice I'm here.

who am I kidding?

      As I opened the refrigerator, he looked up from his phone and smiled.

Well, I definitely wasn't expecting that.

"Hi."he said with a smile as he came forward.

"Hey" I  replied with a small voice not even sure I was using the right word.

"Finally, I have caught you alone."he say smirking as he moved closer.

"I...I ..I don't understand."I stammered moving backward as he continued moving forward then I hit my back on the wall.

What the hell is going on?!

"Don't" I said as I closed my eyes.

I'm very sure I'm trembling right now.

Suddenly, he started laughing out loud and I opened my eyes slowly,my face was so flushed from embarrassment and I started feeling hot.

I couldn't stop praying for the floor to open up and swallow me.

As I quickly opened the door to go outside, he called my name.

Hell! Why do I strangely like the way my name rolled off his tongue.

"Wait,Emily you forgot something."he said.

Oh, I forgot the bottled water.

He walked up to me in quick strides and handed the bottled water to me.

"Sorry about that, couldn't resist." he said with a knowing grin.

"Appology accepted."I said in a low voice with an obvious blush on my face.

"I will see you around then and nice to meet you Emily."he said and left and I wish I could wipe off that dirty smirk from his face.

I quickly went to the room but as I got to the door, I used my hand to fan my face because I was feeling very hot and bothered.

As I got inside the room, I quickly lay down on the bed and covered my face with the blanket but It didn't help my situation at all.

oh God I'm turning red.

"What's wrong?" Steph asked as she removed the blanket from my face.

"Nothing." I answered smiling.

"Where were you?" She asked giving me that suspicious look.

"Just outside."I replied trying to look normal so she won't catch up with my lie.

"Well, just want to tell you that in two minutes time we are going downstairs to the game room to play some games with the guys."

"Oh,okay go ahead I am coming."I replied as I got up to go to the bathroom to recollect myself.

I know I have always had a crush on Alexander but we have never spoken before.

More like,we have never had any reason to do so.

As I sat up, I started thinking of what happened.

"He even knows my name."I said to myself as I quickly went into the attached bathroom and washed my face then I cleaned it with a towel and applied face powder, took my phone and started heading downstairs.

As I was heading downstairs, my phone rang and when I saw the caller ID I was nothing but happy.

It was Jayden,my boyfriend.

I picked the call smiling to myself.

"Hello." he said.

"Hey baby,I have missed you so much. Still missing you though." I said as I continued heading downstairs.

"I have missed you too."he said from the other end of the phone.

Actually, Jayden and I have been dating for about seven months now but he travelled to their family house in England.

Jayden is a really hot and handsome guy with clean blond hair, sea blue eyes with not too thin lips that gives him that handsome look whenever he smiles with his perfect teeth and dimples which is one of the things I love about him.

He is two years older than I am and he was my senior in the same high school that I am right now but we started falling for each other when we went for summer trip and I really love him.

"Let's not forget about your crush on Alexander Blake"my subconsciousness mocked.

Well, it's just a crush.

It will die,soon.

"When are you coming back?"I asked him with a frown on my face.

"That's exactly why I called you. I'm coming back next week Friday."he replied and to say I'm delighted about this great news is an understatement of how I actually feel.

"Thank God."I said as I took my sit on the rug in the gathering of the rest of my mates.

"You miss me that much?"he asked chuckling.

"Of course I do."I replied.

"So,where are you right now?"he asked me.

I told him about the sleepover then he replied by telling me to have fun and that he miss me so much.

As I was making the call, I could feel Xanders eyes on me.

What is his problem?

When he noticed I was looking at him, he smirked and looked away leaving me to feel uncomfortable, great.

   After few words, Jayden ended the call then I went to where they were playing word game.

I later got bored so I decided to go outside and take a stroll.

People were actually doing their own stuff so they wouldn't even notice if I leave the place.

As I stood up, I sighted Austin and Cindy making out.

Yep, Alexander's best friend and one of Santana's minions.

I shifted my gaze but I wish I never did because, my eyes landed on Xander who was making out with Santana.

His eyes met mine and I became angry for no reason.

I stomped out and sat down on the beach by the side of Kelly's house.

I really hope no one noticed my change of attitude.

"Do you want to go somewhere with me?"I heard someone ask.

I raised my head and it just had to be Xander.

How did he get here, wasn't he just making out with Santana?

"Do you want to go somewhere with me?"he asked again as he sat down close to me. More like very close.

"Where?"I asked him as I shifted because he was sitting so close.

"Just a ride."he replied with a shrug as he rubbed his face with his palm looking sexily exhausted. If there is even any word like that.

"In you car?" I asked him as I looked at his red sports car quietly wondering why he will want to go for a ride with me.

"We can do it somewhere else if you like."he replied with a nasty grin as he noticed the embarrassed blush on my face.

"Well, too bad we are doing it on that cool guy there."he said as he stood up and gestured for me to follow him.

I followed him then we saw a giant black motorcycle.

I'm so doing this.

"Is this yours?" I asked smiling.

"Yeah,you like?" He asked me.

"Yeah, I very much do."I replied moving closer to the motorcycle.

He looked at me like I have grown two heads.

"Really?"he asked me.

"Sure,is there a problem with that?" I asked as I touched the smooth leather of the seat.

"Nah,but many girls would have said the opposite. I thought I would have to force you to get on it."he said clearly impressed and I found myself wanting to impress him more.

Why will I even want to do that? I mean this guy was just making out with someone else.

I actually love rides on bikes because it makes me feel free but too bad I don't have mine and I don't know how to ride. Jayden loves his bike and I also got to love it.

"So, you will go on a ride with me?" He asked again as if the answer wasn't obvious.

"Obviously."I said as I roll my eyes.

"But there is one problem."I said as I looked down at my choice of clothing.

"I can't go with you in what I'm wearing."

"It's just sweat pants and sweat shirt and there is nothing wrong about it."he said as if stating the obvious.

He gave me his helmet before

climbing the motorcycle then I followed suit with his assistance.

"You might want to hold on tight."he said with a smile as he started the motorcycle.

As he moved, I quickly held him tight due to the jolting then he started driving and he was on a high speed.

"I told you."he said on top of his voice but I didn't respond so he started laughing and that was when I noticed I was really leaning on his back.

"Oh sorry."I said as I raised my head from his back.

"No, don't stop.I like the feeling."he replied.

He did not just say that.Of course he did.

This guy really knows how to melt a lady's heart with his words.

Now I understand the charm they all speak about.

"He hasn't even done anything and you are already impressed" my inner voice mocked.

"Emily, did you hear me?"he asked.

"Hmm."I replied still lost in my own thoughts.


We finally got to a place then he stopped.

"You can let go now."he said after stopping the motorcycle.

"Oh.. right."I replied as I released my hold of him.

He came down and assisted me in doing the same.

"Where are we?" I asked him as I looked around.

"One of my favorite places."he replied as he released a cool breath.

"But there is nobody here."I replied as I gestured to the cool fresh sand and open space.

"Yeah, but come let me show you something." he said as I nodded and followed him sheepishly.

"Wow."I said as I sighted a building that had different shades of light coming from it.

"Guess I was wrong about nobody being here but,where is this place?"I asked.

"It's a game house,let's go inside."he replied.

"I don't really like games but I love some particular set of games."I said as we both entered inside the place.

There were few grown ups inside there but I don't think they know we are highschool students because I look bigger than my normal age and Xander doesn't look like a highschool student either.


After playing games, he checked the time and it was already past 10:00pm. In the middle of the game he asked me if I was hungry but I told him to just get me a smoothie instead and he also got one for himself.

"We need to go, It's quite late." He told me as he put his phone into his pants pocket.

We both got on the bike then he speed off.

As we got back to the house, some people were still awake but they didn't seem to notice us as we got to a corner in the living room.

"So, Emily can we be friends?" he asked me as we sat down on the couch.

"I think we are already friends."I replied mirroring his smile.

"So, tell me a little about yourself."he said as he relaxed on the couch.

"Well, thank God you said little because I don't have much to say so, I will just tell you a few things since you asked but you will get to know me more if our friendship lasts." I replied with a smile.

Guess we are done with this chapter.

Anyway, just to make something clear. You must have noticed that sometimes, I write Xander while sometimes I write Alexander.

Xander is simply the short form of Alexander so don't get your pretty head confused.

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