
Slaved in Matriarchal World in Zombie Apocalypse

Noah is reincarnated as a 14-year-old in a different world. He lives with his mother, away from society. According to his mother, there are almost no humans left due to a zombie apocalypse that suddenly appeared. The death of his mother at the hands of a beast, leads him to meet the world, one very different from the one Nate's mother told him about and even the one Noah himself imagined. A zombie apocalypse grips the planet, unstoppable. When it seemed there was no hope for humanity, the will of the world gave them a gift. To the men, it allowed them to level up and grow stronger with the help of mana crystals from Zombies, mutated monsters, even from humans themselves and new races that have appeared on earth. Women, in order to preserve the species, were granted to level up and strengthen themselves through sex. Anyone would think that men would hunt beasts and women would turn to chasing men. But in the end this was not the case. Certain conditions changed the role of men and women in society. Now Noah, because of his innocence, ends up in the hands of a slave trader. Knowing that Noah possesses two of the greatest talents, he is taken to an auction in front of the most prominent women of all races. Unable to escape his fate, Noah must learn to live with his new reality, a slave. Warning: This fiction will contain great amounts of sex and violence. This is my second time writing, and I welcome any suggestions and advice. English is not my first language, so I apologize in advance for any mistakes. I appreciate it if you point them out. Thank you in advance for your patience Please Enjoy it

albert31 · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Chapter 1: Transmigration

I'm Noah, an extremely shy and reserved 14 year old boy. I am gifted in multiple fields, I am close to achieving a few degrees.

However, I am extremely shy with other people with whom I have little confidence, which led me to be isolated and lonely.

My life was pretty bad, even with my great academic talents, it was, as a truck killed me.

And I happened to transmigrate into another world.

For a few minutes I stood still, but my mind was on the contrary, memories of another Noah were flashing in my mind. To the point that I couldn't discern which one it was, you could say it was a mixture. 

The Noah of this world, has lived with his mother in isolation from the world. 

From what his mother explained to him, a zombie apocalypse hit this world, humans had no chance and the will of the world gave us a gift.

Men were allowed to level up and strengthen themselves with the help of mana crystals from Zombies, mutated monsters, even from humans themselves and new races that have appeared on earth. 

Women, in order to preserve the species, were granted to level up and strengthen themselves through sex.

His mother, in order to protect him, trained him for 14 years in different martial arts and gave him mana crystals so that he could level up.

Noah, decided to see his status window

Status window

Name: Noah

Level: 11

Xp: 100/1100

Class: None

Potential Points: 10

Total Points: 10 * 1,1 * 2 = 22

Race: Human 

Gender: male

Age: 14 years 

Talent: Extra points

Bonus Talent: Touch of life

Noah had reached level 11, which for someone isolated is really capable.

Leveling up is not just about eating the stones, you need to refine them, in otherworldly terms, meditate. 

It is important to know that all beings can level up to level 100. Every 10 levels you get stronger, and your mana crystal levels up. So there are 10 levels of mana crystals one can find and you can only use a crystal of the same rank as your level. 

Simply put, if Noah hunts a level 7 Zombie, it will drop a level 1 crystal and Noah will not be able to use it. If he hunts a level 15 Zombie, he will drop a level 2 crystal, and Noah at his current level will be able to use it to meditate.

Of each crystal, a man can only absorb up to 10 points, Noah is able to absorb the maximum and at high speed, so he needs much less than others. 

For example, someone with Potential Points of 1 will need 10 times as many crystals to level up. 

Total points are the points a woman gets from having sex with Noah. It is multiplying your Potential Points * (Level/10) * Talent Factor. 

There are different degrees of talents, from the lowest level talents that give a multiplier of 0,1, it could be a talent of having a better sense of smell to a multiplier of 2, which according to his mother there are only 3 known talents.

Finally, there is a 1% of the population, able to unlock a Bonus Talent.

Back to reality, Noah stood in front of a burning log cabin, the cabin was the place where he had lived for 14 years with his mother.

Shortly before Noah transmigrated, a small group of level 3 zombies attacked his cabin, his mother was wounded to death by the zombies, but not before telling Noah where to go and to watch out for people.

Naturally, Noah tried to use his healing talent, also of multiplier 2 on his mother, but it was too late.

Before leaving, he decided to burn the hut with his mother's remains and it was just at that moment that Noah transmigrated.

Noah, now that all the headache was gone, began to look at his new body, crimson red hair, very aesthetic body, shy face, short and tousled hair and silver grey eyes, in his previous world he would have been one of the most handsome men on the planet.

Noah decided to follow his mother's advice and went west, as he thought about his life, with his superior intelligence, he understood that his mother was hiding things from him and there were certain inconsistencies in what she said. To the old Noah, an isolated child dependent on his mother, it was not obvious, but to someone like the new Noah it was crystal clear. 

Suddenly, Noah found that the path was divided, left or right, the two identical.

'Left' Noah decided, he chose quickly as at first glance it seemed a choice with little importance not knowing that this decision would set the course his life would take.