If the world was built in a week, why do six feel so short? He appeared in my life diligently working and eyes shimmering with joy. Then like nothing he vanished, the six weeks over. His closing words still echoing, "I hate that word, 'Never'" I replied, "But that is life." Shaking his head he turned away, "Life is made by you, not you by it."
"I'm late! I'm late! I'm late!" I shouted running across campus. The sun burning my skin telling me summer had started. I made it inside the room and found a seat in the back of the class. This would be the first I saw him. I took no notice of my surroundings and took out my papers to get ready for class.
I then looked over to see the guy next to me working on some word search. His brown eyes were stern, a pencil held to his lips and his finger ran across the page. He had a 60% beard and black sideswiped hair, his left arm tanner than his right, and a thin body I was jealous of.
"You good at math?" I whispered, the teacher only just began to talk. He didn't even look up from his paper only replying with, "Yea, I'm decent." He was slow to respond and held no emotion in his speech.
'Guess, I won't be talking to him again.' I looked through the packet and found the word search he was working on. People now began to introduce themselves to the class, believe the professor's name was Jim.
I was drawn into the search trying to get as much extra credit as possible. I took notice when the guy next to me introduced himself, "Hi, name's Leo. An interesting fact is I've been skiing for 16 years." His voice was deep and hoarse, would assume he woke up not long before class started.
"I'm Anne. An interesting fact is I'm from France." Concise and to the point I inwardly praised. I zoned out once more and went back to the word search. It wasn't much later Leo put his completed one next to me. I looked over only to see him shrug and take out his phone. The professor saw him but said nothing.
I thanked him silently and copied his happy to get two extra free points. I handed it back and tried to create conversation, "How old are you?" 'Great job Anne! Ask him old he is for a first question? Stupid!'
"19, you?" He answered after putting his phone away.
I was depressed at his answer, it made me feel old in comparison, "24, what are you majoring in?"
It took him awhile to answer, "Economics, with a financial track. Calculus is required for my Micro Econ class."
I nodded in understanding, the class was business application calculus. "I'm majoring in Business with a minor in Accounting." He nodded but didn't say anything back.
Till the end of class that was actually the last time we spoke. During the break I noticed him go outside the classroom to make a phone call but I didn't hear anything of what he was saying.
"You're all free to go." I packed up and when I turned to say something to Leo he was already gone. I had hoped to have someone to talk to but he didn't seem the same. I walked out to my car and surprisingly as I looked back I saw Leo behind me. He had left sometime before me but didn't even make it to the cars before me. I assumed he had gotten lost on the way out of the building but remembered the exit was right next to the room. I shrugged it off. We waved bye, he had a smile but I was unsure if it was courteous, fake, or genuine.
The shock came when I heard a loud rumble from near the end of the lot. There, windows down, Leo yawned in a grey, with black racing stripes, Mustang. I wanted to shout something to him but I knew he wouldn't hear me. The tires screeched as he sped away, myself left flabbergasted.
"19 and owns a Mustang? His parents must be rich. I'll ask him more about it tomorrow." I drove into the nearby city. I walked inside my place only to find it just as hot as outside.
"I need to find a place with A/C, this is getting bad fast." I took off my shirt left in a bra and shorts. I took out the papers from math and looked over the due dates for the various assignments. After making a plan to do the assignments before their due dates I grabbed my bike and a shirt making my way to a nearby gym. I was worried every time I made this trip but nothing ever happened.
"I need to find a way to college when I lose my car..." Sweat dripped from my forehead after a run on the treadmill. I decided on a bus and would get the schedule tomorrow on my way to class. I did a few other forms of cardio and basic exercises using weights I made my way back home.
I was slow to move to my room, my body heavy with fatigue from working out. I feel to the bed on the floor my eyes locked with the ceiling. "Too many things to do, and too little time to do them." I skipped dinner and drifted to sleep.
I woke up before 8 for my morning routine of shower, plan out clothes, make-up, and teeth care. I grabbed my keys and after a stop at the bus station; I went for my first class of marketing. It ended and I ran off for math, I had been let out late again so running was required.
I took note of making it to the building in record time to see Leo sitting alone; his head in his phone. I took the initiative to make conversation once more.
"Hey," 'Great, you're amazing at this.'
He smiled his eyes locked with the bus map in my hand, "Hey, what's with the map?"
"I'm getting my license suspended for two months." I took a seat across from him a frown and sadness heard in my voice.
He released a hearty laughed, "What you do?"
I whispered embarrassed, "Went around a school bus."
"Where you live?" Still held the smile.
"I'll drive you, not a far drive I live in Breville"
I thought for a moment while looking at the map, "That's in the opposite direction!" I expressed shocked.
"Not a far drive still."
"We don't know each other," I explained hesitantly. 'What is wrong with this guy?'
"Name's Leo!" He joked his hand outstretched.
'There is something wrong with this kid.' "Anne, nice to meet you." I shook his hand returning the smile.