
Sirius Black (SI)

A guy was reading A prisoner of Azkaban while walking on a road when out of nowhere he was hit by a truck (It was actually his fault). He thought he had died but when he opened his eyes the first thing he saw was a stag made of lights scaring away a Dementor that was inches away from his face... If you want to read ahead, go to pat reon.com/lazywizard And Check out my other work A JON SNOW SI

LazyWizard · Bücher und Literatur
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69 Chs

Ch 6--Shopping—Part 3

"Hey, Sirius," Harry's smiling face appeared inside the mirror, before he looked around and saw where I was, "Um... Sirius, Are you inside a muggle mall?"

"Yep, I am in a Mall in France," I said while browsing around the shirts, "Since you didn't buy clothes for yourself yet, I came here so that you could see and select what you like,"

"You didn't have to do that," Harry while sheepishly rubbing his head, "and won't the muggles notice,"

"Don't worry about that, I place a good muggle-repelling charm so they won't even notice even if you started dancing naked. How do you like this one," I said while showing him a Blue Striped shirt.

"Um... It looks good," Harry said uncertainly.

"Mmm..." I said while placing the shirt in front of the mirror, "I don't think so, It doesn't bring out the color of your eyes," I placed the shirt back and went back to browsing.

"So, have you asked Hermione out yet," I asked distractedly.

"Wh... What... are you ta...talking about?" Harry spluttered.

"Oh I saw how you looked at that girl on your birthday, and from the looks of it she was not completely against the idea,"

"You think so," he said hopefully before suddenly realizing what he just said and immediately blushed, "I mean, you are wrong, there is nothing like that between us. And even if I liked her I don't want to break my friendship with her just because she didn't like me back and what if Ron gets jealous and stops speaking to me and..." he started rambling incoherently at the end.

"Harry, calm down," I said and continued after he took a couple of breaths, "Now I know that you are nervous, but from what I've seen of your bond with those two, I would say that it is strong enough to last through many ups and down, let alone some teenage angst. All three of you have been in multiple life-and-death situations so you don't have to worry a small fight or some awkwardness will break your friendships,"

"Are you sure," he asked timidly.

"I am," I said confidently, "And about what you said about Ron, you should simply follow the Bro Code,"

"What is a Bro Code," he asked while tilting his head.

"Bros before Ho's," I said while nodding sagely, "See before you start to pursue Hermione, you stake your claim to pursue her. For example, you could subtly ask for Ron's help in how to woo her, and also ask him which girl he likes and why,"

"And you think this will work,"

"Of course, it will," I said while looking at a couple of Jeans, "Now, you do know the Anti-pregnancy charm,"

"SIRIUS!" Harry shouted while turning red.

"Hey don't get your knicker in a twist, jeez," I said while waving my hand, "I am just saying because you never know with teenagers your age. I have always followed the mantra, 'If you don't want kids, Just charm your man bits,', "

"I don't want to think about Hermione like that Sirius," Harry said while sporting an ever deeper shade of red.

"It's my solemn duty as your godfather to teach you these things harry," I said in a mystifying tone, "You don't want to end up like your father and mother, I mean just because they liked each other for a couple of years, didn't mean they had to go at each other like rabbits in heat, after they got married right out of Hogwarts, and I still suspect that it's one of the reasons they had you so young..."

"LA LA LA LA, " Harry immediately covered his ears and started shouting while shaking his head.

It took quite a bit of hand gesturing and a promise that I wouldn't talk about his parent's sex life anymore, for him to calm down.

"Now have you given any thought to how you plan to ask your friend out," I asked after choosing a handful of Shirts for Harry and me.

"I don't know..." Harry said timidly while looking down, "I don't think I would be able to ask her in person properly... Maybe I should just write a letter or something,"

"Well, It mostly consists of complimenting them and being confident in how you approach them. How about I give you a practical lesson on how to ask a girl out," I said while looking around for a prospective target and found an absolutely stunning woman standing across the aisle looking at some dresses, "See that Lady over there, I will try to ask her to dinner and she will most probably reject me, but it will still be very educational to you,"

"Who are you talking about Sirius," Harry said while looking out of the mirror left and right, "I don't see anyone at the place, where you are looking,"

"Is your vision really that atrocious?" I asked a bit skeptically, "How can you not see that woman with the devilish body? Anyway, I am going to go to her, and it's better if you don't distract me,"

I started to walk toward her with an air of confidence, she was looking at a couple of summer dresses for teenage girls that were placed on a rack. I went to stand just behind her before gently tapping on her shoulder.

"Excuse me," I automatically spoke in fluent French Sirius had learned in his childhood. The lady turned around and I was stunned for a moment after looking at her face, while from behind she had the hourglass figure of a succubus, from the front she had the face of a goddess. She had blond hair and blue eyes that looked as if they were trying to suck you in.

"Oui," She said after she turned around and looked at me in confusion. I quickly took a hold of myself and looked straight into her eyes, which took quite an effort.

"Could you please help me with something?" I asked with the proper amount of plea in my voice, "You see, I have to buy some clothes for my nephew but I am not really familiar with the fashion of today's teenager. And I don't want him to think of me as a boring uncle,"

"Mmm... Sure," She said with an amused smile before she started walking toward the men's section, "How tall is your nephew? And what does he look like?"

"Oh, he is about this tall," I said while showing her my hand, "and he is fair-skinned and his build is almost like me, you know an athletic build," I smirked while showing my biceps.

"Is that so," She looked me up and down with a small smile before she turned around and started to pick up shirts from the racks with a pattern only she could see, "So why did you decide to ask for my help out of all the people here,"

"Well, I looked around and picked up the one who was wearing the most fashionable clothes. You were the only one whose clothes looked like they were picked for a model,"

"And Is that the only reason?" She asked with a smile that hid many things.

"Well, that and your absolutely gorgeous eyes," I said while gazing into her mesmerizing eyes.

"And how were you able to see my eyes from behind me," She smirked as if she won.

"Oh there was a mirror in front of you," I said while pointing toward the said mirror.

"Hmm, so you say," she said while handing me a couple of trousers, "I think these should be enough for your nephew for now,"

"You were such a great help, I am truly in your debt. How could I—," I said, before I suddenly widened my eyes as if I had an idea, and asked her with a smile, "I know, Why don't let me take you out for dinner to thank you,"

"Let me see," she said while narrowing her eyes and looking at me with her hands under her chin, "Well... you passed my two checks so I guess that should be alright,"

"Oh, and What would those Checks be, if I may ask?" I asked while tilting my head.

"Well number one, You were able to talk to me without drooling which is very rare considering who I am," she said with a smile as if she knew something I didn't know, "Number two, you maintained eye contact throughout, and didn't look down even once, even your nephew there took a glance or two," she pointed toward the mirror floating behind me.

"Eeeep," Harry suddenly jumped like a little girl and fell off his chair, and didn't come back in the mirror after that. I turned around from my godson back to the person who till now I had taken for a muggle but who turned out to be a witch.

"Did I forget to introduce myself?" She said with a wink, "I am Appoline Delacour, a veela,"

I was completely caught off guard, I didn't expect to walk into a completely random mall and meet the mother of a future Triwizard champion. I took a deep breath and looked at her with a curious gaze.

"I am sorry for not recognizing a fellow magical," I said while placing the floating mirror behind me inside my pocket after shrinking it, "My name is James White, But I think I have heard your name somewhere before,"

"Oh you must have heard of Monsieur Delacour, the French Foreign Minister of Magic," she said while waving her hand airily, "He is my ex-husband, we have been separated for two years,"

"I am sorry to hear that," I said but the smile on my face contradicted my words, "So let me just pay for these and then I'll take you out to— Or wait you'll have to take me out since I don't exactly know the places around here or what you like,"

"Don't worry," She said while leaning extremely close to me and looking into my eyes, "I know exactly what I like,"

She went away toward the counter, and I just stood there for a few moments admiring the way those hips swayed and when I looked up, she caught me looking but just turned away with a smirk on her face. I immediately followed behind her while thanking the cosmic entity, who put me in this world.


To read ahead go to pat reon. com/ lazywizard

And check out my other A Jon Snow SI

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