
Sinz of Man

Have you ever heard of the ‘7 apostles of Sin’ the heinous criminals that have terrorized the world for hundreds of years with their perverted Gospel Now Kensu Hashimaru a spineless Intern working at the Orion Corporation got associated with these monsters After the corporation is tasked to find an unknown artifact named the 'Devil's Apple' Now his fate is intertwined with theirs how How will he cope with their sights on him

Mark_Har · Fantasie
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2 Chs

It Starts with a Vistor

Running away from death in a dimly lit catacomb, various thoughts raced through his head most of which were of the current things afflicting him 

The sand in his mouth; the harsh terrain scraping his foot; the memory to keep track of every twist and turn and finally he was carrying the luggage

His whole body was throbbing with pain as his lungs were burning with lack of oxygen as he pushed himself, but the rest of his thoughts were directed towards the weakness that was himself as he could do nothing but witness his team die one by one.

His ears twitched and face contorted to fear as he heard the footsteps of the murderer as he turns to look behind, from a face of fear turns to anger as he saw the murderer 

It was a face he learned to hate as time went on

[Two Months ago]

A knock at the door brought Kensu back from the dead of sleep, sighing while regaining consciousness. His body tired even after a night's sleep, the first thought Kensu had was while stretching out his hand

"I finally got some sleep this time."

After getting his job at the 'Orion Corporation' known for finding artifacts, hunting beasts and demons alike

he had been having stress that has given him sleepless nights, as he had been working as an paid intern researcher for two years without a promotion yet.

After a while a second knock is heard but louder, Kensu shouted "I coming wait a minute"

He gets out of bed eyes heavy and with bed head but he shrugs it off after a while of preparing himself he goes downstairs

when he opens the door he saw a blonde clad in a blacksmith attire with a small grin on his face in other words his best friend Ballista

Then the man opens he muscular arms and gives Kensu a big hug

"Kid I'm back from Chigau States"

Kensu replied "Wait can we talk while walking I'll be late." he let's go of him and they start off on the journey.

His occasional morning walks with Ballista were one the best times of the month, while closing his eyes he listened to birds in the trees; the school children and even the passing buses were soothing to him an extent

But that peace was shattered when a lady bumped into him and dropped her mirror

"Hey twerp watch were your going!, visibly irritated starts cracking her hand which starts glowing red, preparing to slap him but she saw Ballista and calmed down and said

"At least pick up my mirror maggot." she exclaimed in a condescending tone

Ballista trys to retort but Kensu puts his hand in a notion to stop him, picks it up gives it to the woman and she walks away with a sense of pride.

"Kid you shouldn't take such disrespect she is the one who bumped into you."

He fails to give his friend an answer the walk in silence for a while until

 they walked by a crowd of people murmuring with sad expressions near a news stand they stop and stare in astonishment on the front page a report of an attack with multiple casualties.

 A large section of the city central was attacked last night, reports said the attack was made by the disciples of sin rank unknown 

Most got away but some were caught after local authorites called the Holy knights of Seichi and they took them into custody but their denomination is unknown as they relent to speak

Kensu gasped at the report as city central was one of the most protected parts of Seichi, the were mixed reactions in crowd some fear some faces covered with tears 

Ballista made a disgusted face and spat on the ground and told Kensu that when he became a Holy knight of Seichi that he would see a lot less of these attacks (Note: Every 5 years people register to try out for the Holy Knights)

Ballista makes a joke about Kensu never having a girlfriend if he keeps his glum face, he retorts he never will if he stood next to me 

The continue walking until the arrived at Orion Corp and Ballista waved goodbye and left

Ahhh time to start the day" as he walks over to the front gate of Orion Corp. it looked like and average mansion but with a prison like vibe and shielded by a wall with gems embedded in them to create a barrier a guard walks over to him

"Identification please." bellows the guard as he looks at Kensu head to toe suspiciously

"Ok geez here."

Passes him an ID and the guard inspects it and passes it back to Kensu and he says "Get in boy" and Kensu goes through the security check for any destructive weapon and goes in the building and talks to sarcastic reception ist Catherine

He walks in the majestic and busy halls of Orion Corp as people came left and right from different departments ranging from h

Ignoring him as he passed by, then he got reached the research department 

When he opened the doors everyone in the room turned their heads to the newcomer the awkward silence was deafening as everyone stared at him

He examined the room and saw an empty seat, and went for it before he could sit he was stopped by

A man with long locks of black hair, a scar over his left eye, wearing a khaki jacket 

"Get away from that seat, that's for the Director's guest." bellowed Mr. Navaida the senior executive of Orion Corp, which was written on his badge

"Then where's my seat."he asked as he looked around, Mr. Navaida told him he had none cause of lack of space for one on the table and to just stand next him 

Then you could hear a slight chuckle from the 13 other people in room they had a similar attire to Kensu but theirs of higher quality 

but one could be heard above the rest

"why would you expect a seat at the meeting table where even Mr. Navaida shows up just be happy you were allowed in the room intern."

As soon as he finished Kensu wanted to say something but after he heard the word 'Intern' his strength finished as he he went silently to stand by Mr.Navaida

"Shut up Kaido." were the words Mr. Navaida used as he turned to look at him the researcher then he faltered with his stare then sunk into his seat

he turns to Kensu while putting his hand on his shoulder.

"Don't mind him boy I honestly been considering promoting for a while now, seeing your results made me impressed

even though you lack magic but I've been busy,so after the meeting we c...."

Then the doors burst open abruptly,showing Catherine out of breath even though she had affinity for wind made Kensu chuckle but what she said made everyone nervous

"His here."