
SINS: The Rise Of The Crime King

In the quiet countryside where Luca grew up, life was anything but serene. Raised in a tough environment, he honed his skills as a fighter, determined to make a name for himself. Luca's life takes an unexpected turn when the Organization, an emerging mafia, witnesses his formidable skills in an underground fight ring. Drawn into the seductive world of crime, Luca is lured by the enigmatic and charismatic leader of the mafia, known only as The Bloody Prince. With his handsome facade and ruthless reputation, The Bloody Prince offers Luca a chance at a life filled with power, wealth, and purpose. Luca, driven by a desire for financial security and a yearning for meaning, accepts The Bloody Prince's invitation. Little does he know that this decision will plunge him into a world of treachery and deceit. As he rises through the ranks of the mafia, Luca finds himself torn between his ambitions and the moral implications of his actions. In the pursuit of power, Luca discovers that the line between right and wrong blurs in the shadows of organized crime. Loyalties shift, alliances form and crumble, and The Bloody Prince's true intentions remain a mystery. Luca grapples with the question of what it truly means to find meaning in a life where power and control reign supreme.

MetaAuion · Urban
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2 Chs

I Knew You'd Fit In

In the cozy classroom of Everheart High School, the morning sunlight streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow on the students who were busy chatting and enjoying their time together. Laughter filled the air, and friendships were forming as the students bonded over shared stories and inside jokes.

However, the lively atmosphere was disrupted when the classroom door swung open. The teacher, Mrs. Anderson, a middle-aged woman with an air of authority, entered. She carried a stack of papers and set them down on her desk with purpose. The students quickly settled into their seats as Mrs. Anderson cleared her throat.

"Alright, students," she began, "I know it's only the third day of this semester, but we already have a new student joining us."

Excitement rippled through the classroom, and one girl eagerly raised her hand. "Is it a boy or a girl?" she inquired.

Mrs. Anderson smiled before responding, "It's a boy."

Just as the chatter started to rise again, two distinct knocks on the classroom door interrupted the commotion. Mrs. Anderson's smile widened, and she said, "That's him now. Come in."

The door creaked open, revealing Luca, now wearing a pair of fake glasses, who walked up to the teacher's desk. Mrs. Anderson gestured for him to introduce himself.

"Welcome to class 1B," she said, her eyes warm. "Why don't you introduce yourself, Luca?"

Luca, with a newfound confidence, cleared his throat and addressed the class. "Hi, I'm Luca St. John."

Whispers and murmurs of approval rippled through the classroom. "He's cute," one girl murmured.

Mrs. Anderson sighed but couldn't help but smile. "Alright, everyone, calm down! Luca, why don't you take a seat over there?"

Luca walked across the classroom and took his place at a desk, inwardly pleased with the positive reception he had received. He thought to himself, "Alright, this is a good start."

However, as he settled into his seat, he felt a piercing gaze on him. Turning his head, he met the intense stare of a girl seated next to him. She had short black hair with vibrant blue dye streaks running through it and icy blue eyes that seemed to bore into his very soul. Luca, perplexed and a little nervous, finally broke the silence.

"What are you looking at?" he asked.

The girl shook her head, a faint smirk playing on her lips. "Nothing. It's just that you'll fit in here."

Luca, still puzzled, pressed further. "What does that mean?"

Mrs. Anderson intervened before the conversation could continue. "Marin, Luca, stop flirting and pay attention."

Luca's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as the class erupted in laughter. He turned back to face the front of the classroom, determined to focus on the lesson, though he couldn't help but wonder about the intriguing girl named Marin who sat beside him.

The classroom buzzed with excitement as the lunchtime bell rang, and Mrs. Anderson finished her lesson, excusing the students for their lunch break. Luca sat at his desk, pleased with how smoothly things were going so far. He pulled out his lunch and started unwrapping it, looking forward to a peaceful meal.

However, just as he was about to take his first bite, an unexpected hand came out of nowhere, smacking his lunch to the ground with a resounding thud. Startled, Luca looked up to see a wild-looking boy with bleached spiky hair and numerous piercings protruding from his lip. The boy exuded an air of dominance as he scoffed.

"So you're just gonna eat lunch without introducing yourself to class 1B's boss?" he taunted.

Luca's heart raced, a tumultuous storm of emotions swirling within him. A voice inside him grew increasingly fervent, urging him to retaliate, to strike back with violence. But he fought to maintain control.

"What do you mean?" Luca asked, his voice steady but masking the seething anger within.

The boy slammed his hand onto Luca's desk, making a loud thud that caught the attention of the entire classroom.

"What do you have, shit for a brain?" the boy berated him. "You didn't pay the lunch fee to the class boss, and you don't even apologize after realizing what you did wrong?"

The inner voice inside Luca's heart grew more furious, demanding that he unleash the beast within. "Punch him! Punch him right in the face!" it screamed.

But Luca took a deep breath, trying to keep a semblance of calm. "Sorry, could you kindly walk away?" he requested.

The boy, named Dan, scoffed, and one of his friends chimed in, "Oh, Dan, he's asking for it now."

Dan grabbed a carton of milk and opened it, a malicious grin spreading across his face. "It seems you don't know your place."

With a swift motion, Dan poured the milk over Luca's head, the cold liquid drenching him. "You're my bitch now, new kid," Dan declared, his voice dripping with arrogance.

Marin, who had been observing the scene with a hint of amusement, chuckled softly. "You've done it now."

Luca's patience had reached its limit. With a steely resolve, he grabbed Dan's arms, squeezing with such force that it made Dan wince in pain. Luca removed his fake glasses, his eyes now devoid of their former uncertainty, as the beast inside him fully took control.

"The conversation of who's the boss here," Luca said calmly, "I think it's a conversation we should have outside."

The classroom erupted in excitement. Whispers and murmurs filled the air as the students realized the gravity of the situation. The new kid had just challenged the class boss on the third day of school, and the power dynamics of class 1B were about to shift.

The tension on the school rooftop was palpable as Luca and Dan faced each other, surrounded by a circle of students who whispered, took bets, and eagerly anticipated the showdown. Marin, the girl who had warned Luca about Dan's fighting skills earlier, walked up to him and offered a word of caution. "Watch out, new kid. Dan is a semi-professional boxer, and this definitely isn't his first fight."

However, Luca could barely hear her words over the overwhelming darkness that had consumed him. His heart pounded in his chest, and his vision tunneled until all he could hear was the insistent voice within him, demanding violence, demanding dominance.

"Hurt him. Destroy him. Make him fear the earth you walk on and humiliate him before everyone here!" the voice inside Luca's heart screamed.

Dan got into a fighting stance, his muscles tense, as Luca stared at him blankly. Without warning, Dan rushed at Luca, a whirlwind of jabs and hooks striking their mark. Luca took the full force of the blows, his body absorbing the pain without flinching. The barrage continued, the sound of fists meeting flesh echoing across the rooftop.

Luca's face bore the marks of the punishment, but he remained unwavering. His eyes remained fixed on Dan, his resolve unbroken. As Dan delivered a final straight punch to Luca's face, causing him to stumble backward, the crowd erupted with jeers.

"How was that, bitch?" Dan taunted, and the crowd joined in, mocking Luca's apparent defeat. "The new kid can't fight, huh?"

Marin, standing at the edge of the gathering, whispered under her breath, "I knew you'd fit in."

Luca, his mouth filled with blood, spit it out onto the rooftop before letting out a chilling chuckle. "You know, for a class boss, you hit like a pussy."

Dan, fueled by rage and humiliation, rushed at Luca once again, throwing a quick left jab. But before Dan could react, Luca met his jab with a jab of his own, their fists colliding with a sickening crack. Luca's jab shattered Dan's hand, causing his fingers to bend in unnatural ways. Dan couldn't even process the pain before Luca unleashed a brutal beatdown unlike anything the onlookers had ever seen.

Luca's fists were a blur of motion as he struck with precision and brutality. He delivered a devastating combination of blows to Dan's body, each strike landing with bone-crushing force. Dan was unable to defend himself, unable to fight back, as Luca's assault continued unabated.

As Dan fell to his knees, gasping for breath and clutching his battered body, Luca stood over him, his eyes devoid of mercy. With one swift and powerful kick, Luca sent Dan crashing into a nearby wall. The rooftop fell into stunned silence as nobody could believe the brutal and decisive nature of Luca's victory.

Luca let out a manic laugh, his voice echoing off the walls as he taunted his fallen opponent. "Who's the bitch now? You are! Look at how dumb you look, beaten to a pulp. You are nothing, less than nothing. If you ever step to me again, I will destroy you!"

The crowd stared at Luca in disbelief, a mixture of fear and awe in their eyes. Everyone, that is, except Marin, who chuckled softly before walking away, muttering, "My big bro and you would get along."

That rooftop brawl marked the beginning of the rumors that would swirl through Everheart High School about the psycho boss of class 1B, a newcomer who had arrived to turn the school's hierarchy on its head.