

WARNING MATURED CONTENTS R18 kamlyn yang a 17 years old beauty adored by her family and friends. Living a peaceful and carefree life, pampered by her parents. what happens when tragedy strikes and her walls of happiness crumbles. Not being able to take the misfortune kamlyn falls into depression. Legally adopted by the Lu's her parents business partner and best friends.kamlyn is set to live a new life,but what happens when she meets Ethan Lu , A cold and aloof yet devilishly handsome man legally being her brother by adoption. What happens when a depressed kamlyn finds herself in a family situation in contrast to hers? what does life have in plan for them? read to find out how she will overcome challanges and fight for love ******************************* please this is my first book.please forgive my incorrect spellings and other mistakes if any. kindly support me if you find my work worthy of your liking . I'll appreciate. It will encourage me. If there is any problem kindly notify me in the comments. I'll have to rely on your reviews to improve my work . THANK YOU.

Author_Bright · Urban
Zu wenig Bewertungen
62 Chs


In The middle of night. A car was driving through the dark road in a suitable speed. Ethan and Olivia were seated, both completely consumed by the silence. With his gaze entirely focused on his driving, Ethan Paid no attention to Olivia making her frustrated. "Isn't he disturbed by this awkward silence, or is it that I am not pretty enough to attract him. Hell no, that can't be possible. I think maybe he is not used to conversations outside business. yeah that must be it." Mentally asking herself Olivia quickly pushed aside her thoughts, not being able to believe her beauty was not enough to attract Ethan.

Quickly believing the latter instead, she decided to start up a conversation with him. "Hi! is it okay if I call you by your name.?" Olivia asked with her voice so small and innocent, pretending to be the sweet girl type. Patiently waiting for his answer, A minute passed but still yet, no reply from him. Inwardly fuming with anger, but putting on a hurtful expression she slowly said "It's okay if you don't want me to call you by your name. Calling you Mr Lu won't do any harm." She said giving out a cheerful and innocent smile like she was not hurt just some seconds ago.

A visible smirk was present on Ethan's face. "You can, I didn't say you couldn't." He said after a while.

Turning around immediately to catch a glimpse of his expression but was disappointed coming face to face with his natural cold and aloof look, without even a trace of a smile on it. "Ok nice, I will call you Eth.... Ethan from now on." She said with a blushing smile bringing her head down to stare at her laps while fumbling with her fingers acting like a shy little teenager in love.

Hearing no response from him, she thought of what else to say. " Mmmm Ethan we haven't talked much since I knew you."

He immediately turned his gaze to her lifting his left eyebrow in a questioning motion.

Waving her hands immediately in order to deny what ever he was thinking, she explain. "No no Not like that, I mean we were each others date's today but we haven't had a word between us. Like we haven't told each other about ourselves, that's what normal people who are on dates usually do you know." She said to him expecting to see a change in his expression.

Ethan just continued his driving like he didn't hear what she said. Biting her lips sadly she quietly sat facing the front completely.

But surprisingly she heard him say. "You are already aware of the fact that I'm Ethan Lu, what more do you want to hear. Not like this is an interview, or is it?."

Smiling mischievously she suddenly giggled childishly "No it isn't. I just want to know more things about what you like and what you don't." Olivia replied with a bright smile on her face.

"Since you insist. I like my peace and quietness especially when I am busy, I hate irrelevant noises. Is that enough?." Ethan replied coldly not giving her face.

"Oh sorry then." Understanding the underlying message of what he just said, Olivia finally kept quiet. "Who does he think he is. Why does he keep acting all worked up. Well it doesn't matter because after today I am sure I will be able to sought him out." Olivia thought to herself with a proud smile. Returning the car to the silence it was once in.

Driving for thirty minutes more, they finally arrived at the Tang residence, Parking the car in the parking lot with the ignition still on. "Miss Tang you can go home now. President Tang must be waiting for you." Ethan said to Olivia without even giving her a look.

"You can call me Olivia, Won't you come in at least for a cup of coffee." Olivia asked patiently waiting for his answer, knowing fully well that he is a man greedy with words.

"No thanks. Extend my greetings to president Tang, I'm late already." He said giving no heeds to the permission Olivia gave to call her by her name.

"All Right then, I will head out now, Good night." She said opening the door while forgetting the seat belts, turning around to unbuckle her seat belt.

She kept on struggling with the seat belt. She bounced back on the seat, she puffed her cheeks and released with an exhale, turning around she informed Ethan. "It's stuck."

He Casted a long glance at her before he moved, suddenly coming close to her making her Heart to start beating loudly. His eyes remained on hers and she did same too, staring at his eyes without looking away.

She watched how he was slowly approaching, her breath hitched and her expression, dumbfounded.

He stretched his hand towards her waist, all the while with his eyes still staring at her and their faces inches apart.

Olivia just sat there with a blushing red face. Seeing his handsome face so close to hers. She slowly traced his features with her gaze, From his straight fallen hair which she wished she could wipe away from his forehead, to his long pointed nose, his clear eyes like glaciers and then finally to his lips and manly jawline.

She lingered her gaze on his tempting lips. She waited to feel the heat of his hands on her waist but for seconds now, she didn't feel anything, instead all she head was a 'click' sound, bringing her mind back to reality.

"Done." She heard him say. "Oh.... okay I.... will get.. get going now." She muttered incoherent words. Slowly coming down from the car like she wasn't herself, she stopped, turned around and waved. "Good night."

Without a reply Ethan quickly drove off leaving her standing there while waving at the long gone car with a foolish smile.

Olivia could clearly hear her own heartbeat right now. Placing her hand on her left chest. she could only come up with one conclusion. 'She want's this Man'.

Smiling widely she walked into the house. Coming downstairs was president Tang.

"You are back already. I heard you were injured, where are you hurt, show dad. I was really worried, where is Ethan." President Tang threw series of questions, looking back at the door step for any signs of Ethan around, but he didn't see him, looking back at Olivia he noticed her dumb struck look. Thinking maybe she was drunk, cause she just kept smiling. She hasn't even said a word to him yet. Raising his hands to her forehead to check if she is okay, noting she was and didn't seem sick. He asked again. "What's wrong dear." All he heard her say was. "Dad I want him."

Arriving home. Ethan tiredly entered, already expecting his parents to be home which they were already. Surprised to see Axel standing by the dining table by this time of the night, he glanced at the wall clock seeing it was up to one hour since he left the Tang residence after dropping Olivia.

Axel stood with folded hands, he wondered what the guy was up to. Walking pass him like he didn't notice his presence Ethan headed directly for his room.

"Bro bro bro hahahah." Axel said with a laugh interrupting Ethan halfway.

"What?." Ethan impatiently urged him to speak up.

Seeing his brother was already tired from the long night. Axel hurriedly stated. "How was your alone time with her bro.

"Casting a deadly glare at Axel, Ethan replied. "Is that the main reason you stopped me.?" Ethan asked with a deadly cold tone as if, if given the wrong answer he will snap him into two.

"Calm down bro, I know you guys enjoyed alot." Axel Said with a smirk.

"And what is that supposed to mean.?" Ethan asked back not quite getting what Axel was saying.

"No need to be shy brother, I know this is you first experience with a girl. I can teach you, but I must say you are quite a fast learner." Axel said confusing Ethan more.

"What the hell are you talking about?". Ethan asked, this time, more angrily.

"Don't tell me you are not aware of the recent news."

"What news?" Ethan asked a little bit confused about the information Axel was giving.

"The Media publicized your relationship with Olivia Tang. They even included pictures of you guys being all lovey dovey with each other. Bro, I must say you are fast." Axel said with a playful Laugh while picking up the tablet which was on the dining table.

"Hand it over."

Axel handed over the tablet to Ethan. Looking at the pictures which had both he and Olivia in it. Each photo was taken in a compromising position.

The scene where he carried her to the packing lot during the gala ceremony, including the scene where he helped her unbuckle the seatbelt was also taken, in that particular photo it seemed like they were making out. So the public will surely misunderstand. Remembering the scenes of each picture taken.

Ethan let out a scheming smile. "Mom and dad, have they heard of the news yet?" Ethan asked with the smile still on his face, But his gaze still on the tablet.

"No they haven't. It just got publicized a few minutes ago." Axel replied.

"Good! keep it away from them for now." Ethan said to Axel.

He raised a brow at Ethan as if telling him he forgot something.

"Send me the amount I will transfer it." Ethan said understanding what Axel wanted.

He laughed out loud before muttering. "Sure Bro."

Ethan continued his steps to his room.

"But bro, what's your plan with Olivia Tang?" Axel asked not expecting an answer from Ethan.

"Nothing important." He plainly replied before completely disappearing from Axel's view.