

“I am sorry. I am really sorry I am in a hurry,” she apologized when she crashed into a human-wall in her clumsiness. “It’s fine,” he said and turned his heels around to leave the place, but her meek yet hesitant voice made him stop in his tracks. “Hmm… Can you tell me where is freshers hall?” she asked lowering her head as she clutched her shoulder straps tightly while looking at him with her small almond eyes making his heart skip a beat. “Follow me,” he said she nodded. Soon they reached the freshers' hall. Giving a small smile to him, she went to an empty seat and settled there, while he went to the boys’ side and sat in his seat. But unknown to her, the eyes of a certain person remained on her whole time. He watched her every action which amused him. She is clumsy, stupid yet she looked cute. Her actions caught his eye as she stole his heart but only to be broken. —-------- “Pritam, You have to help me in finding his feelings towards me,” Shristi requested him, making his heart bleed in pain and agony. Gulping the lump that formed in his throat, he said, “I will,” “Thank you. Ok bye. It’s getting late,” she said and left. Breaking his heart into million pieces. Indeed, it’s late for him. If he said his feelings earlier, if he was close to her, if he was outspoken with her, maybe he would be the whom she loved. But it’s already late. In the game of time and fate, would she recognize his love? If she does, would there be any obstacles? Can their love meet the skies? To know the answers read the story of Pritam Gupta along with his clumsy beauty Shirsti Sharma.

SHIVASHANKAR · realistisch
Zu wenig Bewertungen
22 Chs


I reached home nervously, and my mind had millions of questions about them. I couldn't settle.

On the other side, my father noticed that I was upset

How did it go, son? The event? My father asked.

"Yeah, great dad", I said. with a fake smile.

what can I say more than that, when my father questions me like that...anyone could lie.

No one would say" It went like!, I'm upset seeing the girl I liked talking to someone else very close".

but that is what happened.

We all knew we hide many things from our parents, after reaching a certain age. It is not a big issue

Somehow, I distracted my dad and headed for bed to sleep besides completing my routines.

Well...I am unable to sleep with those thoughts. "Why do I feel like this? Why don't I like it when she talks to someone else?".

I started to question myself. I was going through some unknown distraction. I have no idea when I slept last night.

The next morning I was late for school.

My dad noticed that my interest in going to school was not as high as the day before.

Then he asked 'What happened today you are late? Is everything okay son are feeling sick?".

"Everything was and is absolutely fine dad", I said.

That is how my father used to love me.

I packed my stuff and went to school with a sleepy face, and decided to concentrate on class. Maybe I was distracted by her thoughts. Maybe I took it straight to heart.

Seriously, I focused on the class until noon. I felt a little sense of pride after that.

started to eat my lunch. I secretly started to see her while having my lunch. I also witnessed a devastating situation that noon. She shared lunch with him.

I was very depressed by seeing that, for a second I thought I would lose her.

It hurts when someone overtakes our place, in the life of someone we like. It seems as if she likes him, and he cares for her.

In the first place, I was not into any of these relationships. Maybe this heartbreak is the very first one.

Couldn't abandon her coyness, and sweetness. I thought we could be together.

I was so into her. I feel like my fears came true. She doesn't even recognize me but I feel for her. none of them is her fault. It was me and my expectations, I felt unlucky.

After the deadly thoughts, I had in my mind. I've decided to start a conversation with her.

But I don't want to be so mean, in case she could also push me away.

I don't like it, so I waited for it. as soon as school was completed I left home early.

Days were passing so fast and I'm still afraid of losing her. I have no idea how to grab her attention.

I tried several methods to grab her attention but I failed. After some days I'm done trying.

Started to question me. I have been alone since my childhood.

Since childhood, I haven't had any friends to hang out with or have fun with...I'm trying to be how my parents wanted me to be.

I thought everything was planned for me but none of it works.

All I'm worried about is the person who doesn't even know about me. I have come across to know that conquer my fears and be strong.

I should know that nothing's gonna end tomorrow.

Surprisingly one day in our laboratory we are on the same team. Then I had the choice to talk with her. we introduced ourselves.

"Hi, I'm Pritam...Pritam Gupta, from Bangalore", I introduced myself.

"Hi, I'm..", she says

"Shristi Sharma? Right? ", I said.

"Looks like someone's famous here",shristi says.

Both smiled at each other and talked about funny stuff. I made her smile. It seems like I utilized my chance properly.

However, the day went so well that she was beyond my expectations. she was like the girl I wished for friendship with. However, I got her contact after that incident.

But still, she might like someone better than me. Now we know each other so I would like to strike first, I mean not to hit her but to start a conversation first.

She had the right to choose whoever she liked, but I like her so I should take the first step to grab her attention.

Sometimes we should be selfish to achieve something very important to us. I must know whether she is in a relationship or not. Before that, we should know more about each other

I'm still worried about the truth.

Time is passing very fast, and I keep admiring her from a distance. She might think I'm Stalking her.

But I'm not stalking her, I'm just admiring her from a safe distance without causing her any trouble.

One fine day I finally decided to text her regarding some lab work. Either way, I should focus on my education also, because I can't neglect my studies by chasing a girl.

I thought it would be unfair if I did so.

Since it is the very beginning of that year I'm not so into her. Unless I was in school. I think it has been a month since I started admiring her.

I had millions of thoughts in my mind about her routines, her likes, her dislikes, and her hobbies.

Day by day I was learning new things about her, and every small thing about her is inspiring like she used to not give up so easily when things get complicated.

Her efforts regarding studies were endless, she had always wanted to top the class since I'd met her.

Here I got a problem, I'm not that good at studying so I should pick it up as soon as possible.

But the boy she used to talk a lot with is also not great at studies, so I shall not worry much about it. but I've always worried she might fall for him. unfortunately, I didn't realize when I was falling for her.

it has been three months since I started falling for her.

Later I was shifted near to the university because the journey was too long from home to school. after I moved, I felt some freedom, Like I'm able to explore on my own.

From then I saved more time, but she used to travel on her own using public transport. she used to waste her time traveling.

we used to text as friends that was not what I intended to do, I think it's more than that. So I started to travel along with her, by hiding from her, that was annoying but I had no choice left.

One day while I was traveling with her on a bus, she reached her fore stop and waited for another bus without knowing I was there.

But that day something unexpected happened. Suddenly some local boys showed up and started to bother her.

I was out of control after seeing that. She tried to call someone but it seems they are not answering. I can't take it anymore so jumped in between.

"Hey! guys, what's the matter, leave her alone ?"I yelled at them.

They are four of them, who looked like thugs and I'm trying to defend her

"Shristi, are you ok ?"I asked her.

"Bro! Who are you? you have a problem?", one of them shouted.

"Hey! Pritam! Thank god at least you are here", she said with a relieved look.

"Yes I have, you better back off bro she's my friend", I warned them.

"Shristi I was on my way home but I saw and thought you were in trouble and came here", I said.

they started to drag me and provoke me into a conflict.

A fight was about to start and locals started to focus on us and shristi looked worried.

I asked her to leave with me from there and I told her I'll walk her home. She agreed to leave with me.

Meanwhile, a boy grabbed her hand, I couldn't control myself after seeing that and I kicked him.

I started to fight them, it looked like one versus four. I tried my best but I couldn't defeat them and I got hurt more than them.

Shristi started to scream by saying, stop it! she said, she was calling the police and started to take their pictures to scare them. we all heard the police siren so, they started to run away.

My nose was bleeding a bit and I got a black eye, I got hurt.

"Um!, did you call the police?", I asked Shristi.

"No, I didn't! luckily the police were passing through here, come on let's leave ", she said.

We both laughed at each other for a moment. That was funny

We both left that place, she bought some bandages for me. I walked to her street along with her. she was about to leave.

After a few minutes, we reached her street

"Pritam, I'm sorry you got hurt because of me, but thanks you came, also for walking with me to my home", she said.

"That's not a big deal, you are informing this your father right? I asked her.

"No, I'm not. If I do so he will be more strict, he will not allow me freeness, '' she said.

"But shristi don't get yourself in trouble, call me anytime you get in trouble", I said.

"That's very kind, Sure Pritam!, but you have to leave now if someone finds us like this we might get into trouble, I'll text you", she said with a smile.

"Ok then I'm leaving, take care shristi ", I left by saying that.

After I reached my place, I cannot stop thinking about her. I mean why she is so reckless what could have happened if I didn't show up?

I thought she might think she can defend herself, Also I wondered whom she called if not her family.

I filled my mind with her thoughts, it seems like I was obsessed with her.

I level up from admiring her to adoring her.

Later I completed all my work and completed my supper. I was very tired, my wounds are wet. I'm on my bed and trying to get some sleep.

Mobile notification

"Hi, I'm sorry for acting weird lately", she texted me.

"Hey it's okay don't bother, now you are okay ?", I asked.

"Yeah I'm fine but how about your wounds does it still hurt?", she asked.

"It hurts a little, I'll heal soon, don't worry.", I said.

I was very happy about her texts so I can relieve myself. I guess I was in her mind, then we texted for a while, maybe that was a perfect time to ask her whether she is committed or not.

I like her, maybe that was too early, but I want to be with her. so I don't want to end up losing her. I decided to ask her immediately.

I am about to text her whether she is in a relationship or not

But suddenly she texted me,

"Pritam, can I ask you something?", she asked.

"Yeah, sure! You don't need permission for that, just speak as you wish.", I answered.

"It is in-person not like this, tomorrow at 7 am meet me at the campus ground if it is possible.", she said.

"Huh! what is it about?", I asked her.

"I'll tell you tomorrow ", she said.

And I stopped asking her because I was excited I thought maybe it was about us. Maybe she was thinking about me.

The next day I was waiting at the campus ground, the school was empty. It was very morning and no one has arrived, but I came first and it was already 7 am but she didn't come yet.

I was waiting for her besides thinking about what she might say. I don't think I would become a hero in one situation. But I hope I was wrong.

it was 7:30 am. then I could see her coming to me,

She apologized for coming late

"So what is it about ?", I asked her. I cannot wait any longer to speak out.

"Okay I'll tell you, but before that tell me one thing you are single ?", she asked.

What the hell she just asked me, did she already read my mind? I was stunned.

"wha..what?Me? Yes, I'm single but why?"I said. I was breathless for a moment.