
Sin: Return of Sloane Kingston

"My life was red... until him" - Sloane Kingston They took too much from me and left me for dead. They should have made sure I stayed that way. I have trained too long and too hard to stop now. But I never saw him coming. And now, I can't let him go. Christian Allister is the star that my dark, depraved soul craves. He keeps me from succumbing to the darkness. Revenge is best served cold, and I am here to collect the debts owed to me. The whole world is searching for a 'monster' on a killing spree, not a girl hopelessly falling for a man. They will never see me coming until my nails are plunged into the hearts of every name on my list. But will Christian ever believe me, the girl thought dead by the world, when he finds out my secret? Author: Hello everyone! Let's dive deeper in the story and find out what will happen in this story of Sloane and Christian when Sloane will find out that Christian is former FBI agent and has to return to solve the murder cases. Murders attempted my her! Trigger Warnings: This book contains violent scenes, mentions of sexual harassment, murders. Read on your own risk. This book also contains mature scenes. Only 18+ allowed. I will mention the chapter names with [M]. Dedication:- This is for the ones who lost their voice. This is for the ones who wish they could be Sloane Kingston. This is for the ones who fight every single day to forget. You’re not alone. If you like what I have written, please collect my story! Consider donating power stones and golden tickets to ensure others get to see it too! If you want to read more, please unlock new chapters when Premium becomes available! Every coin will help me write more stories! Humbly, ~Kiera

Kiera_Obsidian07 · Urban
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71 Chs


Christian Allister

Gala was at it's full swing. All the people were laughing and mingling. Air was filled with music, laughter, chattering, perfume and alcohol. This is how it has always been at charity events.

People present here are not for charity but for power, connections, deals and for targets. Targets whom they can potentially destroy. Afterall our world is all about power. Survival of the fittest.

Though I have recently returned I am not unaware of the dynamics. The best way to recognize your friend and foes is to monitor them from behind the curtains. Observe each and every single reaction of theirs from the dark because when in front of the what you will find is only fake. Fake smiles, fake concerns, fake humbleness, in short everything is fake.

This is why I am here. It was the best opportunity to find the strongest and powerful people in one place. Not many recognize me as an heir of shine group so I won't be attracting any attention. But that can't be said for my buddy Alexander. He is the brand owner a famous jewellery group. But I don't think he minds being swarmed by beautiful women.

My objective of joining this gala party was clear until she entered. Clad in red dress which hugs her every curve, small diamond necklace adorning her collar bones, Long wavy hairs hanging on her back she is looking definition of beauty. Even beautiful word doesn't do her justice. 

I was so entranced by her beauty that I forgot she has a plus one with her. A man. Good looking for sure. Suddenly I could feel a foreign burning feeling in my chest but I brushed it off. It was maybe because of alcohol. She was looking like a walking living Sin tempting every man to walk towards her just to burn in her hellfire.

The day I met her I knew she was beautiful and 'Trouble'. I am not ashamed to admit that since the day I met her 3 weeks ago I went to that restaurant everyday in hopes to cross the path with her but to no avail. Even James joked that I have become addicted with the coffee and sweets of that restaurant. Little does he know it has less to do with the restaurant but more with the girl who wished me goodbye by saying 'never to meet again'. I scoff internally 'so much for never to meet again, but here we are Miss Wildfire'.

Since she entered, she never glanced in my direction. Not that she would know that I am watching her from shadows. The moment she entered she was swarmed my powerful men and woman of every age group. They were greeting her, shaking hands, exchanging pleasantries. But the weirdest thing was that she did not smile. Even if she did, it was a little and even that smile did not reach up to her eyes. 

Cold and distant, but an eternal fire burning in her eyes, keeping people at her heart's bay, scared to make attachments- this is how my Wildfire is. At least this is what I have noticed up until now. One minute! My!? What the hell. No, no, no this must be the alcohol speaking. Seems like I have drunk too much tonight. I have to stop before it gets out of control.

My thoughts were interrupted when Alexander spoke up "Woah! The Great Christian Allister staring at a woman non stop for such a long time. I must be hallucinating." With that he pinched his arm and I rolled my eyes. As dramatic as ever.

"No, sh*t I am really not dreaming" He said as if reality dawning on himself. 

"Don't you have women to fawn over you? Why don't you go and join them and leave me and my peace?" Irritation evident in my tone.

But he ignored me and started "She is hot right? I know the feeling. You are not the only one. Every man in this room has dreamed of her once."

It didn't settle good with me when Alexander spoke about her like this. I could feel this burning sensation erupting in my chest again. Just like before I brushed it off once again and asked him "You know her?"

"Yeah somewhat like that "he replied vaguely and I narrowed my eyes on him he explained further "I do not exactly know her but I know that she and her plus one with her- Noah are owners of the company - Guardian's Crest"

"This company is new and only got fame 3 years ago while you were abroad for your 'new Disney land park' project. Every one is praising about this security company. The Body guards it provides are often the members of Ex- army. And the technical security it provides is on par with anyone." 

While he was explaining, I could see it on my own the admiration and respect in his eyes for the hardwork by Guardian's Crest. Alexander is not usually impressed by the people and is very picky but if he is like that so I can understand that this company cannot be underestimated.

"But-" saying this much he again became tight lipped considering to say it or not.

"But what?"

Watching that I want to know more he began again "The beauty queen you see there rarely shows herself in public events. All the major events are attended by Noah. Do you want to meet Sloane?"

Sloane. So her name is Sloane.

"I am sure if you introduce yourself as CEO of Shine group no body will reject your invitation. Afterall Shine Group has it's influence in the whole country. No one wants to let go of a big fish."

"No not today. I do not want to reveal my identity yet." Sure we will meet again Miss Wildfire but this time not in the restaurant instead in office walls with the contract that will bind your company with mine for a long time. The thought alone was enough to bring a smirk on my lips.

"Ugh! You are planning something evil again, aren't you! I knew it. I have known you since childhood and that smirk never brings good." He said shuddering.

"Shut up Alex or I will ask Aunt Nina to start putting you on a blind date again. After all you are so much free to actually care what I am thinking." I said chuckling and drowning the rest of the champaign of the glass.

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