
Silver bullet for my CEO

I lived my life in blissful ignorance about the real mysteries of the world - until one day during a hiking trip I came across a pack of werewolves throwing a party during the night of the full moon and I have fallen in love with their Alpha... What wild adventures await us...? Wait! What do you mean their pack is a successful company and the Alpha is the young CEO I have seen on the news?! New discord account: Sound_Hammer#0850

Sound_Hammer · Fantasie
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19 Chs

The strangest day (part 9)

Truth to be told, I wasn't tired at all but...

...considering that the meeting that Lucian had to attend had ended since, well, he was right here with me, did that mean that he has the rest of the day free...?

Actually, why shouldn't I ask him that out loud?

"...do you have some other plans for today...?"

...I always scoffed at the timid girls in the romantic comedies, but look at me now – acting exactly like one of them...!

"I don't think that there was anything else..."

Lucian tilted his head and answered hesitantly.

"There was that meeting about the updated policy regarding the employees, but I don't think that anyone will mind if you don't show up. But you know, just remember to show up to work tomorrow – Alexis needs to actually read the contract and hopefully sign it, so you can come together."

Selene spoke up – at first it sounded as if she was going to throw a wrench in the yet to be decided plans for the two of us, but it turned out that she was actually giving us a pass with just a little reminder.

"You heard the pack's big sister – do you want me to escort you home?"

Lucian smiled and asked leaning back and peeked at my face.

"...yes... that would be nice..."

I nodded bashfully, holding on to his shirt.

I totally wasn't feeling his abs – I swear!

...alright, maybe a little bit, but it wasn't that obvious so it was fine!

We then left the restaurant, leaving Selene to pay the bill and Lucian escorted me outside.

I was half expecting a car similar to the one that Selene drove, but I was in for a surprise – or maybe it was something that I should expect?

The vehicle that waited for us, wasn't an expensive sports car – it was an even more expensive limousine.

The high-high class stuff.

...very intimidating, if you ask me...

"Sorry for that – company's policy – it would look bad if I took part in an accident as a driver, even as a victim, so I'm obligated to always have someone else drive me everywhere."

Lucian smiled apologetically opening the door for me.

Everything inside was so expensive that I honestly felt that I'm wasting money sitting on the high-class leather seat – but then Lucian got in and got comfortable as if it was a cheap bench in a bar on a Friday night and touched my hand reassuringly.

"Really sorry for all of that – honestly, it might seem like all that pompous luxury does not fit the image of the wild and ferocious werewolves – but that is because it really doesn't."

As soon as Lucian closed the door the driver in the front started the engine and got on the road, which seemed to put Lucian at ease since he giggled and waved his hand showing the inside of the car.


I gasped, extremely eloquently...

...somebody kills me... where did my social skills go?

..ah, right, didn't have any, to begin with...

"Yeah – the funny thing is, most of us would prefer to just run wild through the forests and mountains, but, well, we had to move with the times – vampires were doing that from the very beginning, but they don't really care for the world – they don't yearn for the open plains and the wild forests, and the fresh air, since they can live just fine without them, but we werewolves are different. We are part of nature and we need to protect them – that's why our species entered the world of commerce, to save whatever is left to save and hopefully prevent more destruction."

He spoke in a gentle voice and shrugged his shoulders.

"At least that's the case with the werewolves who are born and not created through the curse."

He added lightheartedly.

That... that does make a lot of sense...

I couldn't help but think.

"Still, if you want to play in the big league, you need to look and act the part."

Lucian said, going back to his original point.

"Let's take the restaurant that Selene took you to."

He said, pointing behind him.

"The truth is, werewolves, like most of the predators in the animal kingdom, don't really have that many taste buds – we don't enjoy food in the same way that humans do for example – expensive food is completely wasted on us since we can't taste the difference between the most expensive stuff and the cheapest bargain bin food. But we have to frequent places like that to ease up our human business partners."

Lucian explained seriously – but then he suddenly smirked.

"Though in that regard, vampires are in a much worse situation – we can at least digest the human food – they don't."


His mentioning the vampires made me realize something...

"Alexis? Did something happened? You got really pale all of a sudden..."

Lucian flinched and inched closer to me with a worried expression.

"...wait... so, vampires are real too...?"

I asked, feeling my insides twisting and turning in distress.

"Yes... wait... did something happened at your old company...?!"

Lucian gasped clenching his fists which caused his muscles to almost tear apart his shirt.

"Selene messaged me and explained that you went there today – they didn't try anything with you, did they...?"

He asked lowering his head like a wolf ready to attack.


I yelped pitifully.

"I-it's just that I realized that..."

...crap... I feel nauseous...

...they were vampires...

That all makes sense...

That hissing woman, that guy jumping up to the ceiling...

Even the intern...

Oh my god, the intern..!

I slapped a vampire...!

Did I accidentally start a war?

The vampires surely realized that I was marked as a luna...!

...I have to tell Lucian what I did!

Even Selene said that they normally don't fight with vampires, but surely my actions can be taken as a provocation...

Maybe it's not too late to go back and apologize...!

"Lucian..! Listen, I...!"

I twitched nervously and faced him, looking into his confused emerald eyes, and reported everything that happened in my old company earlier today.

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