
Chapter 2 Royal Chamber

As Om was contemplating his situation a semi transpatent black window appeared in front of him it read;




(Max level)


(Level =1)









MANA =10





Om found few points quite confusing in this black box which he considerd to be his status.

According to the information he received earlier through Mark memory one person can only have one ability which awaken between the age of 15 to 17, but here he had two of them and not only that but for some reason perfect concelment was maxed out, surely there are method to gain more then one ability but Mark had not gone through any of them. He also saw Mark only possessed perfect concelment in his memory.

Om know that their is a difference between ability and magic but he don't know what that was and what heck is skill?

What is difference between mana and life force?

He also have no way of knowing wheather his status is low or high as one can't determine what they are capable of doing by some digits.

What are deal with optiongs like subordinate, mission and achievement points?

As if answering his thought few new black box appeared

[PERFECT CONCEALMENT was the ability of the previous owner of the body and WATER MANUPLUTION is the ability of current owner of the body. ]

'Not sure how but sounds quite omnious as if body is some type of cloth which can be used by different people, no to be more precise this whole situation of getting reincarnated is sinister in itself'

[Abilty can be awakened in any living being whereas magic can only be used by demon. Skill are certain power which every individual are capable of doing. ]

'Ability is the only one that awaken by itself does that mean I have to learn magic and skill by myself'

[LIFE FOUCE is consumed when ability is used whereas mana is used for magic. ]

[Except LIFE FOURCE all the other status are considered quite pathetic. ]

'I am sure there are better ways of saying that'

[SUBORDINATE is a exclusive powe of arch demon. The user can borrow some power of person which are royal to the user and decided to become there subordinate. The amount of power which can used depend on royality of that said subordinate]

[MISSION will be given in the future and achievement points will be rewarded according the mission ]

'Now lets see what perfect concelment and water manuplution are capable of doing.... But wait how do I ues them'

On focusing his thought on perfect concelment a new black box appealed

[PERFECT CONCELMENT ability description =the said ability allow the user to conceal his own life fource and mana, it also makes user capable of mimicking someone else life force or any other form of energy ]

'Ohh that's cool now for the next one '

Om focus on water manuplution and a new black box appeared

[WATER MANUPLUTION ability description =the said ability allow the user to control the movement of water to some extent but the user needs to be in direct touch with water]

'So now I know what ability are capable of doing but I need some water to actually test it as for perfect concealment I have no idea how to test it I mean can't even tell wheather I am successful or not in concealing my mana.'

Some loud noice brought Om back to reality breaking his deep thought, it's seems like someone was knocking at the door with great force and the door will break apart at any movement.

"Wait a minute"

"The demon Lord has called all the demon prince and princess at royal chamber within next 30min"

By the time Om openned the door the messenger had already left, as if he can't even wait to confirm that message had received or not, or rather he didn't not want to be in presence of the famous caward demon.

'The reputation of Mark is much more worse than I originally thought , let think about that later at present I have to reach the Royal chamber'

Om started walking on overly long and wide path at moderate pace, he doesn't know where he is heading but it is the only path present at the movement, so he doesn't have any other choice at that matter.

After walking for about 5 minute he spooted a girl is heading toward him with great speed.

The girl has very dark colour hair reaching to her waist, that was darkest colour Om had seen in his whole life, it was not only dark but it was strangely shiny so it was a combination both of dark and bright ,Om was certain that it was most beautiful hair he had ever seen but the most eye catching thing was her shiny blue eye which seems make her look like very cold and cruel hearted person. Her body also seems healthy. She was wearing red colour one piece cloth which comes up to his knees. She looks absolutely adorable in her dress. Her complexion looks rather tired probably due to running.

"Big brother, Father has calling for all us it's already been 40 minute since he send the messenger"

'40 mins I just received the message 5min ago,

"Father seems very angry so I come looking for, we should better hurry"

"Ya let's get moving "

'So she is my little sister, she looks very beautiful and I am saying this because I am her brother anybody with pair of working eyes can see that, if I am not mistaken her name is 'Olivia di Nightfall''

We soon rearch the reach the Royal chamber while olivia leading the way

I don't get to inspect our way as we are already late, but this place is not as closed as I intially thought, I even able take few glances of a garden.

I excepted the Royal chamber to be big but, it's enormous even a two football field doesn't compare to and its ceiling was as high as 20 storeys building or maybe even higher.

The demon king was sitting on a large chair made up of obsidian with diamonds embodied in it such contrasting colour looked rather alluring.

There were only 5 people present at the moment.

"Look, who decided to show up"

Said a rather tall demon with spikey black hair and emerald eye but the darkness of his fail to the comparison to 'olivia'and that emerald eyes doesn't look that menacing.

'So he is the second princ 'Kann di nightfall' then the other person must be the first prince 'Dark di nightfall'

Dark was of short stature in comparision to Kann with dark hair and dark blue eye, his presence gives a feeling of cold hearted murderer who doesn't blink a eye even after killing his own family.

"That's enough "

Said the demon king in an authoritative tone.

Om looked at the demon king for the first time in his life Om felt such sense of dread,his whole body screaming to run away.

The demon king also had very dark hair colour and his eyes seems like a abyss from where not even can light escape.

Om reliase that what gave the him the sense of dread was the demon king eyes.

"The allied forces will reach the castle in about 1 weeks and I am not strong enough to defeat them so I will probably die during there seige."

Said the demon king

'What the fuck?'