

Autor: Twubs
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Jane Foster proves herself capable of wielding Mjolnir in the battle against the Destroyer. Thor/Odinson loses everything but gains something entirely different. SI!Thor/Odinson. Earth 616 and MCU themes.

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Chapter 1Chapter 1

Hello everyone,

I know, I know. What the hell is Siegfried? Well, hang in there would you because this has been in my head for a long time. I'm not sure if it will ever go anywhere. This is a SI into the body of Thor, just as the Destroyer fired it's beam off. Only a little twist happens, that changes fucking everything.

So love it or hate it, let's see what happens. Will have some comic inspirations. You'll see when we get there. Which will be right off the bat.

I have a Patreon and can be found under the username Twubs! If you are generous enough to donate, you will get access to early chapters of The Ladder, Defiant, and Tsunami of the South!

Disclaimer: I own nothing.


The Destroyer armor wasn't the most powerful artifact, person, or even armor on asgard. Had I Mjolnir, It would have been little more than a pile of melted metal on the ground, even if it was stronger than uru.

But I was not worthy of Mjolnir, and so when I reached out to the corner of my mind that it normally sat, it was not there. It was a blank void that terrified me. I was raised to wield the weapon, to be Thor, the God of Thunder.

Truthfully, I was Odinson, nothing more. But I would regain my weapon, and my title. All I had to do was prove that I was worthy of wielding Mjolnir.

I would give my life to prove that.

I did not flinch when the Destroyer's fist impacted me. It was, quite possibly, the hardest blow that I had ever taken.

Perhaps it was the fact that Mjolnir was not enhancing my strength and durability. I was little more than a normal asgardian. I didn't even have Megingjord to double my strength.

Maybe I just severely underestimated the metal the Destroyer was made out of. Father always claimed it was more impressive than even uru, the metal that Mjolnir was made out of.

In reality, I should have known better than to doubt the armor designed to take on celestials.

When it hit me, it was around my temple. I felt something crack, and break. Maybe it was my skull.

The truth was just at dark as what filled my vision.


I opened my eyes at the same time as my body seized uncontrollably. Every muscle was clenched without my will. I couldn't breathe, as my body wanted to. I couldn't run away. I couldn't do anything. I was helpless.

And the pain, alfather, the pain. It was all encompassing. I wanted to scream, but I couldn't. I tried to tell my mouth to open, but it refused to move.

Where the fuck was I? Why was this happening?

And then, my body relaxed. It took me a full moment to realize that I could move again. And when I did, my eyes shot open.

A woman stood over me, holding a familiar hammer.

My hand shot to my chest, trying to feel my heart. I took what had to be the deepest breathe anyone had ever taken. There was a flash of a blinding white light. My eyes tracked it back to the source.

It was the same hammer the woman was holding earlier. A short handle leading to a chunk of metal that must have weight a hundred pounds at first glance.

I scrambled away from the woman, and the hammer that was channeling pure lightning at something.

'That's fucking Mjolnir!'

Panic raced through me as the woman in front of me began floating off of the ground. She was pointing Mjolnir at an object about twenty yards in front of her and the lightning continued to pour out of the hammer.

Something inside me put the pieces together.

Jane Foster was wielding Mjolnir, and using it to fire an absolutely monumental amount of lightning at the Destroyer in front of us.

This was the MCU.

Had Thor died when the Destroyer backhanded him? Is that why I was now in this body that was obviously not my own.

Memories hit me.

I remembered Thor's childhood, and boy was it a long one. Way longer than my own, on a different earth, in a different universe. Asgardians really did live much longer than humans did. I remembered resentment when Loki was faster to learn magic from mother. I remember the feeling of triumph when I oustripped him martially.

I remember the gardens of Asgard. I remember traveling to earth before I was the God of Thunder. I remember bedding maidens in my youth. I remember training with Jarnborn, an axe enchanted by Odin to be able to cut through anything.

I remembered failing to wield Mjolnir nine times and the disappointment in myself that followed.

I remembered the tenth, when I finally picked the hanmer up off of the ground. And then, nothing. No memories after grabbing the handle of Mjolnir and it accepting me.

Theories formed in my mind, just as quickly as questions did.

And then, I was back in the real world. Well I was back in MY real world now. I had merged with Thor, or well Odinson at least. Why was I still the dominant personality?

A human merging with a thousand year old god should have resulted in my experiences and personality being pushed by the wayside, barely a blink of an eye to an asgardian.

All I knew was that I had superior biology, superior birth, and I was still useless to help what was happening in front of me.

Not that the new Thor needed any help.

The Destroyer armor was little more than legs by now.

Jane Foster's attire started to change before my eyes. It was like magic. A breastplate, forged to perfectly fit her bosom appeared on her chest, it ended right above her abdomen. The metal scale like armor that normally covered Thor's arms took over and painted over her abs.

Jane's arms were left bare, showing the now muscular physique. Her legs were covered by a thin looking material that was still obviously armor. It was like a cross between leggings and armor. Boots, that looked an awful lot like my old ones ran up to her middle shin.

And a winged helmet covered everything from her nose to the top of her head, concealing her identity. Her brown hair flowed out of the helmet majestically. Let's not forget about the red cape that ran down to her knees.

Jane Foster had fully transitioned to her Thor persona. And looked like a cross between the comic book Jane Foster Thor, and the MCU Thor.

A deep, deep jealousy ran through me. One that I tried my best to fight down, to the recesses of my mind.

'I guess I'm not completely rid of the old Thor's personality.'

The lightning stopped abruptly.

It became obvious as to why when I looked to the Destroyer. There was only a molten pool of metal left, and not nearly the amount you would expect. It was barely bigger than a glass of water of metal.

"What the fuck!?" I heard someone say behind me.

"Language Darcy." Jane said, causing me to look at her. She had turned around already and although she berated her assistant, she was looking at me.

There was pity in her eyes, and regret. I made myself smile at her, to try and reassure her. Mjolnir had chosen her and there was nothing I could do about it.

I was pretty sure she saved my life. I had died to the Destroyer's backhand, something that irked my manly pride. Really asgardian dna, one hit?! I was sure I had been struck by her lighting, causing my heart to restart again.

I owed her my life, in multiple ways.

"Thor." I said, as I bowed my head slightly at her.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see who it was. I only recognized the woman from my memories. It was Lady Sif, one of my companions. She had a worried look on her face.

"Th…" Sif started, but caught herself. "Odinson, are you well?" She asked as she looked me up and down. I must have looked like a mess, considering what I felt like.

But then again I was feeling better already. It was amazing I could even stand after being struck by lightning, now that I thought about it.

I saw the rest of my companions out of the corner of my eyes. The Warriors Three had looks that mirrored Sif's and Jane's. It was all pity.

They knew what this meant. Something that I had refused to think about until now.

"Why are you all looking at him like that?" Darcey asked from her position behind me. She never had a lot of tact, now that I think about it.

Nobody answered after a moment. So I decided to answer, while also coming to terms with it myself. Maybe speaking it would make it easier?

"I am no longer Thor, the God of Thunder. That title goes to whoever wields Mjolnir. I am now Odinson, crown prince of Asgard. They pity me, Darcey." I answered.

It was not easier.

In fact, the reality came crashing down on me. All I had ever wanted as a child was to be Thor, protector of Midgard, God of Thunder.

Now I am nobody.

I had to remind myself that was not true. I was literally next in line for the throne of Asgard. I would be King in a few years. One of the most powerful races in the universe would be under my command.

But I would be a weak King. Asgard needed a strong King. One that could hold the Nine Realms together, as Odin and his father Bor had before him. With might and strength.

They thought I was weak. I would have to prove them wrong, for all of our sake.

Ragnarok approached… as did Thanos.

"Oh…" Darcey responded, at a loss for words.

Then I remembered where I was, and what we needed to do.

"Loki sits on the throne, unlawfully. Lady Sif, Warrior Three ...Thor, on me." I commanded, as I had been taught from a young age.

They obeyed immediately, even Jane. I was slightly surprised about the last. Although I had a theory that Mjolnir was providing her with guidance.

Once they were close enough, I looked to the sky above. I never knew why they had to travel to a specific spot on Midgard for the bifrost to pick them up. That was only slightly accurate. I was the fucking crown prince, though. Heimdall would grab me wherever I wanted!

"Heimdall, hear me brother. It is time for me to come home." I yelled to the sky. If I didn't have memories from Odinson's childhood, it would have been a ridiculous act to command the sky above me.

Nothing happened.

Then I remembered that Heimdall was most likely frozen and being watched by frost giants around him.

"It's time to fight, Heimdall! Fight!" I commanded once again, still looking at the sky.

"What is he talking about?" Darcey asked off to the side.

"Hush, Darcey!" Eric Selvic whispered to her.

It was easy to ignore, because the sky was opening up, and a rainbow light was about to impact me.

"I'll be back soon." Jane called out to her friends


Taking the Bifrost was an interesting experience.

It was honestly like what I would imagine being abducted by an alien spaceship might be like. A beam came down, grabbed you, and then you were off, flying in another direction.

It took a full minute full of rainbow colors around me to reach my home, Asgard. It started like a little prick of light in the distance, before growing bigger as we approached.

And then I could see the Bifrost room, with Heimdall laying on the floor, bleeding out.

I took a step at the right moment, and my foot hit solid ground, and I was off. I grabbed Hofund, the key to the Bifrost, and Heimdall's sword for the last however long he had been the guardian of the Bifrost.

It would be my weapon for my fight against Loki.

"Thor, you can reach my father before I can. Free him from his bonds, protect him from Loki." I said in my commander voice. I didn't have it in my last life, but it was swiftly becoming a favorite skill.

Then I realized Jane might not know how to fly with Mjolnir.

And I was wrong.

She twirled the hammer, before throwing it out in front of her just like I used to. Jealousy and amazement ran through me at the same time.

She flew towards the magnificent golden palace at the heart of Asgard. It was an incredible sight to see, even if I was used to it. I took a moment to appreciate it, before turning to the Warrior Three.

"Get him to the healers!" I said to my companions, who were already well on their way to doing that exact thing.

Volstagg threw Heimdall on his shoulder, and immediately began sprinting out the door. Hogun and Fandral followed close behind, with their weapons out. They at least had the warrior mentality to see the dead frost giants laying there and be wary of any future threats.

I actually felt the weight of the sword in my hand, and that in itself was foreign. Nothing felt heavy to me normally, unless it was something of insane weight. Thor was the God of Thunder AND Strength, after all.

I was very very strong compared to a normal asgardian, because of my fathers bloodline. But without the enhancement of Megingjord, I would not be back to my old strength. It was a shame that it was hanging in my room, the last time I had seen it.

With Mjolnir, I hadn't needed it.

Still, I was more than strong enough for Loki, who I was waiting to show up to the Bifrost to try and wipe a planet out while killing his own race. Man, my brother was fucked in the head.

Wait, wasn't Loki wielding Gungnir?

Maybe I wasn't strong enough for my brother. Perhaps Jane would show up and help me out again? My pride stung at the thought of needing her.


I forgot that Lady Sif was still here.

"My name is …" I paused.

I stood there with a sword in hand, and for some reason I remembered an escapade of mine on earth. I remember the name I was given, and the life I lived.

"Siegfried." I told her. "I go by Siegfried now."

"Prince Siegfried." Sif corrected. "What will you do now?" She asked.

I wasn't sure how to answer that. Mainly because I myself didn't know. Had I still been Thor, and capable of wielding Mjolnir, I would track down Thanos and kill him before he even pondered going through with his plan of wiping out half of the universe.

Then I would try my best to lead my people through Ragnarok. Maybe start building on another planet, for a peaceful transition, and allow Surter his destruction of Asgard.

But without Mjolnir, and the power of Thor… I would have to get myself to Thanos, and Hela's level of power. Fuck, how was one supposed to do that?

I was never one to chase power in my last life. I was not a genius. Sure I was ambitious, but I was also content with my life.

But if the movies were correct, it was 2011. I had seven years to do something about Thanos. Less than that to avoid Ragnarok. And during Ragnarok, Thanos would be acquiring the power stone.

"I will adapt." I answered Sif. "Loki will be here soon, and he wields Gungnir. You should go." I told her.

"I will not. We have had too many battles together, for me to abandon you here." Lady Sif argued, while drawing her sword. "We will face him together."

I smiled at her, glad that I wasn't going to be abandoned because of my loss of Mjolnir. It was naivety that I thought things wouldn't change.

"Thank you for your loyalty, Sif." I told her. "Now I order you to leave, before Loki can arrive." I said, with a little more steel in my voice.

Sif's eyebrows furrowed together, and she adopted an angry pose. She wanted to object, but she knew better. There was a reason everyone obeyed me, and that was the Allfather's blood running through my veins. I commanded, people obeyed.

I would have to remember to keep my ego in check. Perhaps I shouldn't be ordering people around like I have been.

But I wanted to face Loki alone.

Why? The obvious answer of course. My pride. I wanted to see if I could beat Loki at my worst, while he was at his best.

I needed to know if I still had skills honed from years of battling, or if I would have to start over from scratch. I prayed that it wasn't from scratch.

Lady Sif was running away, down the bridge to chase her companions. She hadn't acknowledged my order, but she obeyed it all the same.

I was left alone.


I thought Loki would show up soon after Sif left. I was wrong.

It must have been thirty minutes when I saw a beam of light shoot out of the side of the Palace. The falling body of Jane Foster told me exactly what had happened.

Loki would arrive soon.

It took another twenty for me to be proven correct. That was when I saw him on the back of a horse, traveling down the rainbow bridge. I stood up, and started stretching for the upcoming fight.

I couldn't help the doubt that crept into my mind as I twirled Hofund to ease my nerves. Hopefully Jane would make it to help me out in this fight. It had been a difficult one for Thor when he actually had Mjolnir.

Loki stopped short of the Bifrost, when he saw me standing before it. He didn't say anything as he climbed off of the horse. It was when he stood opposite of me, that he finally spoke.

"Imagine my surprise, brother, when I discovered it was a midgard woman that swung Mjolnir at me earlier. She is not as proficient with the hammer as you were." Loki said as a massive grin spread across his face.

"She will learn." I responded. "As will you. Father will wake soon." I told him.

"Your father!" Loki hissed. He was obviously still angry then.

"He still raised you, brother. Laufey would have let you die. Odin saved you." I told him, revealing that I knew of his parentage and his motivations.

Loki's eyes narrowed and he glared at me with as much hate as I had ever seen in a person. "And now I will save him. Jotunhein will fall today. As will you. I will prove that I am his son!"

Loki's knees crouched and he pointed Gungnir at me, preparing himself to attack.

"You have nothing to prove!!" I yelled, at his stupidity. "Committing genocide will not change how he sees you!"

"His perfect first born wouldn't understand. Although you might, now that you have proven yourself unworthy." Loki spat at me.

And then he disappeared in a green light, a normal trick of his.

I turned, knowing that Loki normally goes straight for the kill. As much as he liked to gloat over his opponents, he still finished his fights quickly.

Gungnir passed where my heart was, and I reached out to grab the legendary spear with my left hand. If I could disarm him of such a powerful weapon, that would be preferable and greatly increase my chances with the fight.

Unfortunately, as soon as I did, I had to let go of it to block the foot headed towards my face.

I spun around, swinging Hofund with purpose after ducking the kick. Loki deflected with the haft of his spear.

As he finished his deflection, Gungnir was pointed straight at my face, and it was glowing.

I ducked, as a beam of light pierced the air next to my head.

I lashed out with Hofund, going for Loki's head. He had just proved to me that he meant to kill me, if he had the opportunity. He had gone properly mad, it seemed.

We continued to trade blows, neither getting an upper hand over the other. I knew that normally I could overpower Loki extremely quickly, but my strength was no longer an advantage. He had just as much, if not more skill than me. I normally just smashed things with a hammer.

It soon became obvious that Loki was slightly more skilled with Gungnir than I was with Hofund. So I decided to improvise.

Gungnir and Hofund clashed again, and I dropped the sword before grabbing the shaft of Hofund. Loki kept two hands on it and attempted to twirl it out of my grasp.

I allowed it, and my hands moved from the spear to Loki.

It was easy for Loki to predict what Thor would have done, which would have been to throw fists at him. I decided that a little wrestling was needed.

It was surprisingly easy to get Loki on the ground, with my arms around his neck in a rear naked choke. A part of me was proud of myself. I knew it was over. My hold was too tight and deep, he wouldn't be able to escape it.

All I needed was for him to lose consciousness, and I would have saved the Bifrost from being destroyed.

A cold, like no other, ran down my left arm that was on his neck.

I looked down to see Loki holding the Casket of Ancient Winters in his hands, and it was pointed at the arm applying pressure. I tightened my hold, knowing that if I got off of him, I would be frozen and he would succeed in destroying Jotunheim. Even though the frost giants were typically cunts, they were still living creatures, and under my family's protection.

I let out a grunt, as I lost feeling in my arm, but I still did my best to squeeze.

And then there was a bright light.

Loki and I flew away from each other. I landed closer to the Bifrost than he did. It took me a moment to shake the spots out of my vision.

Loki began hacking and coughing. It was the type of cough someone used when they were very very sick, or they were just saved from drowning. The type that made you cringe because you knew that feeling.

I looked up to him, and moved my left arm to push myself off of the ground and on to my feet.

I face planted.

I sat up with my other arm and immediately knew something was wrong. So so wrong with my body.

I looked down to my left side.

'There used to be an arm there…'

My eyes widened as I realized what just happened. "My arm…"

"*Cough* Hahaha *cough* Hahaha. First Mjolnir, now your arm brother. The allfathers smile on me tonight. And they deem you unworthy once again! *Cough* Hahaha."

I heard him speak, but all I could concentrate on was my left arm. I could feel it. It was still there. But it was obviously not attached to my body. I clenched my left fist out of habit.

Panic ran through me, and my other arm went to where I knew the other was still attached to my body. This was an illusion by Loki, I knew it was. I still had my arm. I just needed to break out of the illusion.

My arm passed through the air.

A glimmer of ice caught my eye and I looked towards it. It was a cube of ice, and inside of it was a piece of pale flesh.

It was a piece of my arm.

Was that blood on the ground next to me?

Metal touched my neck, bringing me back to reality. Gungnir rested on my shoulder, the weapon that took my arm, and was about to take my life.

"I almost feel bad for you brother." Loki said as he crouched down in front of me. "Now let's get rid of you before father wakes up, yes?"

Gungnir moved with purpose towards my neck. I was about to die for the second time in the past hour.

I waited for a moment, prepared to see more blood spray out of me. But when I looked back to where the spear was, it was gone. So was Loki.

Where was everyone?

Why was my face on the rainbow bridge?

My eyes began to close. I fought against that with everything I had. But nothing I did could force them open.


Golden rays of light woke me out of a deep deep sleep.

I tensed and shot up, remembering the last position I was in. My immediate thought was that I felt cloth beneath my right hand, and nothing beneath my left. When I looked down to my left arm, I expected it to be gone, frozen and then blasted off by Loki.

I was right.

Except there was a black appendage attached at my shoulder. It was an arm, made out of metal, a black metal. I ran my hand up and down it. I couldn't feel anything from the arm, but I could feel the cold feeling of the metal on my right hand.

'I'm an Asgardian Winter Soldier.'

I snorted, finding the humor in that sentence.

'At least I'm not dead, I suppose. Time to find out what happened.'

I recognized the rooms of the crown prince from anywhere, so I climbed out of my ridiculously lavish bed. It was a massive room, equipped with a kitchen, a library, a patio, and a bedroom. It was literally an apartment, inside a palace.

I found my closet quickly, and took my time donning another set of my signature armor. I threw the plate over my chest, and scale-like armor immediately covered the rest of the skin on my upper body. All but my black metal left arm.

It looked off. The scales were a dull grey, but the arm was a midnight black. The vain part of me knew that I had to get those matched. There was no way I would walk around with a dark grey, and midnight black contrasting each other.

Lastly, I retrieved Megingjord and belted it to my waist. I could literally feel the strength enchantment take hold. I took a deep breath, as my body returned to close to its peak shape. I still didn't think I would be as strong as Thor. But a win was a win.

I stood at my door, unsure if I wanted to face the day or not. It took me less than two seconds to tell myself to stop being a pussy.

I opened the door with confidence.

"The Allfather wishes to see you at once, My Prince."

I couldn't walk more than a foot, without one of the palace guards doing my fathers bidding. Of course Odin would know immediately when I woke up, and would want to talk with me.

"Of course. You have done your duty." I told the guard, nodding to him and walking in the direction of the throne room, where Odin normally held court. By the location of the sun in the sky, that is where he would be.

'Fuck I missed breakfast.'


"Odinson, Crown Prince of Asgard."

I used to love how they announced me, so that everyone could look at the hero of Asgard. Really the hero of the Nine Realms.

"Siegfried." I corrected as soon as I walked into the throne room.

"Siegfried, Crown Prince of Asgard."

To his credit, the announcer didn't miss a beat. I continued to stride forward, while doing my best not to gaze at the amazing tapestry around the room. There was a line of guards leading up to Odin's throne. Each one of them did their best to hide their gaze from me. Each one of them failed.

"My son. Many will not remember that name, although I find it fitting." Odin's deep and powerful voice said from his throne.

I dipped on to my knee, and bowed my head to the Allfather, one of the most powerful beings in this universe, or any for that matter.

"Father, it is good to see you. I have some questions ...you might understand." I said with a grin, and gestured towards my left arm.

"Stand, Siegfried. Leave us!" Odin gestured with his hands, in the same manner he normally did when ordering his guards. He always liked to speak to me privately. Or rather, it made it feel private.

A royal is never truly alone.

Once every person beside us two was gone, he began.

"You have changed." Odin claimed.

"I have. I am more than I was." I said. I was never really good at lying, and so I would hide the truth with more truth.

"Oh I know exactly who you are…"

That caused me to meet his lone eye. It felt as if he was piercing through me with his gaze. I wonder if he had been in my mind while I was asleep? Or maybe this was one of his many many powers. Odinforce hacks?

"Yet you are still my son. I believe the hammer took the memories you made with it, and bestowed the experience to your willful midgardian woman." Odin said.

The fact that he wasn't about to wipe me off of the face of Asgard was reassuring. Although, he would have done it earlier, and probably wouldn't have bothered with the arm at all. Maybe I should have known it already.

"You made the enchantment father, you don't know for sure?" I asked. It came out much more accusatory than it should have, and sounded disrespectful. "Apologies, I did not mean it that way."

Odin eyed me for a moment. "Did you ever discover what the hammer truly was, Siegfried?" Odin asked.

That was a tricky question, because while I knew the answer, did the previous Thor?

"It holds a cosmic storm, does it not?" I asked.

"That is a disgrace to the truth, but not incorrect. The storm was my mightiest foe, and that says something, Siegfried. I could not divert it, I could not avoid it. It took me four days and four nights to capture it all in that uru. I wielded it long before you were born and never could bring about it's full potential. I had hopes you could. It grants weather manipulation, strength, and if the wielder is skilled enough, a universe destroying storm at their disposal. There isn't a civilization alive that could stop the perfect wielder of Mjolnir." Odin explained. He didn't make any note of my knowing the information, and I did not press it.

"I could not, and will not be the perfect wielder." I admitted. The personality change was too great, and I was not worthy of the title of Thor, nor the God of Thunder.

"No, I believe it has found its true wielder." Odin agreed. "Perhaps it is for the best."

"It was always a distraction from what you truly wanted of me." I deduced. It was something that was obvious to see now that I didn't have the hammer. Being the champion of the Nine Realms made it nearly impossible to learn how to be king. I was always running around putting out fires and causing bigger ones.

"You truly have changed…"

I didn't know what to say to that.

"Loki is dead." Odin revealed, before I could respond.

I frowned. "How?" I asked.

"Thor saved your life, and engaged him in combat. We lost the Bifrost, and your brother in the same moment." Odin answered.

So nothing really changed from canon? That kind of sucked, I thought I saved the Bifrost at least. That way we could plan with Midgard at least, for the upcoming years. I could have subtly manipulated events.

"He was tortured by the information you withheld from him. When he finally discovered it…" I whispered. Once again, I sounded accusatory. Although I did not apologize this time.

"Aye. Another mistake in my long and fruitful reign. One of my worst, and my last." Odin admitted. He combed through his beard with his hand as he said this.

"No doubt you will make a few more." I ribbed him, and smiled at his direction. It was easy for me not to mourn Loki. I knew what he had done, and what he would do.

"I am dying, son. I could barely change an enchantment that I could have done one hundred times over in my prime. The end is near." Odin retorted. His face was pensieve, instead of scared or panicked.

It made sense he would think that, even if he had a few years left. Humans started losing it decades before they really kicked the bucket. He had been ruling for thousands of years… it was impressive that he held it together for this long.

"I would have given you Mjolnir back, if I was strong enough to change the enchantment again. You will have to find strength your own way. Perhaps that is the way it should have been all along." Odin continued.

We stayed in the throne room, unspeaking for a long while. Eventually I decided to say what was on both of our minds.

"What now?" I asked. "I will need to learn how to be a king."

"I always found that was something you learned by doing. And I have perfect practice for you. Loki's attack has thrown the realms into chaos. It is time you and the newest Thor learn diplomacy." Odin said with a smirk, but couldn't leave it there.

"And you won't be able to fight your way out of this."


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Sorcerer Supreme at Hogwarts (English Versión)

After dying in the most cliché way possible—getting hit by a truck—our protagonist wakes up in a new world: the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). He is reborn as Stephen Strange, a child who will later become the iconic Doctor Strange. Armed with knowledge of future events, he decides to take control of his destiny, saving his family, studying tirelessly, and eventually joining Kamar-Taj much earlier than he should, all to prepare for the threats he knows are coming. Over time, Strange not only becomes the Sorcerer Supreme but also forms unexpected bonds with the Avengers, participates in epic battles, and manipulates time and reality to prevent critical alterations to the timeline. However, despite his power and wisdom, his life is constantly interrupted by duty, leaving him no time to enjoy the youth he longs for. But just when he thinks he has gained complete control, his sacrifice in battle against a powerful variant of Wanda Maximoff leads to yet another reincarnation—this time in the world of *Harry Potter*, where he is reborn as Stephen Flamel, the adopted grandson of the legendary Nicolas and Perenelle Flamel. Now, with a second chance to enjoy his childhood, Stephen embarks on a new adventure in a world filled with magic, where his knowledge and abilities will push the boundaries of what is possible, all while trying to uncover the true purpose behind his unusual fate. English version of my main work. On my Patreon I will upload the translations every day until I reach one chapter a day. I will post 5 chapters in advance on patreon. You can also watch the chapters of the Spanish version, and maybe you can use a translator. Remember that the worlds where the story takes place are not mine, they belong to their respective owners, only this story is mine. I'm not very good at English, so I have to use the help of ChatGPT for corrections. Please be patient.

YoDarki · Filme
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60 Chs


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