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What is Siaiajaooaoaoaoaoaoaoaooa

Lesen Sie den Roman Siaiajaooaoaoaoaoaoaoaooa des Autors FlowOfBadassery, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel....


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One face Two identity

The yellow ball of fire changed to hues of orange, and then almost tangerine. It merged with the sky, like juice-mix dissolving in a glass of water. The clouds were cotton-candy, as though they blushed at the warm touch of the sun. Silhouettes of birds flew home across a sky that was now magenta; and the sun was half into the water, but its reflection in the sea made it look complete. The mauve of the dusky sky intensified, and in just a while, the biggest star had set, giving way to a thousand others.( Borrowed from Google, I hope readers don't mind, as it is my first time writing in my whole life apart from writing my examination papers) (Purely my writing) And the night was again lit by thousands of stars marking that whatever might be the situation their will be always light even in the darkest hours. Sound of waves splashing against the rocks and giving a tickling to their feet and dragging away the sand beneath their feet which made RAY and HOPE to cuddle up to eachother tightly. HOPE " RAY, my darling promise me that you will never leave me, always find me where ever I'm. I'll be always waiting for you no matter whatever happens to me" love, guilt, hope and gratitude filled her tone and even her eyes reflected the same. RAY " HOPE, my buttercup, my wife. I promise you that I will always find you and hug you no matter whatever life throws at us, I'll find and drag you back to me. Because RAY and HOPE are always meant to be together". ------- under the twinkling stars: RAY " HOPE! HOPE! HOOOOPE!!!!!. Where are you?? please don't play these kind of games with me. You promised me that you will wait for me. Hope please come back". Come and join RAY's journey to find his HOPE. To know more about Hope and their relationship, their romance. I hope readers finds it interesting and please do support this novel, guide and give lots of feed back and love too. So, that I can improve and reach to your expectations.

Onthisday · Urban
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