
Field Trip

"Well, it's time for our first C-rank," Kakashi eye-smiled, holding a mission scroll in his hand.

Wait, really?

"Already?" Hisako frowned.

"Oh wow," Nichiren rubbed his eyes underneath his glasses.

"After the house fiasco, I think a normal old C-rank is perfectly within your abilities," Kakashi replied, still eye smiling.

"We should be able to do a normal C-rank," I nodded in agreement. "What's the mission?"

"A client is moving supplies from Konoha to Kusa," Kakashi explained, reading the scrolls contents. "We will be making two stops on our way to the border to collect additional shipments and then we'll hand the shipment off to a team from Kusa to complete our part."

Oh, we're going to Grass. Nice.

"What's in the shipment?" Nichiren asked with a frown.

"Non-perishable items," Kakashi read. "Sheets of cloth, silk and a small order of kunai and shuriken."

"We're letting them have weapons?" Hisako asked.

"Konoha has a trade agreement with Kusa," Kakashi elaborated. "We allow traders and merchants to move small amounts of common weapons between the two countries."

"That makes sense," I nodded. "So, we're just body guards?"

"That's part of it," Kakashi nodded. "The other part is making sure they don't exceed the weapons count maximum with the two additions we'll be collecting. Sound good?"

"Sure," Hisako replied, a little hesitant.

"I think so," Nichiren replied.

"Sounds simple enough," I nodded.

"Good," Kakashi replied. "Mission begins tomorrow at 0600. Pack everything you need for a three-day trip and some Ryo. We'll meet the caravan at the front gates."

Quest Accepted: The Organ Trail

-Meet your team at the gates at 6am.

I sighed in annoyance and Kakashi looked at me.

"Did you just have a premonition?" Kakashi asked seriously.

"...yes," I hesitantly began.

"Is the mission going to go wrong?" Kakashi asked.

"…it's probably going to be more interesting than we'd like it to be," I replied, my toes twitching in my boots.

"Great," Hisako breathed in exasperation.

"So did you see a vision or something about this or…" Kakashi asked.

…there's really no point in lying, is there? They already have an idea that I see things in the future and they're right… This is going to suck a lot. Best case? My teammates think I'm an even bigger freak than before. Worst case? I fight my way out of T and I because screw T and I.

Wait…epiphany. Sweet, holy brilliance! Why didn't I think of this sooner?

"Ummmm…so, I'm going to be the leader of a clan one day, right?" I asked Kakashi.

He seemed taken aback by that. "Most likely. Why do you ask?"

"Because I'm calling clan secrets on this," I replied, folding my arms. "I don't want to answer any more questions about my bloodline."

"Why?" Hisako asked, sounding a little startled.

"I don't want to discuss the deep, startling implications of what I can do," I replied defensively, looking at Hisako and Nichiren. "You both already think I'm a freak enough, I don't need to add more fuel to the fire."

"We don't think you're…" Hisako went quiet with a deep frown.

Nichiren gulped.

"…who you decide to discuss the details of your bloodline with is your right, Daisuke," Kakashi began calmly. "But if we're walking into another mission that could turn into an A or even an S rank, we need to know."

But I can't keep anything they already know from them, can I? Keeping important information from the village could be considered grounds for treason in some cases. "Fine. If you must know, this mission is probably going to turn into something about an organ trade. I don't know any concrete details beyond the idea that we'll be directly involved."

"Organ trade," Kakashi said softly. "Alright. Wait here."

Kakashi ran up the stairs, undoubtedly going to the Hokage's office.

I walked over to the nearest seat.

"I'm going to meditate guys," I said with a tired look. "Don't wait up on me."

"Wait," Hisako started – but I was already out like a light. I didn't want to talk to them right now.

I came too when Kakashi came back down the stairs. "Daisuke?"

"Yeah," I responded.

"Good, you are awake," Kakashi nodded. "The Hokage wants to talk to you."

Headache. So much headache. "Alright."

I stood and followed my Sensei up the stairs.

Remember: Be on your best behavior when the Hokage visits, I remember Matron Kumiko telling me. He is the villages greatest member and should be treated with respect.

I'll never forget the lesson. I always tried harder to watch myself around Hiruzen, because a slip up could be deadly.

The Hokage's office was much wider than was strictly necessary, allowing the windows to provide a magnificent view of the village. His desk was set against the windows, and in the chair was Hiruzen, wearing the Hokage-hat.

"Hokage-sama," I bowed. "You wanted to see me?"

"I do, Daisuke-kun," The Hokage replied, taking a puff from his pipe. "It's been a few weeks since I saw you last. How have you been?"

"Alright, I guess," I shrugged.

"That's good to hear," The Hokage answered cheerfully. "Onto business. Kakashi has told me that you occasionally receive premonitions regarding the details of missions you undertake. Is that true?"

"Yes," I replied with a frown.

"Hmmmm…" The Hokage said. "He has also told me that you have been having trouble adjusting to your team because they are unnerved by your capabilities. Is that correct?"

"Yes," I nodded.

"I see," His face was partially obscured by the shadow of his hat. "Well, I can understand not wanting to unnerve them further, and I applaud such an effort but invoking clan secrecy on things we already know about doesn't help. In fact, it does the opposite."

"I apologize, Hokage-sama," I said. "I'm…just sick of hearing about my bloodline."

"I'm not surprised that is the case," Hiruzen answered. "People are often afraid of things that do not make sense."

I winced.

"But that does not mean the thing which is not understood is bad, or harmful," The Hokage continued. "I understand from the reports about the House Incident that you were instrumental in that mission's resolution. You helped save your teammates lives and that is commendable."

"Thank you, Hokage-sama," I replied.

Hiruzen nodded, taking his pipe out of his mouth. "You have a powerful gift. A gift that we haven't begun to understand fully, but a gift it is. Daisuke, you're a good person. It may not always come across in your manner or your speech, but that goodness is there. Naruto saw it, and so do I. Your teammates undoubtedly see it as well."

"But Hokage-sama, the-" He held up a hand and I shut up.

"Your teammates are intimidated by your power," Hiruzen explained. "But they will work through it. This, I can promise you. Neither are the type to go insane if a peer speeds past them in progress. I would know, I've met a few like that."

"Thank you, Hokage-sama," I muttered.

"I will not ask you what form your premonitions take or when you get them," Hiruzen continued. "But if you know anything about the mission you have agreed to undertake that would change the mission ranking or that would point out if operational security is at risk, you would be doing a great service to your village if you shared your knowledge."

Oh, the guilt tripping. It hurts. But, I don't know all that much. "I'm sorry, but I only know that it has something to do an organ. Or organs."

"That is fairly ominous," Hiruzen puffed his pipe. "Do you believe you can handle the mission?"

"Yes," I answered as honestly as I could. "Yes, I believe I can handle it. The only reason I freaked out over the house was because I didn't think I could handle it. Yet, I did."

"But you did receive a premonition about that house?" The Hokage asked.

Oh crap. "Yes."

"Hmmm…" Hiruzen puffed his pipe. "Then I do not need to explain the importance of sharing information to you, do I?"

"No, Hokage-sama," I replied. "I understand perfectly."

"Very good," He smiled. "Now, we have compiled a rather lengthy set of research notes regarding your bloodline, including quite a few theories as to how it works, precisely. Do you want them?"

"What?" I asked with a frown.

"What we know about your bloodline," The Hokage repeated. "If you're going to start claiming clan secrets this early, I imagine you don't want anyone to have access to those notes. Understandable, that's the right of every clan and person with a bloodline."

"What have you figured out?" I asked carefully.

"Well," The Hokage pulled a large manuscript-looking thing from his desk.

He's been studying it. I don't know whether I should feel honored or threatened.

"Besides your perfect chakra control, the ability to invent Ninjutsu more or less on the fly and your total recovery from any injury with sleep," The Hokage began, emptying his pipe's ashes into the trash. "There's the pattern we've noticed that you get more powerful in bursts as opposed to gradually, there's theories that you invent Taijutsu moves and forms like you do Ninjutsu and the suspicion that for you, sleep is actually optional. As is food and drink."

Holy cow.

"There's several theories as to how your bloodline works as well," Hiruzen explained. "My favorite one is that your body uses chakra to keep everything about you as a static imprint until a certain point is reached and it changes everything to a new high, with a spike in a different area. It would explain why you don't train nearly as much as you should for such a high level of proficiency and barely study."

I was quiet for a moment. "…Taijutsu is actually my specialty. Ninjutsu is more of a hobby for me at this point."

Kakashi looked at me with his only eye boggling, almost bouncing out of its socket.

"Is that so?" Hiruzen smiled with narrowing eyes. "Well, that explains how you bested the Hyuuga prodigy."

"He didn't stand a chance," I frowned, looking at my boots. "I felt bad."

"Don't feel bad," Hiruzen replied with a light chuckle. "It was a fair duel between two combatants. You could do nothing to reduce your skill beyond letting him win and he now has motivation to train harder."

I shrugged. "Still…"

"The question stands," Hiruzen placed the reports on his desk. "Do you want them?"

On the one hand, I should destroy them. If I want to figure out the how's and why's of my bloodline, I'll up my medicine skill and study it myself. Leaving that intact only gives people more clues that I do not belong. On the other hand, they know quite a bit more than I thought and haven't broken out the torches and pitchforks and letting them keep it might be a show of good faith in the village. Plus, the Hokage probably has a spare somewhere, so destroying it would be pointless.

"…who has access to them?"

"Myself, Doctor Endoso Takeichi, and his two assistants," The Hokage replied.

Right, the Hokage and my Doctor. Please tell me neither of those assistants are Kabuto. "Who are his assistants?"

"Misawa Tsukasa and Shibasaki Atsuko," The Hokage replied. "Doctor Endoso has requested a larger team to help him understand what we have, but I can tell him that won't be necessary."

"You can keep them for now," I said with a frown. "There's not really a point to taking them from you if you know that much."

"Hmm, good to know," The Hokage replaced the research in his desk.

"Has Doctor Endoso submitted a list of names he'd like on the project?" I asked cautiously.

"He has," The Hokage looked at me curiously. "I can allow you to look at them if you'd prefer."

You know, he's being very accommodating. What's his game, exactly? "I would…if it's not too much trouble, Hokage-sama. I apologize if I'm imposing."

The Hokage dug out a piece of paper, and held it out for me. "Don't worry about it for now."

I stood and carefully took the paper. There were thirteen names and I didn't care what they were but…yeah. He was on there. Crap.

"Is there something wrong?" The Hokage asked carefully.

"I…don't want Yakushi Kabuto working on my bloodline," Let's see how much I can milk this 'premonition' thing they've given me. "I predict bad things if he's on the project."

"I see," The Hokage replied with a serious air. "…we'll honor the request and do an investigation. But in return, I want you to do your utmost to serve Konoha with the gift you have. Am I clear?"

"Crystal clear, Hokage-sama," I replied with a bow, handing the sheet back. "Thank you. I won't let you down."

"Very good," Hiruzen smiled. "Now. Kakashi, your mission parameters have changed. In addition to the normal objectives, your team is to investigate the supply train and its cargo. Do not let the client know what you are doing. If you find anything substantial, handle it. Am I understood?"

"Hai, Hokage-sama," Kakashi bowed.

"Dismissed," The Hokage nodded and we left his office.

I let out a massive sigh of relief. Keeping an eye on my social behavior to that degree was exhausting. "I have a headache."

"I'm sure it'll pass," Kakashi replied uneasily.

We came down the stairs and my teammates were still there. Hisako was sitting down, leaning forward with her hands clasped. Nichiren was sitting across from her, leaning back in a bench on the wall next to the stairs. They both looked at me.

"Daisuke," Hisako looked concerned. Well, I did just go meet the Hokage and all, which can be pretty concerning.

"See you guys tomorrow," I waved, making for the exit.

"Hold on a second," Nichiren grabbed my wrist to stop me, but I easily slid out of that and kept going.

"Daisuke, don't go," Hisako pleaded. "We need to talk."

I almost made it through the exit. I wanted to go through the exit. But I didn't go through the exit. I turned on my heel to face my team. "Alright. I'm listening."

Hisako looked honestly surprised. "I…we don't think you're a freak. Really."

"What I said yesterday was out of line," Nichiren rubbed the back of his head. "I'm sorry."

"But also entirely accurate," I folded my arms. "And I told you to give it to me straight, remember?"

"Well, yeah," Nichiren frowned. "I…wasn't being fair. I was mad about getting in trouble with my parents."

"Over me," I rose my eyebrow. "And I am sorry about that…I just wanted to make a good first impression for once in my life. Didn't realize I was screwing my teammate over, is all."

"I didn't think he would get in trouble with his parents," Hisako replied, glancing down at her boots. "How were you supposed to know?"

"People like consistency," I shrugged. "He said repeatedly that they knew I was socially deficient. I just…didn't put two and two together. As usual."

That last bit was a mutter at myself.

Almost Perfect can't come fast enough.

"And you have problems of your own," I said, looking pointedly at Hisako. "Care to share?"

Her eyes went wide, like a deer in the headlights. She looked down at her boots, her words starting to slowly come out. "I…"

"Let's not do this here," Kakashi gestured to the area around the mission desk. "Let's find someplace private, then we can talk."

"My Dad's home," Hisako frowned. "So that's not private."

"My house isn't all that private to begin with," Nichiren added. "My mom stays at home most of the time."

"…I suppose we could use my apartment," I hesitantly supplied. "It's not far from here."

They all looked at me.

"What?" I asked.

"…that's a good idea," Kakashi replied. "Are you sure?"

"No," I replied. "But we need a place to talk, right? Come on."

I started walking toward the exit and I heard the sound of footsteps behind me. The way to my apartment wasn't far, but it was longer than I was used too, because I was consciously aware that neither Hisako or Nichiren could Shunshin.

After about fifteen minutes, we got up to my apartment door. I dug the keys out of one of my storage scrolls and opened the door, ushering anyone in.

…you know; I really should clean this place. Those footprints on the walls from pacing all over the place really don't look good. Maybe should have some chairs or something when I have guests over. The only thing amounting to decoration would be the scrolls pushed to one side that I was using to write out jutsu theory, most of it half-baked.

"It's…spacious," Hisako looked unpleasantly surprised.

"Thank you?" I replied.

"Yeah…a lot of space," Nichiren blinked.

"I have a futon, so it's not completely blank," I replied, closing the door behind everyone. "Find a spot on the floor. Sit down."

I took a spot on the floor, my usual one when writing something down. The carpet was partially worn down in this spot, and I used chakra strings to pull in things as I needed. Very handy, that Jutsu.

My two peers sat down in front of me. Kakashi sat to my left, watching the proceedings.

"So," I began. "Let's hear it."

Hisako took a deep breath, stiffening and licking her lips. Her words came out slowly, as if fighting herself. "I…hate how powerful you are."

"I knew that," I frowned. "Why?"

"Because," Hisako swallowed. "It's not fair."

Well, yes. Obviously nothing about me is fair. Well, I did die and get ripped away from everything I've ever known but I was also handed the most broken bloodline in the world that's only going to get worse as it goes on. So…I guess it's almost fair. Almost.

Granted, fair is subjective. I learned that lesson a long time ago.

I gestured for her to continue.

"I've worked really hard to graduate the academy," Hisako continued with a frown. "Nichiren's worked very hard to stay on the team. But you? You just keep getting handed ability after ability, power after power just by being born."

"Sorry," I started. "I-"

"Stop," Hisako snapped. Then she gulped. "Please, let me finish."

Okay. I swallowed my indignation at being interrupted. I hate being interrupted.

"I'd be okay with this if there was a top," Hisako continued, her eyes starting to water. "If there was an end to the power ups and you could…actually work alongside us to get better. Right now, it almost feels like we have two Sensei's and one of them is my age. It doesn't feel good."

…that would suck, yeah.

"Where does it end?" Hisako asked. "Are you going to be Hokage? Are you going to rule the elemental countries? The world? Are you even going to bother with anyone else when you get up there?"

I waited.

"That's what scares me," Hisako frowned. "That you'll get so powerful that you'll decide you don't need Konoha anymore. That you don't need friends anymore. That you don't need…m-us anymore."

Ooh. That's…I didn't think about that.

"And yeah," Hisako blinked away the tears. "I'm jealous, if that's what you were thinking. Insanely jealous. I trained with my parents a lot before I went to the academy. Then I get put on the same team as someone who managed to figure out everything they taught me on his own and then just kept going."

I just barely bit back the correction; 'envious'.

"So yeah," She sniffed. "That's how I feel."

I blinked. "I…don't know what to say to all of that."

Hisako sighed and hung her head.

Maybe…well, when I had my higher charisma I thought that maybe helping them learn some jutsu would be nice. "…would it help if I helped you learn some jutsu?"

"What do you mean?" Hisako sniffed.

"Well...I mean, is there a cool idea for a jutsu you've had that you don't know how to do?" I asked. "If so…I could help you learn it. If that would help, I mean. I don't want to make you think I'm a sensei or anything, because I'm not."

Hisako's eyes went wide. So did Nichiren's.

"Like…Nichiren, I have a smoke-screen jutsu," I said, looking toward Nichiren. "If you wanted to stop having to bring your own smoke bombs, I could teach it to you."

"You have a smoke-screen jutsu," Nichiren repeated.


Nichiren looked at Kakashi, who simply shrugged. "I…don't know. I'd have to think about it."

"I understand that," I nodded, then I turned to Hisako. She…didn't look happy.

"Hisako," I began. "I don't wan-"

"Just forget it," Hisako stood up, and ran out the door.

"…okay then," I said, blinking at the door. "What just happened?"

"Well," Kakashi was thoughtful. "You did just offer to teach her jutsu after she said she doesn't like feeling that she has two sensei's."

I face-palmed. "Sorry, Sensei."

"I appreciate the thought, in any case," Kakashi sounded exhausted. "I'd have to see the Jutsu before you taught it to Nichiren, to make sure it's safe for general use."

"Yes Sensei," I replied with a frown. I can't believe I missed that...

"Also, Daisuke?" Kakashi said, giving me a very pointed look. "I might have asked you to help teach Nichiren, but…try to remember; I'm the Sensei here. Don't offer to teach anything to your classmates unless I give my consent, please."

I got this knot in my stomach. "Right. Yes. Sorry, Sensei. I meant no disrespect. Really!"

"I didn't think you did," Kakashi sighed. "Just try to think a bit more about what you say and offer to do, alright?"

"Hai Sensei," I replied, still feeling the burn of embarrassment.

"Also, maybe you should invest in some furniture," Kakashi eye-smiled, standing up. "It feels empty."

"I'll think about it," I frowned.

Come five-thirty in the morning, and I was at the village gates. To my surprise, I wasn't the first one there. Even more surprising, it wasn't any member of my team that was getting ready at the gates, but a civilian, preparing a cart that was mounted to an ox.

Did not know they had oxen of all things. I've learned something new, so today is shaping up to be a good day.

The ox was massive and its horns looked like the pointiest kunai I've ever laid eyes on. Even in the dim, morning light, I could see the fur was a dark brown. My nose crinkled at the odor the beast had, the smell of sweat and other scents assaulting my nostrils like they had done some unpardonable sin.

Behind the cart was a man, burly and hairy. He wore a simple tunic, with a straw hat placed on his head. I heard him humming a small tune to himself as he loaded wooden crates into the back of the cart.

This was most certainly the client.

…maybe I can help?

"Excuse me?" I probed.

"Hmm?" He looked up at me. "Oh. Beat it kid, I've got work to do."

"I'm supposed to meet a client here at six for a mission," I informed him. "My team is escorting a shipment of supplies going to Kusa. I'm guessing that's you?"

The man blinked. "Oh. Sorry, shinobi-kun. Didn't see the belt…usually you people wear a headband, right?"

"Usually," I nodded. "I prefer the belt. My names Shimoda Daisuke. What's yours?"

"Arai Nakazo," He tipped his hat to me. "Well, if you don't have any business to discuss, I need to get back to work."

"Need any help?" I asked.

"Nope," He replied, grunting as he moved a crate onto the wagon.

"Alright," I shrugged. "Shout if you need anything."

"Will do," He replied, picking up another crate.

As it turns out, he didn't need my help. He managed to get each crate perfectly fitted on the wagon with five minutes to spare and I noted two crates marked with orange X's that were taped on the side. Those must have been the weapons. Mr. Arai hopped into the driver's seat and leaned back with a yawn.

Then Nichiren and Kakashi-sensei showed up.

I waved. "Nichiren. Kakashi-sensei."

"Daisuke-kun," Kakashi nodded. "You're early as usual."

"And you're on time," I grinned.

"Of course," He eye-smiled. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"So, on a scale of one to ten, how hard is this mission going to be?" Nichiren asked me, straightening his glasses.

"I don't know," I shrugged.

Nichiren groaned softly. "Really?"

"Really," I rose my eyebrow in disapproval.

Just a minute before six, Hisako ran up, breathing heavily. Evidently, she had just run here from her house. "Sorry, had some trouble with my gear. Am I late?"

"Nope," Kakashi answered. "You're actually right on time."

"Yes!" She gave a small fist-pump. "When are we leaving?"

"In a few minutes," Kakashi replied, turning to the Mr. Arai. "We need five minutes to review mission objectives."

"Sure, sure," He replied with a wave. "Just don't take too long. We're supposed to be at the first stop by sundown."

Kakashi nodded to him and shepherded us a few ways off to talk in private. "So, our mission's gotten more complicated."

"Oh no," Nichiren's face fell.

"What's that mean?" Hisako asked, folding her arms.

"It means that the Hokage's added a couple of objectives in light of Daisuke's premonition," Kakashi replied.

"Great," Hisako wasn't thrilled with that. "What are we doing?"

"Not only are we providing body-guard duty and checking the weapons crates, which we need to do before we leave, we're also investigating the supply chain and cargo for anything to do with organs," Kakashi said. "That parts to be kept secret. Don't breathe a word about it to anyone we meet along the way, am I understood?"

We gave our affirmatives.

"Good," Kakashi nodded.

"So what about the other cargo?" I asked, gesturing to the wagon. "Do we need to investigate those right now."

"Good point," Kakashi replied, looking at the wagon. "I'll take care of that right now. At the first stop, I'll show you how to perform an examination like that."

"Hai Sensei," I nodded. He walked over to the wagon, had a brief word with the driver. The driver, sounding irritated, got off his seat and watched Sensei go to work. He examined each box, prying the lid off of each, leafing through the contents swiftly before replacing the lid. The boxes with the orange X's did contain kunai and shuriken, and Kakashi paid extra care with these boxes.

After twenty minutes, each box was shut and the driver was back on his seat.

"Alright, let's go," Kakashi nodded to us.

"Are we walking?" Nichiren asked, raising a hand as we fell into formation.

"Yup," Kakashi nodded. "We're Shinobi. It won't be nearly as taxing for us as it would be for a civilian.

Walking from sunup to sundown, huh? Well, I guess following on my nightly runs isn't as stamina intensive as I thought.

Mr. Arai snapped the reigns and the oxen started to move. We fell in step, walking around the wagon as directed. I watched the gates of Konoha as I passed through them, feeling just a hint of sadness as I stepped out of my home for the past twelve and some-odd years for the first time.

Quest Updated: The Organ Trail.

Completed: Meet with your team at 6am.

Guard the Wagon on the way to its first stop.

Looking ahead from my position to the right of the wagon, I saw the path that lead away from the village. To the mission. To the Organ Trail.

…that pun is horrible.

The Previous was a Fanbased Work of Fiction, written by Fulcon. Naruto is owned by Shueisha, Viz Entertainment and Masashi Kishimoto. Please support the Official Release.

Leylin_Farliercreators' thoughts