
Prologue: Beginning Finale

"Shut up! SHINSEI TENGAI!" Madara roars and creates a set of handseals accompanied by his Susanoo to create one of his most powerful attacks. In that very instance, the sky is filled with darkness that once again frightened the entire Alliance. Madara's meteors are now descending to the battlefield.

Naruto simply looked towards the looming meteor. He already knew that there is another meteor behind it since he already has an experience facing it albeit as a Kage Bunshin. Naruto raised his Kurama Chakra Avatar's right hand, accompanied with 2 of his 10 tails, quickly creating a massive sized Senpou: Rasenshuriken proportionate to the Avatar's current size. Though the size of the Rasenshuriken is quite normal for Kurama avatar's size, for ordinary human size, it is the largest Rasenshuriken that Naruto has ever created, far larger than his Chou Kyodaina Rasenshuriken that he used earlier.

Naruto threw the massive Rasenshuriken towards the falling meteors. The two jutsus collided, creating an enormous wind chakra sphere that illuminates the battlefield with a blinding light while disintegrating the meteors. The shockwave that the two colliding jutsus created a very powerful blast that even creates a crater on the ground beneath the massive wind chakra sphere.

"UZUMAKI NARUTO!" Madara rushed towards Naruto clad with Perfect Susanoo, equipped with a large chakra shield created from 5 shape-shifted Godou Dama on its left hand and Susanoo Sword empowered with the other 5 shape-shifted Godou Dama for more powerful defense and striking power.

"UCHIHA MADARA!" Naruto roared as he dashed towards Madara as well, both arms of his Kurama Chakra Avatar have Senpou: Fuuton Rasenhsuriken proportionate to his current form's size. Every step that the two gigantic chakra beings took created a massive earthquake within the battle vicinity. The moment that the two collided, a bright light enveloped that battlefield and it created another massive explosion created by the jutsu of the two god-like Shinobis.

Upon clearing the dusts from the explosion, the Alliance saw the two fighting Shinobi exchanging blows with their Taijutsu expertise with Madara using his expertly honed Uchiha Taijutsu and Naruto using Kawazu Taijutsu from the Toads with combination of his Kage Bunshins. Madara is not using his Susanoo while Naruto is also not using his Kurama Avatar, but still in his Bijuu Sage mode V2 cloak.

The ground violently shook, nearby oceans raised tsunamis, and heavens were pierced as the two continues to clash with their arsenal of attacks. These two Shinobis have already far surpassed the powers of the Juubi created by Obito and could even compete with the Sage of the Six Paths as they are now reshaping the very earth with each of their attacks. Being the Shinju Jinchuuriki with Hashirama's full power and Senjutsu, Jigoku Rinnegan and his very own foul Uchiha chakra and Dojutsus, Madara fights to his heart's content against Naruto. He never expected that someone is still capable of battling him on his current state but somewhat amused to know that he can maximize the full capability of his current powers.

However, Naruto was able to fight back against him with the power of his already above Hashirama level chakra, more potent and powerful Sage Mode, and the 2 above Juubi-level Ten-Tailed Fox's chakra that has the power of the combined Bijuus chakra. The Alliance didn't attempt to run away from the battle as they continue to watch the showdown of power. Most of them believed that seeing how these two fights, there is no safe place in the world anymore unless the fight between the two is over.

Madara created a barrage of giant burning meteors falling from the sky that would make anyone watching it feel like it is the end of the world, while Naruto will counterattack with his own barrage of conical-shaped Bijuu Dama that has far more destructive power than the one created by the Juubi on its 2nd form, creating a stalemate through multiple, planet shaking violent explosions. Madara then swung all the four arms of Perfect Susanoo with their Susanoo Sword to creating a massive pressurized wind slash that created large fissures on the earth and directed towards Naruto. The blonde Jinchuurki on the other hand swiped his ten tails from his Kurama Chakra Avatar to also create a condensed pressurized wind slice to deflect the incoming attack, creating another powerful impact between the two attacks.

In that very moment, something weird started to happen on the sky that temporarily halted Madara and Naruto's battle. The cloud started to form in a circular pattern, getting thicker and thicker every passing second as if a powerful storm is being created. Multiple lightning started to strike the ground and the 'hole' in the middle of the circular pattern produced a powerful vacuum wind that is now absorbing anything within its range. The shattered mountains and giant boulders also levitated and crushed as they were also being sucked within the vacuum hole in the sky.

"What's happening? Is this your doing Madara?" Naruto shouted towards Madara. Since he now has very massive chakra reserves, Naruto don't have problem holding himself down to the ground so he won't be sucked up within the vacuum hole.

"I will not use a suicidal jutsu if I already am in my perfect state." Madara replied non-chalantly, as he also don't have any idea how or does that vacuum hole were created. The Alliance in the other hand has having trouble maintaining their balance as they are using their remaining chakra into their feet and hands, doing their best to hold the ground and not being sucked up in that ominous hole.

"It is the Emperor Ring!" Kurama said towards Naruto. Naruto tried to enter his mindscape to ask more questions directly to the fox, but due to the reuniting process of the two Kurama's, he weren't able to do so. "It is a powerful force of nature that already existed long before mankind came to be. To think that it would appear here... means that you and Madara are already considered around the same level as that of the Eight Kings."

"Eight Kings?" Naruto answered.

"It's a long story, but to sum it up, the Emperor Ring only appears if the opposing forces are being acknowledged by Heaven and Earth as powerful beings. And the only way to stop it is for either side of the opposing forces is ultimately defeated in battle."

"So I need to defeat Madara before this Emperor Ring consumes the entire Alliance?" Naruto replied in surprise. The goal of the battle is now drastically shifted from just defeating Madara into saving his comrades against the Emperor Ring.

"That's it. Now it is not just a matter of defeating Madara. You will need to defeat Madara before the Emperor Ring consumes the Alliance, this place, or even this continent. This battle has now become a race against time!" Kurama replied. "Just continue to hold Madara back. We are almost finished in reuniting our chakra to become a single entity."

"Yeah." Naruto glared towards Madara. To think that the stakes will be a lot higher now than it is before, he cannot allow this fight to be dragged any longer.

"It seems we have created this accursed vacuum hole." Madara said towards Naruto. "Amusing. Even Heaven and Earth acknowledged our powers. What do you say, Uzumaki Naruto?"

"Shut up!" Naruto charged once again towards Madara intending to finish the fight as soon as possible for another titanic clash. The Alliance, even if they were having trouble holding the ground, continued to watch the battle. None among them, including the God of Shinobi Hashirama Senju, have ever imagined that this fight will become a global scale. He is currently using his Mokuton: Jukai Koutan so Shinobis from the Alliance can hold the jutsu so they won't be absorbed by the Emperor Ring.

"I always thought that Madara is an amazing guy despite that attitude but your son is really incredible, Fourth." Hashirama said while looking towards Minato.

Minato nodded with pride. "Of course. He is the Child of Prophecy after all, just like what Jiraiya-sensei mentioned."

Another clash between Yasaka Magatama and Oodama Rasengan echoed throughout the battlefield. Madara once again used Mokuton: Jukai Koutan with Shinju's ability to absorb chakra in an attempt to restrain Naruto who is once again in Full Bijuu Sage Mode v2, but the Jinchuuriki just swayed one of the ten tails of his Kurama Chakra Avatar to destroy the growing forest. Naruto once again charged a gigantic, Senjutsu-enhanced Bijuu Dama that is twice the size of the Bijuu Dama that Minato have teleported away during his arrival in the war. He fired it towards Madara's direction while the wicked Uchiha prepared his 10 Godou Dama to create a giant shield created from Onmyoton and Senjutsu chakra.

The chakra shield and the Bijuu Dama collided once again, and even though the Godou Dama shield successfully blocked the Bijuu Dama, it is still shattered into pieces since Naruto equipped the Bijuu Dama with Senjutsu as well. The blast sent Madara flying as he protected himself by using his Perfect Susanoo's defense. Naruto took advantage of the now much faster movement speed of his Full Bijuu Sage Mode v2 as he used Shunshin to leap on top of Madara's Susanoo with his Kurama Chakra Avatar's right fist being pulled back and striked Madara with full force. Madara blocked it with one of his Susanoo limbs, then counterattacked with a sword slice from another limbs of hs Susanoo.

Naruto simple docked to dodge the attack, then intertwined his two of his Avatar's tails and slammed it towards Madara's Susanoo, sending the Perfect Susanoo skidding backwards. But Madara retaliated with another set of Yasaka Magatama towards Naruto that directly hitted Kurama's Avatar and also sends Naruto skidding backward. It is still a stalemate after a series of exchange.

"Not good!" Naruto glared towards Madara. "I can't let this stalemate last any longer. I need to get the upper hand and kick his ass before it became too late for the Aliance!" He then switched his glare towards the still growing Emperor Ring.

"You don't need to give a damn thing for those weaklings." Madara said as if reading what Naruto is thinking. "Let those Shinobis perish with that vacuum hole and while we continue to enjoy our fight, Uzumaki Naruto."

"You're the only one who enjoys this Madara! I'm not like you! And I will never become like you!" Naruto roared towards Madara, both his fists tightly clenched.

"Then what do you intend to do to defeat me?" Madara gave a sinister grin. "I gained this power to remove the Shinobi's out of existence. While you, on the other hand, gain that power to protect those Shinobis against me. In the end, the power that you currently have gives way for a much greater destruction and further annihilation through the creation of that vacuum hole. In the end, we are just the same."

"Shut up!" Naruto replied with rage. But Madara simply stated the fact that both of them created this worst case scenario. With the current turn of events, he cannot help but blame himself since he still cannot defeat Madara despite all the powers that he have…

"Don't give a damn about Madara's words! You are just fighting to protect what you believed in!" the same familiar voice echoed through his mindscape once again. "And that is the very reason why I am willing to stand and fight alongside with you."

-Mindscape Discussion-

In that instance, Naruto entered his mindscape. And what he saw greatly surprised him. There stood a very large fox that even the term gigantic is an understatement. The fox still has the same slitted eyes, thicker fur, and ten tails swinging from behind. But the power that is being emitted by the Ten-Tailed Fox is surreal that on a ratio, will make the Juubi created by Obito became only on the same level as that of the lower tier Bijuus when facing this new Juubi Fox.

"So you have successfully finished your fusion, huh..." Naruto muttered. "You are now the original Kurama..."

"Indeed." Kurama replied with his usual sinister glare. "I have acquired the experience and memories of my two other halves from their memories with you and the Yondaime. And I can say that the two of us could get along pretty well... Uzumaki Naruto."

"I see." Naruto replied sadly. "What happened to the two of them now?"

"They are within me. Or technically, they are me, and I am them. So I am still Kurama, and treat me as how you always do". The Ten-Tailed Fox replied.

Naruto grins towards Kurama. "You are now several times larger than the Yang Kurama that is first sealed within me. And your power... I can feel that you are also exponentially stronger than the Juubi that was created by Obito."

"Of course I am. That Juubi doesn't even possess the full power of the original Juubi from the time of the Rikudo-old man." Kurama retorted. "Remember that only a part of Hachibi and my strong chakra is included in that Juubi. And my two other half have already acquired a greater power than that Juubi after equally distributing and absorbing the chakras from other Bijuus within them. And that two other me combined themselves to become this version of me, or the original Kurama. Thus, my power is not just a mere combination of my two other half. It is an exponential addition, technically increases the supposed to be total amount of their combined power by several folds." Kurama explained.

"I don't get it. I am not good at Math." Naruto smiled. "But I am glad you are alright, Kurama."

"Good thing you were able to hold your ground against Madara." Kurama praises his Jinchuurikis achievements. "Now, with my new powers as the original me, you will also gain new level of power that you can use to defeat that Uchiha bastard. You can feel it too right?"

Naruto quickly assessed his physical self, and sure though, his very own chakra reserves and physical attributes has grown exponentially once again. His already Hashirama level chakra reserves soars into new heights… above anything than he could even fathom. He could also feel that his muscles contracts, though they are still their same lean appearance, he felt like his physical attributes like his strength, speed, stamina, and other physical capabilities have grown exponentially as well.

"So these are the effects of having Bijuu Cells..." Naruto muttered in surprise.

"So you are now getting accustomed to the Bijuu Cells..." Kurama said with a smirk. "Your base physical strength can now rival or even surpass the physical capabilities of your Sage Mode or even that of the Tsunade-old hag or that Sakura-girl. And as for your chakra, it has grown into the level as that of Uchiha Obito during the time when he is the Juubi Jinchuuriki. That is the level of your OWN chakra, without tapping into your Sage Mode or Jinchuuriki transformation power boost."

"Wow." Naruto said as he clenches his fists while looking at it. "Isn't that, a bit too overpowered?" He said in wary.

"Frankly saying, you are now very over-powered!" Kurama roared in an annoyed tone. "But you need to become over-powered because you have something to do, you have comrades that you need to protect, and you need to see the end of the path that Jiraiya, Minato and you have been aiming for. Everything is on your shoulders now. And you need all the power that you can get to carry those things that you believed in for this fight!"

"Yeah. Thank you... Kurama..." Naruto shut his eyes to return to the outside world.

-Mindscape Discussion End-

Madara, on the other hand, felt something that for the first time since he is childhood days that greatly surprised him. Uzumaki Naruto is already out of his calculations, but it is fine since he has been able to test the limits of his 'perfect self'. But now, he can feel another surge of power within the blonde as the young Shinobi's body glowed and being enveloped by a very thick chakra shroud. Uzumaki Naruto is still gaining a new level of power once again, and this is already way out of his plans. This is something that he can no longer accept. It is impossible for this kid to become much stronger than him. His hands started to shake after sensing a large pool of chakra increase from the blonde Jinchuuriki.

"This is impossible..." Madara muttered, surprise indicated on his face. "Where... how can he possibly acquire such level power?!"

Naruto, still on his Full Bijuu Sage Mode v2, started to be enveloped by very thick condensed chakra. Naruto stretched his right hand forward, and then a Shakujo -a Buddhist ringed staff- created from Onmyoton materialized, and 10 Godou Dama also appeared behind him just like what Madara and Obito have. His chakra trench coat also got longer with very visible changes in appearance and his chakra shrouds got even darker than it already is during its v2 color. His Kurama Chakra Avatar also starts to disappear as it is being absorbed within Naruto to further increase the density of his chakra. Then a bright light envelopes the battlefield, which makes Madara and the Alliance forcefully covered their eyes.

After a few seconds, the light resides and there stood Naruto on top of a tall rock. He is still clad with dark red Kurama's chakra v2 but much darker and denser chakra trench coat and now with Shakujo on his right hand, and 10 Godou Dama behind him (imagine Madara's appearance after absorbing the Juubi during Chapter 663, but Naruto is still clad with dark golden chakra colored trench coat with Jinchuuriki Mode v2 style color and his hair is still blonde). He is still in Sage Mode, so he still has toad eyes and dark red outline on his eyes, which is now glaring towards Madara.

"This is your current strongest Jinchuuriki transformation, the combination of Senjutsu, my chakra and your very own chakra. This is Rikudo Sennin Mode." Kurama whispered through Naruto's mindscape.

"I got it. With our power, we will defeat Madara once and for all." Naruto swung his Shakujo staff lightly, creating one massive, pressurized air slash that carved destruction towards the surprised Madara who is still on his Perfect Susanoo. Madara decided to counter it with his 4 Godou Dama-enhanced Susanoo swords from each four limbs, creating four pressurized air slashes. The slashes collided, and much to Madara's surprise, Naruto's air slash neutralized Madara's attack and still haven't lost any of its momentum as it continues its trek towards the Uchiha and his Perfect Susanoo.

"Impossible! A single casual swing that is far more powerful than the combined attacks of my Susanoo limbs!?" Madara leaped out of harm's way as the pressurized air slash cleaves Perfect Susanoo clean in half vertically. But the slash still cleaved through the entire mountain range, slicing and flattening several mountains even after slicing Susanoo.

Madara followed the track of destruction created by Naruto's attack. It created a 40-meter wide trench with seemingly bottomless depth. To create such level of destruction simply indicated that Naruto have clearly surpassed Madara in every possible way... And this is just the tip of what he can actually do!

The Alliance saw this and is now watching in surprise, amazement and fear. This is the new found power of Uzumaki Naruto... he now wields a very potent power capable of reshaping the world on his own...

Naruto is also gaping his own mouth after seeing how a casual swing of his Shakujo created such devastation. "This is a bit too much..."

"Because you haven't learned to control that power yet." Kurama explained. "That's why end this war right now and after a plentiful rest, you will need to train so you can get used on that power under my guidance, or you might destroy the world that you want to protect on your own."

Naruto gulped. The original Kurama states that he will train him... And he already understood that this will not be your any ordinary training regime...

"Alright. Let's do this -dattebayo!"

Naruto disappeared in a blur and reappeared right in front of Madara and attacked the wicked Uchiha with a single punch. Madara quickly blocked it by crossing his arms in front of his face, but the punch proved to be too powerful as he is sent skidding several kilometers with both of his arms broken from the impact of the punch. Madara winced in pain as he quickly used Hashirama's ability to regenerate. Naruto then grabs one of his Godou Dama and sharply threw it towards Madara's location. Madara equipped himself with Susanoo ribcage and fired Yasaka Magatama towards the chakra sphere but the attacks were simply deflected like nothing, exploding in random directions.

Naruto's Godou Dama detonated before it reached Madara's location, creating a powerful explosion that shook the very earth. The explosion creates a very large chakra sphere that could rival even that of the conical-shaped Bijuu Dama's power created by Obito's Juubi. As the chakra dome subsided, the Godou Dama returned to Naruto while Madara emerged out of the crater of the explosion, grotesquely injured during the attack. He lost his right arm, his left leg, and his entire body is bathed with his own blood and skins are peeled and burned. If not because of the Shinju's power and Hashirama's Senjutsu, Madara would have been incinerated and disintegrated in that previous attack.

Madara quickly activated his Perfect Susanoo, and using its limbs, leaped towards one of the dead Zetsus body, cuts its right arm and left leg and attached it to his own to replace the disintegrated ones while using Hashirama's healing power to regenerate from his burns and other physical damage. But deep within himself, Madara is still in a state of surprise after seeing Naruto's growth right before his very eyes. Even if he has the power of the Shinju, Naruto continued to outmatch him and continues to grow stronger and stronger just to protect this accursed Shinobi World.

His musings are halted by another incoming attack from Naruto that forced Madara into defense once again. Madara used several jutsus to counter each Naruto's attack, but Naruto were able to counterattack with his unpredictable pattern and styles with his new found powers, sending Madara into a corner. At this very moment, Madara knew that it is all over for him.

Naruto reshaped his shakujo staff as an Onmyoton Sword equipped with Senjutsu, Kurama's and his own chakra and pierced it towards Madara's chest with his right hand. After successfully impaling Madara, Naruto used Rasengan from his left hand to send Madara skidding to the ground once again while being enveloped by the chakra sphere created by the Rasengan. The damage created by the sword and the Rasengan didn't produce fatal wound to Madara, but the after effect will become the decisive point of the battle.

Naruto actually aimed for the same final attack that he and Sasuke used against Obito using the very same Senjutsu, Kurama and his very own chakra to release the Bijuus from being sealed within the Mazou. But this time, the Shinju's chakra is channeled out of Madara's body while skidding away due to the Rasengan attack (the same method on how Naruto acquire the Kyuubi's power on the Falls of Truth, but that time, Naruto uses Rasenshuriken and he is being assisted by his mother Kushina).

Kurama and Naruto were able to successfully yank out the Shinju's chakra out of Madara's body. The Holy Tree's chakra is now created as an extremely gigantic chakra sphere of immeasurable power, floating a few hundred meters above the ground. Both of them could feel the power being emitted by the Shinju's chakra sphere, enough for both of them to realize that Madara didn't actually acquire the full powers of the Shinju. However…

"You did great kid!" The Ten-Tailed Fox roared.

"Thanks… But... what should we do about this Shinju's chakra pouring out of Madara's body?" Naruto asked the critical question towards Kurama. "If we leave it like this, Madara will just reabsorb this!"

"I already know that brat!" Kurama replied. "Remember how you channel out the entire Bijuus chakra out of Obito? You'll just need to do the same. But this time, my chakra will be the medium for you to pull out the entire chakra of the Shinju out of that Madara bastard!"

"And then... what should we do to the Shinju's chakra after pulling it out of Madara?"

"Isn't it obvious? Just like on what my two other half did earlier to the Bijuus chakra, I will also absorb the power of the Shinju within my own body! So literally, I will seal the Shinju's chakra within me, making me the Shinju's Jinchuuriki!" The Juubi Fox shouted.

"Wait a minute! Do you think I can handle that much chakra?"

"You can! You're an Uzumaki and you also have the Bijuu Cells that will be enough to handle the strain that the Shinju's chakra will give you while I absorb its chakra! And besides, if we didn't do anything about that chakra, what do you think will happen if that power falls into the wrong hands once again?!"

Naruto's arguments died down. Shinobis always seek power, and these power leads to war, and the cycle of hatred will never end. If containing this power will be the final task that he needs to do as the Child of Prophecy, then he needs to accept this...

"Let's do this Kurama." Naruto said seriously as he stretched his right hand and enveloped it with his own and Kurama's chakra cloak. He molded the chakra as Kurama's head and using the mouth of the chakra shroud, Naruto absorbed the Shinju's chakra and directed it towards his seal while Kurama pulled the Shinju's chakra out of the seal and absorbed it within his body.

"So... pain...ful..." Naruto said as he continues to absorb the Shinju's chakra. "My... body... is...going...numb... Why does... it pain like hell... with the Shinju... but not with... the other Bijuus chakras?"

"You are absorbing the Shinju's chakra without the Gedou Mazou after all." Kurama explained. "And besides, you are in good terms with the Bijuus, and they even gave you a portion of their chakra when you battled them, remember? I know it pains a lot, but just endure it for now, Naruto..." Kurama said while being enveloped by the Shinju's chakra within Naruto's mindscape and absorbing it as fast as possible.

Madara landed on the ground with his back and quickly look towards Naruto who is groaning in pain while absorbing the Shinju's chakra.

"Absorbing the Shinju's chakra without the Gedou Mazou and Rinnegan is suicidal..." Madara said, but he has almost reached the limit of his body. He became a Jinchuuriki of the Shinju after all, and he already knew that extracting the Shinju within him will automatically lead to his death. But due to the Gedou Mazou and Hashirama's chakra within him, he was able to revitalize the stress of the Shinju's chakra being forcefully ripped out of his body, but he is no longer on a perfect condition due to fatigue.

"GGRRAAAHHHH!" Naruto kneels to the ground in pain, but he still continued to absorb the Shinju's chakra. His skin becomes burnt, bloods starts to leak out of his body, and even his eyes starts to shed tears of blood. He returned to his normal, base self, devoid of any traces of Jinchuuriki transformation and Senjutsu. However, the Emperor Ring started to disappear after the stalemate between the two opposing Shinobis has been broken. With that as a sign, the entire Shinobi Alliance started running towards their hero, with Konoha 11, Gokages, and Edo-Hokages on the lead.

After a few minutes, the Shinju's chakra completely disappeared out of thin air as the every last bit of its chakra has been absorbed by Ten-Tailed Kurama using Naruto as a medium. Naruto, on the other hand, loses any strength to remain standing as he let himself fall to the ground. The damage within his body is now being healed by Kurama in a much faster pace. But Naruto's body is still unable to move due to fatigue of fighting for two straight days and absorbing large amounts of chakra that is foreign for his chakra circulatory system.

Naruto is quickly aided by Tsunade and Sakura with Hinata watching behind them. Konoha 11 is right behind the medics, watching how Naruto is being treated by medics in worry to their batchmate. The Shinobi Alliance is also waiting in anticipation for what might happen for their hero... But one thing is for sure... The curtain of the 4th Shinobi World War has finally been drawn to a close.

The Kages on the other hand headed towards Madara who is also still regenerating himself. He is standing weakly but still cannot be taken for granted as the Kages prepared to finish what Naruto has started. However, before they could do anything, Madara released a very ominous chakra that threatened the Alliance once again.

"For me to be defeated by a mere kid..." Madara glared with his Rinnegan glowing.

"What are you planning to do Madara?! It's all over! Stop this madness!" Hashirama said towards his former friend.

"You don't know anything about me Hashirama... because this is everything for me... And even if I fail, I will make sure that none among this blasted Alliance can grasp that dream of peace that you always want to reach for!" Madara said as he activated the Asura Path's power of his Rinnegan.

"Madara... is building up chakra!" Tobirama shouted after sensing what Madara is about to do. This surprised the entire Alliance, and even Naruto who nowhere near halfway recovered on his injuries started to get up. He started walking towards Madara even if he is struggling to walk on his own. Naruto stumbled but caught by Hinata, as she shifted Naruto's arms behind her neck.

"Thank you, Hinata..." Naruto smiled weakly.

"You know that I will do anything for you, Naruto-kun." Hinata returned the smile as the two continued to walk towards Madara's direction.

Madara's body then started to gain red cracks as his chakra surges higher and higher while everyone wondered what Madara is up to.

"This is bad!" Kurama shouted from Naruto's mindscape.

"What do you mean Kurama?" Naruto replied.

"That Madara intends to blow this entire place and kill all the Shinobi!" Kurama roared that greatly surprised Naruto. "Tell those Shinobi retards to get away from here right now!"

"Damn it!" Naruto said. "Everyone! Madara intends to do a suicidal jutsu and blow every one of us along with him! Get away from here as far and as fast as possible!"

The entire Alliance including the Kages, is in shock after hearing those words. Shinobis started to run away from their current location in fear of the worst case scenario. While the Kages performed several jutsus to attack Madara but is easily fend off by the wicked Uchiha. Even on his weakened state, with Rinnegan, Mokuton, Senjutsu, Uchiha and Senju powers, the Kages still cannot land a decisive attack against him. They immediately understood that Naruto is the only one capable of fighting this Uchiha. And this also makes them realize that Naruto has far surpassed them with all their powers combined since he was able to defeat this Uchiha equipped with Shinju's power on top of his already powerful status.

Konoha 11 reluctantly ran away, with exception of Sasuke, Sakura, Shikamaru, and Hinata with the Hyuuga heiress still beside Naruto,

"You're going with us." Sasuke said as he started to create his Susanoo ribcage and skeletal limbs to grab and transport Naruto along with his remaining batch mates away from the location.

"I can't..." Naruto replied. "If I don't stop Madara here, all of you will definitely get caught with his suicidal jutsu. And I am the only one capable of stopping him..." He said as he let go of Hinata's shoulder and walk towards the battling Kages and Madara.

"Just look at you! You cannot even walk properly! It's alright now! You have done everything that you could!" Sakura yelled towards Naruto with concern.

"Please don't over-exert yourself, Naruto-kun..." Hinata said as she is about to cry.

"What a drag..." Shikamaru snorted. "We will not allow you to go and fight anymore! So you will need to get pass through us first!" Shikamaru said while using his Kagemane no Jutsu on Naruto's shadow, immobilizing the blonde.

Naruto gritted his teeth. Eventhough he is not on his Jinchuuriki modes, he can now passively use Kurama's Empathic tracking since they have now perfectly molded their chakra. And with this ability, Naruto can sense that the chakra that Madara has been building up is for the power of the Asura Path, transforming Madara into a human suicide bomb that will disintegrate everything within several kilometers. So even if they try to escape right now, they will still get caught with the explosion. And seeing the current turn of events, with him severely weakened after absorbing the Shinju's chakra, and also the toll of fighting all out for two days, even if he can do something about it, he can no longer be able to do so in his current state.

"Damn it! Why now?!" Naruto gritted his teeth.

"Do you have any regrets?" Kurama spoke once again to his host through his mindscape. The Juubi Fox is still in the process of absorbing the Shinju's chakra within his chakra body.

"Why asking that question all of a sudden?" Naruto replied seriously.

"Do you really want to save all these Shinobis no matter what the cost?" Kurama spoke again in a very serious tone, ignoring his host's question.

"Don't ask the obvious." Naruto replied. "We have made it this far. And no matter what it takes, I will protect everyone and reach the realization of Jiraiya-sensei's dreams! No! Everyone's dreams! That's why I am willing to do everything to protect everyone!"

"You really are just like the Rikudo-old man." Kurama replied in a satisfied tone. "There is a way to stop that Madara and save everyone before it is too late... There is a certain Kinjutsu that I have learned from your mother through eavesdropping while I am still sealed within her. And I know that it is the only jutsu that can stop what Madara intends to do and end this war..."

"That's great Kurama..." Naruto replied weakly.

"... but this jutsu will not be classified as a Kinjutsu without a reason. Are you still willing to do this?"

"Yeah." Naruto closes his eyes to enter his mindscape.

After a few seconds, Naruto opened his eyes and displayed a very resolute expression. He channeled a very potent chakra on his body that is enough to cut the bind from Shikamaru's jutsu, as he tried to walk, then slowly changed his pace into running in Shinobi style ignoring all the injuries that he has.

"Dobe!" Sasuke shouted as he is about to follow Naruto but the blonde created Kage Bunshins to stop him, Shikamaru, Sakura and Hinata from following.

On the other hand, the Kages sensed Naruto running towards them in an unbelievable speed. The Kages are actually prepared to die fighting against Madara to finish what Naruto has started and protect all the Shinobis. But they know that despite their abilities, they don't have enough power to defeat Madara and stop his plan of obliterating the Shinobis. That's why they don't know if they should be happy or angry after seeing Naruto, the light of the next generation, dashing towards them as the boy prepares to fight Madara once again.

"What are you doing here, Naruto?" Tsunade shouted in worry.

"Get back! We'll handle this! It is the Kage's responsibility to protect everyone from the shadow! That's what the title Kage stands for!" Oonoki said fiercely.

Naruto didn't respond as he is now halfway near Madara.

"You can't take it, can you, Uzumaki?" Madara smirked evilly. "You can't take that everything that you have done for will simply disappear just because of one massive explosion... You really are just like Hashirama..."

"Uzumaki Naruto!" Hashirama shouted. "Leave the shadow of the past to us! We'll take care of everything from here! Please turn back and become the one who protects the future of our world!"

"Kage-tachi" Naruto said. "You guys should be the ones to protect everyone. I will be the one to take out Madara." As he started to perform complex hand seals directed by Kurama.

"What are you intending to do, Naruto-kun?" Mei Terumi said.

"Those hand seals..." Minato said in surprise and horror. "...how did you know that jutsu?"

"What is that jutsu, Fourth?" Tobirama asked.

"A Kinjutsu that only someone from Uzumaki Clan can use... The Ketsueki Fuin!" Minato replied. "It is a very powerful Fuinjutsu that can disintegrate the existence of any target, and forbids the targets existence for the rest of eternity."

"I see. But it will not be called as a Kinjutsu without a cost, isn't it?" The Raikage asks the most important question.

"The cost will be... the user's existence in this world as well..." Minato said in a grieving tone. "The caster will not die… he will be sent in a rift between dimensions where he will exist until the end of time… the dimension rift…imprisoned there for all eternity."

"What?" Hiruzen said in surprise. "Then why don't we do it? We are only bunch of walking corpse after all!"

Minato threw his Hiraishin kunai towards Naruto's path. "Only an Uzumaki can perform that Fuinjutsu. Among all of us here, my son is the only person capable of doing so..." Minato flashed on the kunai he just threw and reappeared right in front of Naruto, halting his advance. He is followed by Tobirama using his own Hiraishin mark imprinted on Minato, while Hashirama and Hiruzen used Shunshin. The four former Hokages are now standing in front of Naruto, intending to stop him from using the Kinjutsu.

"Godaime Hokage," Gaara called Tsunade's attention. "You are also needed there, as a Hokage."

Tsunade nodded, "Thank you, Kazekage" As Tsunade leaped towards the former Hokages.

Madara watched the scene and he simply didn't care at all. He has actually no idea what kind of jutsu that Naruto will perform after all. But with the blonde Shinobi's current condition, he believed that Naruto can barely do a thing against him. All that he needs is to use the power of his Asura Path do annihilate all the Shinobi within his range with his life, and even with the Shinju's chakra, Naruto will also definitely got caught and die with them due to his current condition.

Gaara, Mei, Raikage A and Oonoki stood in the front lines to buy some time against Madara, while the Hokages confront Naruto.

Naruto have finished the required hand seals except for the last hand seal required to activate the Ketsueki Fuin. "I am sorry, Hokage-tachi, Tou-san, but I am the only one who can do this. I need to stop Madara right here…" And then spoke through Ino's Shintenshin no Jutsu so the entire Alliance can hear him.

"Everyone! Thank you for everything! Thank you for fighting alongside one another... For fighting not only for your own respective villages, but also for protecting our future... For the very first time, the five Villages stood with the same point of view... to seek and grab a hold of peace and to end this endless cycle of hate within our Shinobi System, even if it will cost my life. And I hope that this will be the start of a new era in our world..."

"What are you talking about Naruto!" Minato yelled towards his beloved son, tears flowing from both his eyes.

"Thank you for everything Dad. We may not have the time for each other, but this little time spending with you makes me feel very thankful that you were my old man. Same goes for Mom. Both of you are the best!" Naruto spoke still with his back facing them. Minato fell on his knees after hearing the words from his son. The Ketsueki Fuin is already casted, and with the remaining single hand seal required for the jutsu, it will activate and perform the Kinjutsu.

"Uzumaki Naruto! I don't know what you are planning but don't go dying in front of us!" Tobirama Senju shouted, as he started performing hand seals in an attempt to stop the already casted jutsu created by Naruto.

"Let us do what you are about to do! We are dead after all! This world needs you!" Hashirama Senju shouted as well as he entered Sage Mode to 'substitute' with Naruto's place.

"Don't shoulder everything on your own! You have already experienced enough share of pain in your life with me doing nothing! Don't expect me to stand here as you prepare to set your life aside Naruto!" Hiruzen Sarutobi also started perform complex hand seals.

"Naruto!" Tsunade shouted as she has just arrived to join the Edo-Hokages. "Stop it! You are about to become a Hokage! You're my successor! You're... you're..."

"Baa-chan..." Naruto replied. "At this very moment, we already know that it is impossible... But thank you... for always believing in me... we may not be blood related... but you will always be my one and only Baa-chan..." Tsunade cried in heavy tears after hearing those very words from her surrogate son.

Naruto looked towards Gaara, Onoki, A, and Mei, the respective Kages of each village other than Konoha who are currently fighting Madara to give them some time. "Gaara...Tsuchikage-jiji...Raikage...Mizukage-san... Please stand side by side alongside Baa-chan. Time to unite the scattered villages into one peaceful country..."

Gaara nodded to his Jinchuuriki 'brother' with tears rolling down his cheeks, Onoki nodded with eyes brimming with responsibility, Raikage A gritted his teeth and clenched his fist, while the Mei Terumi looked towards him with full or respect.

"Naruto-kun!" Hinata yelled with all her might. "Don't do this! Please! I... I can't live without you! Don't leave me!" The Hyuuga heiress fell into her knees while cupping her face.

"Naruto! I haven't beaten you yet! Bring your ass back here and don't run away from me like a coward!" Kiba roared towards Naruto, as the Konoha 11 also came back running to the scene.

"Naruto..." Shino cannot say anything. He is overwhelmed by his emotions that words are not coming out of his mouth.

"Hinata..." Naruto remembers how the girl saved him against his battle against Pain, along with the confession of her feelings. "...I am sorry for being blind for your feelings. If I have not became this oblivious... I guess something might have worked out for us...But I really do thank you for loving me even in a distance, Hinata..."

"Kiba, Shino... please protect Hinata. Protect her even if both of you might die." Naruto grinned towards his two batch mates.

"Naruto!" Ino yelled while crying.

"I know you are always overdoing things, but this is on an entirely different level of stupidity Naruto! Stop it right now!" Shikamaru shouted to his friend.

"Don't be stupid Naruto!" Chouji said while looking down to the ground.

"Shikamaru, Ino, Chouji..." Naruto smiled towards them... "Be a proper successor to the Ino-Shika-Chou and continue to protect not only Konoha, but everyone else needed. Make your parents proud…"

"Come back here you idiot!" Sakura shouted while crying. "Konoha needs you! The Shinobi World needs you! I… I need you!"

"Sakura-chan... I know you love Sasuke more than anyone else... He has already returned... I wish you happiness... with teme~"

"Dobe! Naruto!" Sasuke just stood there, experiencing a déjà vu feeling after the disappearance of his brother from his Edo Tensei body.

"Sasuke... If everything goes well after this, become a Hokage, and preserve the peace that we have always tried so hard to reach for. Make sure that the next generation will not experience the same pain that both of us has been through…"

The Hokages, Gokage, Konoha 11, and the entire Alliance made way after seeing how firm the blonde's resolution is even if they don't want to. This is the Child of Prophecy, the one mentioned by the sages that will bring forth a revolution to the Shinobi World's system of hatred. The Jinchuuriki shunned during his childhood, but continues to chase his dreams and goals without holding back. He continues to move forward and before the world knew it, he became a very necessary existence for everyone of them. And it is this very same existence that he will need to sacrifice for everyone to achieve the dreams that every Shinobi has always dreamt of.

"I have lived a wonderful life with you guys..." Naruto mustered. "...however... my only regret is that I didn't reach my dream to become a Hokage..." Naruto just joked to lighten up the situation.

However, the five Hokages looked at each other, and then nodded to each other. The Hokages stood firm in front of the blonde, then...

"With the power bestowed upon us as the Hokages of Konoha, I, Tsunade Senju, am humbly stepping down as Hokage and awarding the title Rokudaime Hokage to the Hero of Konoha and the Legend of the Shinobi World! Uzumaki Naruto!"

Naruto gave a very blank surprised reaction... 'You gotta be kidding me.'

Hashirama, Tobirama, Hiruzen, Minato and Tsunade looked towards him with acknowledging sad smiles on their faces.

"You have definitely surpassed every one of us." Hashirama said with a sorry smile. Tobirama gave a sad smile along with Hiruzen while Minato still have tears flowing down his face.

Echoes of cheers quickly enveloped the previous battlefield right after the declaration of the next Hokage. No one disputed the declaration. Every Shinobi present in the battlefield believed that this is very well deserved.

Naruto looked down towards the ground. After a few seconds, droplets of water fall down from his cheeks. They are tears, streaming down from Naruto's eyes. His shoulders are hiccupping. He can no longer hold his emotions back anymore.

He has reached his lifelong goal... Being the Hokage of the Konohagakure no Sato… The dream that he continued to chase no matter how hard it may possibly be… The dream that he cannot given up upon… And now, he is currently living the dream that he have always been striving hard for...

"Thank you... everyone... I don't know what to say anymore..." Naruto is now even more prepared to this after actually becoming a Hokage…

Naruto finished the final hand sign required for Ketsueki Fuin, and then charged directly towards Madara. Madara on the other hand is now being enveloped with ominous chakra, indicating that he is about to perform his suicidal attack. Naruto on the other hand, is also enveloped with bluish white chakra. Madara is willing to die to destroy the future. Naruto on the other hand is willing to sacrifice his existence to protect the future. The strongest Shinobi from the past clashed with the Shinobi of hope for the future for one last time.

The Alliance is no longer running away anymore. They believe in what their savior can do for them… They will not shame this hero who is willing to sacrifice everything just to protect them. No matter what the results may be, they will stand firm and continue to believe on him… watching his retreating back from afar…

Madara activated his Asura Path's suicidal bomb jutsu while Naruto on the last split second casts his jutsu against Madara.



The battlefield where the historic 4th Shinobi World War's climax took place has been covered by a bright white light... Madara used his entire remaining chakra to blow the place into kingdom come at the cost of his life while Naruto continued to seal Madara's chakra while the Uchiha's body started to disintegrate.

"What are you trying to pull, Uzumaki Naruto!?" Madara yelled with voice filled with anger and rage after seeing how Naruto's Fuinjutsu neutralized his suicidal jutsu while disintegrating his body.

"A special sealing technique... This will disintegrate the existence of its target, along with anything that has direct connection with it, forbidding its existence once and for all!" Naruto yelled while holding down Madara.

"What the!?"

"You're the shadow of the past Madara! The embodiment of destruction and hatred! That's why I will disintegrate your existence on this World so no matter what happens, no one can resurrect you and will never exist again!"

"Damn you!" Madara just yelled in anger, but he knew that he can no longer do anything as the seal bind his entire body while continuously disintegrating him along with his chakra. He always thought that even if he fails this time, once the world is plunged into war once again, someone will once again revive him to continue what he have always started… what he always wanted…

The Alliance saw how Madara's physical body started to disintegrate, along with a painful cry of the man who led the Shinobi World to chaos. Everyone saw how Madara cried in pain while each of his cells disintegrated to nothingness. Along with his disintegration, his Rinnegan eyes also shattered, along with Hashirama's cells implanted on his body.

"This is all over! Madara!" Naruto shouted with all his strength.

"IMPOSSIBLEEEE! UZUMAKI NARUTO!" Madara gave his final howl filled with anger as the last of Madara's existence vanished within the bright light….

At last… the shadow has been defeated… the war is now finally over…

The entire Alliance then ran towards Naruto's current location. The new Hokage however, is standing peacefully with his eyes staring towards the sky with his back facing them. The sun started to peek from the horizon after a long night of battle. The rays of the sun shone towards his face despite having some dark clouds on the atmosphere as his hair is being blown by a mild wind.

In that instance, Naruto's body started to glow. Little by little, the blonde knucklehead's body slowly became translucent. His physical body is slowly disappearing. The Gokage, the resurrected Hokages, and the remaining members of Konoha 11 ran towards the disappearing blonde.

"I guess this is it..." Naruto gives off a sad smile towards the approaching Shinobis.

"What's happening to you, Naruto!?" Sasuke yelled while running towards Naruto.

"This is the cost of the Ketsueki Fuin. Equivalent exchange. Disintegrating ones existence at the cost of my own." Naruto replied sadly.

"Disintegration of existence?" Hashirama muttered. "Do you mean you will not die..."

"I don't know. Kurama just said that my existence is the cost of that Fuinjutsu."

"That's the gist. Your physical existence will disappear from this world, and you will wander within a dimension rift for eternity." Tobirama sadly mentioned.

Everyone who heard Tobirama's words was shocked upon the predicament of the Ten-Tailed Fox's Jinchuuriki. They all knew that there were some Kinjutsus that costs the caster's life. However, for a cost to continue wandering in a dimension rift forever, devoid of anything, is much more painful than dying.

"Naruto... How... can I face your mother in the afterlife after all of this? Parents should be the one to protect their child, but..." Minato spoke while crying.

"Dad, if you are not here, I will not be able to do all of this. I know Mom will be so glad for everything that you have done to me..." Naruto replied with reassuring smile.

"Naruto-kun!" Hinata tackled the disappearing Shinobi into a hug but just slipped through the now almost completely translucent body of the Shinobi. She quickly looked back, and he saw Naruto giving his foxy grin, hiding the sadness within his heart.

"I can't accept this... Naruto-kun... I want to be with you..."

"Hinata... Promise me that you will move on after I disappear..."

"I cannot... I cannot just forget you!"

"I am not asking you to forget me. Just keep moving forward and live a happy life for my share... Just promise me that..."

"It's... its unfair..." Hinata is now sobbing. "I always have a wishful thinking that I can be able to be with you after everything is over. But..."

"But some things may not really meant to be..." Naruto looked up towards the sky.

"I promise... I will become strong... and I will continue to live on..." Hinata said while still sobbing. Hiashi Hyuuga then went to her side as a shoulder to cry on for her daughter. "But I will never forget you... I love you... And I will always love you..."

"Thank you, Hinata..." Naruto gave her a sad and hoping smile. If only he didn't become oblivious...

"Dobe!" Sasuke stood in front of Naruto. The two just stare at one another. Then Sasuke offered his right hand, asking for a handshake. "Thank you for everything... Brother..."

Naruto gave a wide grin to his 'brother' and also offers his now intangible and translucent right hand. Even though they can no longer touch each other, the two Shinobi 'shakes' their hand as sign of gratitude and acceptance.

Naruto's existence continued to disappear. There were many sobs here and there. They have obtained the victory in this war, but the cost for this victory is too high.

"I will lift the curse... If any kind of peace exists, I'll grab a hold of it and will never let it go..." Naruto muttered the very same words that his fellow pupil Nagato said that inspired Jiraiya to write the novel that changes the world as his existence fades. "Everyone, get a grab of the peace that we may acquire after this war and never let it go..." He said as his existence completely disappeared like one majestic illusion in front of the alliance…

The battlefield is then filled by dark clouds that even block the rising sun. Then the rain started to pour down on the battlefield. Even the sky is now filled with sorrow from the disappearance of a great hero... the greatest Hokage of Konoha… the bridge of hope of the entire Shinobi World… Uzumaki Naruto…

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