
The Onyx Dragon

"Nice to meet you, Solomon," Calluna greeted, her voice expressing the apprehension she felt. "So what happened to the two of you?"

"Lizard brain over there attacked me as soon as we found him. I tried to explain that we were there to fetch him, but there's no getting through that thick skull," Vincenzo explained bitterly.

Solomon's crimson eyes burned with anger. "Insult me again and I will disembowel you while your friends watch."

"Tough talk for someone with such tiny claws." Vincenzo retorted, turning his head away.

The black-haired man stomped toward Vincenzo, "I will f-"

Calluna heaved an irritated sigh and pinched the bridge of her nose before interrupting the two of them. "Both of you shut up before I solder your mouths shut. I don't have time for this."

"Solder? What the hell is that?" Solomon asked with a frustrated frown.

"Luna, I'm hungry." Scarlet had remained silent during the entire interaction until that moment. "Do you have something for us to eat?"

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