
Our meeting

On that gracious day, I went to visit my friend and I saw her. The feeling was so deep that I cannot take off my mind off her. I was so consumed by her thought that I was barely concentrating to my friend Cole. Through out my stay with him what I really came did not matter again that I began to make enquiries about her. But from what my friend Cole told me her was so satisfying that I wanted to kick off something that will last for a lifetime. But Cole advised me to take things easy and not be in rush about it, of which accepted and continued with what I came for. Concluding with friend Cole, I left for the day's activities. But something happened to me that everyone noticed about me during our basketball game, that I was not in best like I used to be, loosing concentration through out the game, that I opted for a change so that I can go home, relax, think and digest my encounter with Bekky the girl I met at Cole's house during the day.