
The antagonist

As i put a last touch to my make up.I view myself in the mirror feeling satisfied with myself.I am not that heroin type of girl actually I am more of the side character and I was always fine with it.People in my school called me evil antagonist and I really don't give a shit about it.They always pity me saying i had the looks but I am simply an evil bitch. They think if i am nice and kind to everyone then i will have been the perfect heroin but i am just another human being if i am angry I'll happily show to everyone my nasty temper. If anyone messed with me than I'll equally mess their life too rather than keeping quite and waiting for prince blah...blah.....It is the real world and if one don't stand up for themselves than they will die easily so yeah i am a nasty bitch.

As i heard a honk it drew me out of my thought and i realize my friend was already there.I quickly took my backpack and ran to the door and i hug her.Her name is Zhang meili and she is one of a kind If you ever mess with her while she is sleeping than she will rip you apart.And by the way my name is Xi Li na and closed ones called me lili.

"Meili why are you very early today"

"Really Lili don't you see the time we are already late for school" I gave her and apologetic look.We quickly drove to school and luckily reach in time.As usual meili and I ignored others and stayed in our own world and right in time we saw our school protagonist falling down or should i say faking it and today her prey was the handsome basketball captain.She was then help up by the so called prey and she was acting overly cute.I thought I'll pass by but i guess i will love to ruin her act.

"Yanran"I called her and she turn and gave me a stern look before responding.

"You see next time when you try to fake a fall please make it more tragic instead of falling so elegantly. A word of advice"

As i told her this she became totally red while the captain chuckled.I knew i had hit her at a crucial point.And as expected her acting started.

"What did i do wrong to you.Why are you so mean to me"she fight back with her tears while others started cursing me and pitying her.People get fooled so easily these days.

I was going to humiliate her more but was pulled away by meili.We entered the class and sat in my usual seat i.e. besides the window while meili seat was the furthest corner where she was at a blind spot from the teacher and camera.Soon every body entered and class was about to start but people was whispering about something and the class became noisy and hell i was annoyed by it.I was going to shout but everyone became quite when a certain someone entered the class."Li jie"

He was the mysterious prince of our school whom everyone admired except me and meili.He actually never comes to school so why was he here.He look around as if searching for a seat and as luck have it every seat was occupied except the one next to mine.If he sat near me i guess my anti fandom will grow and as expected he came and sat down next to me and i saw girls cursing and boys pitying him.Its not like i will kill their prince why are they so dramatic.The teacher came and said he will be busy so no class today and as soon as he went out people gathered around and started warning him to stay away from me

I guess people this days are blind.They don't seem to see me.I turn my head and gave them a nasty glare

"If you ever try to talk behind people then you all should check if you are actually behind them right" I told them this and soon they scattered away.While Li jie gave me an questioning look.

"What do you want to ask"

"So are you that evil girl they talked about "

"Yes I am ,you got a problem with it"

"For an evil girl you seem too good"

"Don't you know the saying don't judge a book by its cover"I smirked as i said this.

"Then i guess I am fascinated" he replied

"What fascinated you?" i asked while he kept quite until he replied

"I guess by a protagonist who thrive to become an antagonist"

And i was left speechless.