
Metting again

Before I got inside my car I opened the envelope.

To: Miss Sana Frost

From: Emma Kingston

I hope it would be a kind pleasure for you to work for my daughter, Olivia Kingston. She is going to marry a very wealthy family soon so I hope u can satisfy her needs.

My daughter recommended you because of your unique and creative choices of design in fashion. I hope u don't

disappointment her because she has a very bad temper.

Your salary will commence at $52706

Your working hours will be discussed face to face. At times you may be required to work during weekends.

Hope you join us.....


Emma Kingston

Work during weekends. Seriously, then when am I going to sleep.

Note the point, sleeping is my first priority.

The Kingston family is one of the most respected, well scratch that almost respected family in this city.

After Mr. Kingston's death, his wife took control over his companies. They never can be trusted unless you are on their good side.

I know Olivia. She is known for her looks. I haven't talked to her but I have watched her over a distance and from that I learned to keep my distance with her.

But they have recommended a huge amount plus this is a chance to get a new experience. I know this is like getting a ticket to hell but as a professional, I should overcome any obstacles.

So what could go wrong?


Soon I reached my destination.

They really had a big house, it was more like a dream house. The outer design looked luxurious and marvelous.

"Amazing isn't it"

"Oh, Mrs. Kingston. You really have a breathtaking house" I smiled politely at her.

"O dear, don't be so formal call me Emma" She smiled back politely at me.

Maybe she is not a bitch as everyone said.

"I wish this breathtaking house is mine but it is not. It belongs to my brother's son. Also going to be my son in law." She said it grinning, looking at the house.

Creepy old lady

"A maid will accompany you to Olivia. I have to give a piece of my mind to that dirty low-class worker." She pointed to an elderly butler.

"How dare he clean my car like that." She marched angrily towards him.

Ok, I take it back. She is a bitch.

As I walked inside I was amazed by the interior.

The floor was made of polished white marble. The House was brightly lighted up.

"Miss Sana, please follow me." I suppose she is the maid to escort me.

We walked inside a room which I guess is used as a study room.

As soon as I entered, the maid left and Olivia smiled at me.

The kind of smile which you give a friend who you haven't seen for a long time

"Sana I have been expecting your arrival. Why don't you have a seat." She was smiling pleasantly at me.

I was so confused. I walked and took a seat on the sofa.

"So, I see you have accepted my request."

I smiled back and answered "Yes it is a new experience and a good opportunity. I..."

"Sure, it is."She cut me off midsentence and started to speak so fast and by her action and voice, she was not interested in this conversation.

"You can start to work here tomorrow and sign these papers. You should be at the spot when I call you."

Does the Kingston family have multi-personality disorder? For a moment they are cheerful, the next moment they are grumpy.

"Okey," I said in a low voice

"Now if you excuse me. I have an important job to attend." With that, she left me alone in the room.

Some people!

I was busy reading the document and signing them when I heard the door open.

"Miss Olivia I would like to know about your taste in...."

As I turned I couldn't complete my sentence. He was standing in front of the door. A surprised look on his face which I assume would also be on mine.

For a moment it was like the whole world turned black and white.

Time has stopped just for us to have this moment. His features and looks didn't change that much. He looked like the same Lukas I knew.

After a minute his face was unanimated. "What are u doing here," He asked in a cold tone.

Seriously, not even a 'hi' or 'how are you'

"None of your concern" I answered him with a straight face.

"Oh sweetheart, meet my new personal shopper and designer" Olivia came dancing merrily into the room.

"Sana, meet my boyfriend Lukas Barron"

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